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  1. Illegal Participation, Illegal Touching, Nothing
  2. Fg attempt botched what happens next???
  3. IOWA FB Officials
  4. CNN Markbreit video
  5. NCAA: retain possession after blocked field goal that crosses neutral zone?
  6. Putting time back on the clock
  7. Intentional grounding with tipped pass
  8. Inadvertant whistle
  9. NCAA kickoff
  10. my new favorite
  11. KO - out-of-bounds rules
  12. Quiz/Questions to teach NFHS rules to HS Players?
  13. Hearing damage - using whistle
  14. Taping Cleats and wearing shoe covers.. Illegal or not?
  15. NCAA Illegal Formation on Scrimmage Kick
  16. Crazy play at the end of a DIII game, 14 backward passes
  17. Cal vs. Arizona St. - INADVERTENT SIGNAL??
  18. CAl/ASU Fumble and Review
  19. 3 Man Mechanics
  20. NCAA - Action after Replay
  21. Interception in the EZ
  22. Is hand chop required?
  23. Football's Oldest Trophy
  24. Official whistles
  25. double foul after COP
  26. What's the call.
  27. Question for the R's out there.
  28. Enforce or not???
  29. DPI guidelines
  30. BC vs VaTech
  31. Double Foul???
  32. I'm back with a snap question
  33. Find the illegal block! (video play)
  34. Offensive Pass Interference on 4th Down
  35. NF: Live ball NP or UC foul
  36. Illegal Forward Pass?
  37. Illegal Forward Pass from End Zone on Free Kick
  38. Lineman On Punt Formation
  39. Assignor Politics
  40. Captains and Officials
  41. Ineligible Down Field
  42. Michigan Test for Officials
  43. Dpi
  44. Sledgehammer During Warmups
  45. bag out, flag in (NF)
  46. Goalline coverage and communication
  47. Get Ready for New Pay Scales
  48. Illegal Kick NFL, NCAA and Fed
  49. Timing Rule
  50. Tinted eye shield
  51. Eligibility Lost by Going Out of Bounds (NCAA)
  52. Ready For Play to Snap Time Interval
  53. Illegal Participation
  54. Hair
  55. Whistle Colors
  56. legal or snap infraction??
  57. Is it basketball season already?????
  58. lineman downfield
  59. It all ends tomorrow...
  60. Clock status
  61. Big East on the UConn "Fair Catch"
  62. Intentional Grounding Blunder
  63. NCAA: Blood on jersey
  64. blocking bellow the waist
  65. starting on a yard line
  66. substitution (NF)
  67. Michigan / Illinois IW
  68. Aiding the Runner?
  69. Clock after penalty
  70. Louisville vs UCONN game
  71. What is with the Fair Catch "Signal" ?
  72. Florida State vs Wake Forest-What Happened?
  73. After the Time out!
  74. NFHS Reciever steps out.....
  75. Nfhs 10-4-6
  76. Foul by B
  77. Succeeding Spot Enforcement
  78. snap
  79. NF: Illegal Participation
  80. Fake FG/Try
  81. New Series
  82. Stranger in a Strange Land
  83. How about this??
  84. Illegal shiftt?
  85. Blocks/Hits away from the play
  86. Illegal Forward Pass After Change of Possession in End Zone
  87. Mull it over
  88. Offensive Linemen Numbering Requirements
  89. Was this the correct administration?
  90. scrimmage kick play
  91. Ig
  92. 25 second count....
  93. Blocked Fg Ncaa
  94. Valid Fair Catch Signal
  95. False start or motion?
  96. Offensive Pass Interference
  97. After the Ready
  98. help from LJ
  99. NCAA Rules Question
  100. Live Ball Treated As Dead Ball
  101. Game Hangover
  102. Penalty Enforcement
  103. Announcing Penalties
  104. 'Bama/Ole Miss final play
  105. LSU/KY "Illegal Formation"
  106. Some running for the WH
  107. Fair catch question
  108. rule 8-2-2
  109. "On The Field" and "To The Sideline"
  110. NAFOA POTD for Oct 12, 2007
  111. Moving Pile
  112. Slapping the FB before it is snapped
  113. NCAA Review Mechanics
  114. Flag Football
  115. Fsu/wf
  116. Punter's Protection Question
  117. Televised Game/Blatant Hype For Our Guys
  118. Distance Penalty Declined Enforcement Spot Question
  119. Fouls by A and B during the same DB Interval
  120. Illegal participation
  121. NCAA Conversion Rule - Help me out please?!?
  122. 6 Man Mechanics
  123. FED ruling please -- Onside kick..
  124. Legal or Illegal batting?
  125. NFL referee Ed Hochuli's pre-game
  126. blooking rules in shotgun
  127. Wingmen, get the heck out of bounds. Damn rookie mistake could really cost a team
  128. rookie questions???
  129. Fair Catch & Punt Return
  130. Goalpost and Out of Bounds
  131. Team Refuses to Play
  132. Change this damn rule!!!!
  133. Who creases their knickers?
  134. HS Message Boards and Refs
  135. Penalty Question
  136. Honigs Ultra Tech Shirt
  137. Thanks to this forum.......
  138. Spotting the Ball
  139. Aiding The Runner....Or Not
  140. Offside on a Kickoff-NCAA
  141. covered ends?
  142. OSU Purdue Incomplete Pass or Fumble
  143. NCAA PF Enforcement
  144. NCAA Timing
  145. Whistle in the Stands
  146. Center injury
  147. Illegal Shift - Need Clarification
  148. BAYFL differences from Fed?
  149. Unsportsmanlike Conduct Question
  150. "chop block"?
  151. Hmmm..........what do you think?
  152. Just the toes or the whole foot?
  153. S-L-O-W Whistles
  154. OPI on quick "screen"
  155. Clarify the Spot of Enforcement
  156. IW on pass play that is intercepted w/flag
  157. Foley vs. Daphne on ESPN2
  158. Crackback Block
  159. Is this still legal?
  160. rules on bicep bans in illinois
  161. Stupid question...
  162. legal play ? / snapper protection ?
  163. Southern Miss elected to "kick" during the coin toss
  164. Helmet comes off receiver...
  165. You don't want a compound fracture on your hands
  166. Foul on player who is OB
  167. Timing Question
  168. What Rule Governs this play in NCAA?
  169. Question Regarding End of Down
  170. Auburn/Florida Kick Catch Interference
  171. Hs Or Ncaa ?
  172. question
  173. Pass interference illegal arm bar
  174. Scrimmage kick
  175. Taunting
  176. Another IW
  177. Face mask-pass or no pass...
  178. Bama-FSU
  179. in or out of bounds
  180. Illegal Substitution or Nothing?
  181. Chipping
  182. Punt it Twice
  183. NFHS: defense slaps ball as it is being snapped
  184. Need Confirmation
  185. Flag fest
  186. Two Scenarios from Last Night
  187. Force- Scrimmage, Try and OT
  188. IW and flag.....
  189. Clock status
  190. AYF eligible receiver numbering
  191. NFHS "Low Block" on defense
  192. Advancing a fumble on 4th down.
  193. Powerpoint Field Diagrams
  194. NF Fair Catch
  195. Legal or Illegal Motion
  196. What Foul Is This?
  197. Opposing calls
  198. Inelligible Player?
  199. Kill the Punter
  200. Changing Jerseys
  201. Ineligible or Not?
  202. Team Box and Repainting
  203. Harris + NFL Instant Replay
  204. List of 2007 NFL Crews & Bios?
  205. NFHS: Unnumbered field
  206. After further review: NFL
  207. Questionable Call
  208. Kick-Catching Interference
  209. 7 Man mechanics and pre-game
  210. OPI on a try. LOD+yardage?
  211. Dead Ball Foul prior to Overtime
  212. substitution or deception?
  213. Hurdling
  214. Dallas vs Chicago SNF
  215. Lost Helmet Question
  216. 50 Yard Line Logo?
  217. Are you Excellent?
  218. Encroachment
  219. First Varsity Game, and I'm at U
  220. Officiating philosophy question
  221. Personal Foul Question
  222. Iowa-Wisconsin - IW
  223. LSU fake field goal
  224. NCAA Questions
  225. Trick play.
  226. Two firsts
  227. Inside the Numbers
  228. Can we run a play?
  229. Great lines from the coach
  230. punting game
  231. The call?
  232. Int. grounding from shotgun snap
  233. Don't mess with the band...
  234. Illegal runner? - Michigan Youth
  235. Humour
  236. Illegal equipment
  237. Rules B&W
  238. NCAA Clock status
  239. Enforcement spot illegal touching
  240. Illegal Motion vs False Start
  241. Assaulting an official
  242. Penalty Enforcement on Change of Poss.
  243. Holding (NCAA Rules)
  244. How would you handle this?
  245. Givin' 'im the bidness
  246. scrimmage kick?
  247. Moving the chains
  248. Roughing the Kicker
  249. Aloha and Mahalo
  250. Defensive Pass Interference

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