- Illegal Participation, Illegal Touching, Nothing
- Fg attempt botched what happens next???
- IOWA FB Officials
- CNN Markbreit video
- NCAA: retain possession after blocked field goal that crosses neutral zone?
- Putting time back on the clock
- Intentional grounding with tipped pass
- Inadvertant whistle
- NCAA kickoff
- my new favorite
- KO - out-of-bounds rules
- Quiz/Questions to teach NFHS rules to HS Players?
- Hearing damage - using whistle
- Taping Cleats and wearing shoe covers.. Illegal or not?
- NCAA Illegal Formation on Scrimmage Kick
- Crazy play at the end of a DIII game, 14 backward passes
- Cal vs. Arizona St. - INADVERTENT SIGNAL??
- CAl/ASU Fumble and Review
- 3 Man Mechanics
- NCAA - Action after Replay
- Interception in the EZ
- Is hand chop required?
- Football's Oldest Trophy
- Official whistles
- double foul after COP
- What's the call.
- Question for the R's out there.
- Enforce or not???
- DPI guidelines
- BC vs VaTech
- Double Foul???
- I'm back with a snap question
- Find the illegal block! (video play)
- Offensive Pass Interference on 4th Down
- NF: Live ball NP or UC foul
- Illegal Forward Pass?
- Illegal Forward Pass from End Zone on Free Kick
- Lineman On Punt Formation
- Assignor Politics
- Captains and Officials
- Ineligible Down Field
- Michigan Test for Officials
- Dpi
- Sledgehammer During Warmups
- bag out, flag in (NF)
- Goalline coverage and communication
- Get Ready for New Pay Scales
- Illegal Kick NFL, NCAA and Fed
- Timing Rule
- Tinted eye shield
- Eligibility Lost by Going Out of Bounds (NCAA)
- Ready For Play to Snap Time Interval
- Illegal Participation
- Hair
- Whistle Colors
- legal or snap infraction??
- Is it basketball season already?????
- lineman downfield
- It all ends tomorrow...
- Clock status
- Big East on the UConn "Fair Catch"
- Intentional Grounding Blunder
- NCAA: Blood on jersey
- blocking bellow the waist
- starting on a yard line
- substitution (NF)
- Michigan / Illinois IW
- Aiding the Runner?
- Clock after penalty
- Louisville vs UCONN game
- What is with the Fair Catch "Signal" ?
- Florida State vs Wake Forest-What Happened?
- After the Time out!
- NFHS Reciever steps out.....
- Nfhs 10-4-6
- Foul by B
- Succeeding Spot Enforcement
- snap
- NF: Illegal Participation
- Fake FG/Try
- New Series
- Stranger in a Strange Land
- How about this??
- Illegal shiftt?
- Blocks/Hits away from the play
- Illegal Forward Pass After Change of Possession in End Zone
- Mull it over
- Offensive Linemen Numbering Requirements
- Was this the correct administration?
- scrimmage kick play
- Ig
- 25 second count....
- Blocked Fg Ncaa
- Valid Fair Catch Signal
- False start or motion?
- Offensive Pass Interference
- After the Ready
- help from LJ
- NCAA Rules Question
- Live Ball Treated As Dead Ball
- Game Hangover
- Penalty Enforcement
- Announcing Penalties
- 'Bama/Ole Miss final play
- LSU/KY "Illegal Formation"
- Some running for the WH
- Fair catch question
- rule 8-2-2
- "On The Field" and "To The Sideline"
- NAFOA POTD for Oct 12, 2007
- Moving Pile
- Slapping the FB before it is snapped
- NCAA Review Mechanics
- Flag Football
- Fsu/wf
- Punter's Protection Question
- Televised Game/Blatant Hype For Our Guys
- Distance Penalty Declined Enforcement Spot Question
- Fouls by A and B during the same DB Interval
- Illegal participation
- NCAA Conversion Rule - Help me out please?!?
- 6 Man Mechanics
- FED ruling please -- Onside kick..
- Legal or Illegal batting?
- NFL referee Ed Hochuli's pre-game
- blooking rules in shotgun
- Wingmen, get the heck out of bounds. Damn rookie mistake could really cost a team
- rookie questions???
- Fair Catch & Punt Return
- Goalpost and Out of Bounds
- Team Refuses to Play
- Change this damn rule!!!!
- Who creases their knickers?
- HS Message Boards and Refs
- Penalty Question
- Honigs Ultra Tech Shirt
- Thanks to this forum.......
- Spotting the Ball
- Aiding The Runner....Or Not
- Offside on a Kickoff-NCAA
- covered ends?
- OSU Purdue Incomplete Pass or Fumble
- NCAA PF Enforcement
- NCAA Timing
- Whistle in the Stands
- Center injury
- Illegal Shift - Need Clarification
- BAYFL differences from Fed?
- Unsportsmanlike Conduct Question
- "chop block"?
- Hmmm..........what do you think?
- Just the toes or the whole foot?
- S-L-O-W Whistles
- OPI on quick "screen"
- Clarify the Spot of Enforcement
- IW on pass play that is intercepted w/flag
- Foley vs. Daphne on ESPN2
- Crackback Block
- Is this still legal?
- rules on bicep bans in illinois
- Stupid question...
- legal play ? / snapper protection ?
- Southern Miss elected to "kick" during the coin toss
- Helmet comes off receiver...
- You don't want a compound fracture on your hands
- Foul on player who is OB
- Timing Question
- What Rule Governs this play in NCAA?
- Question Regarding End of Down
- Auburn/Florida Kick Catch Interference
- Hs Or Ncaa ?
- question
- Pass interference illegal arm bar
- Scrimmage kick
- Taunting
- Another IW
- Face mask-pass or no pass...
- Bama-FSU
- in or out of bounds
- Illegal Substitution or Nothing?
- Chipping
- Punt it Twice
- NFHS: defense slaps ball as it is being snapped
- Need Confirmation
- Flag fest
- Two Scenarios from Last Night
- Force- Scrimmage, Try and OT
- IW and flag.....
- Clock status
- AYF eligible receiver numbering
- NFHS "Low Block" on defense
- Advancing a fumble on 4th down.
- Powerpoint Field Diagrams
- NF Fair Catch
- Legal or Illegal Motion
- What Foul Is This?
- Opposing calls
- Inelligible Player?
- Kill the Punter
- Changing Jerseys
- Ineligible or Not?
- Team Box and Repainting
- Harris + NFL Instant Replay
- List of 2007 NFL Crews & Bios?
- NFHS: Unnumbered field
- After further review: NFL
- Questionable Call
- Kick-Catching Interference
- 7 Man mechanics and pre-game
- OPI on a try. LOD+yardage?
- Dead Ball Foul prior to Overtime
- substitution or deception?
- Hurdling
- Dallas vs Chicago SNF
- Lost Helmet Question
- 50 Yard Line Logo?
- Are you Excellent?
- Encroachment
- First Varsity Game, and I'm at U
- Officiating philosophy question
- Personal Foul Question
- Iowa-Wisconsin - IW
- LSU fake field goal
- NCAA Questions
- Trick play.
- Two firsts
- Inside the Numbers
- Can we run a play?
- Great lines from the coach
- punting game
- The call?
- Int. grounding from shotgun snap
- Don't mess with the band...
- Illegal runner? - Michigan Youth
- Humour
- Illegal equipment
- Rules B&W
- NCAA Clock status
- Enforcement spot illegal touching
- Illegal Motion vs False Start
- Assaulting an official
- Penalty Enforcement on Change of Poss.
- Holding (NCAA Rules)
- How would you handle this?
- Givin' 'im the bidness
- scrimmage kick?
- Moving the chains
- Roughing the Kicker
- Aloha and Mahalo
- Defensive Pass Interference