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  1. BAG IT....or not?
  2. What have you got?
  3. PSK questions (sorry long)
  4. New NFL Rules
  5. Kickoff play
  6. Oregon officials - please help
  7. On-the-ready vs. on-the snap
  8. More kicks into the end zone plays.
  9. Looking for Referee Clinic
  10. Brain teaser.
  11. 5-man mechanics on KO (Fed)
  12. Past rule change?
  13. K advancing a muff
  14. Encroachment
  15. Annuit coeptis.
  16. Fumble
  17. Wording in Case Book
  18. turf fields
  19. PSK and Expanded Neutral Zone
  20. Keys
  21. Call Determination
  22. Referee Magazine August 2003 Football Test Questions on page 19
  23. Fumblerooskie.. illegal?? if so why??
  24. Headsets used by players
  25. Triple fouls
  26. Camps/Clinics
  27. Illegal Pick on a Screen play??
  28. PSK Questions
  29. PSK and Double Fouls
  30. Anyone second the motion??
  31. What a feeling!
  32. PSK...another question
  33. Ineligibles Downfield
  34. KCI? or not!
  35. Shoe Recommendations
  36. NFL umpire training?
  37. Coach convicted
  38. Referee mag list CFL refs?
  39. nastiest conditions....
  40. Understanding Force
  41. Moving the chains
  42. Pet peeve: arrogant referees...
  43. Federation Rule Question
  44. PSK
  45. Poession on Post Scrimmage Kick
  46. Illegal Touching and OPI
  47. Another Play to Ponder
  48. No Ka Oi Pigskin Classic on Maui...
  49. Intentional Grounding or Not?
  50. Incomplete illegal forward pass
  51. NFL 7 on 7 Rules
  52. And Cdn fb refs here?
  53. Computer Program for rating officials
  54. Illegal Batting?
  55. Nice Invitation....
  56. Pet Peeves - Federation
  57. TOO HOT !
  58. Team A foul on a try after B gains possession?
  59. Reeturning to Hawaii, Maui
  60. Bump and run?
  61. Fair Catch
  62. requirements for college officiating
  63. Any AFL or af2 Officials
  64. Chop Blocks
  65. You make the call!
  66. Quick Passing Game Quiz
  67. NCAA Rulebook is online
  68. Batting / Stripping ball
  69. CCA PreSeason Test
  70. NCAA & FED
  71. spring HS football
  72. Free Study Tests
  73. Question about PSK
  74. Crew Member Question
  75. Uncle Ernie's May Quiz
  76. Batting
  77. Play to discuss
  78. Semi-Pro in Oklahoma
  79. Old Topics
  80. What do you think?
  81. Camps
  82. back judge v/s umpire
  83. NF 2002 Test Answers
  84. Pre-season Workout
  85. Is NF rule and case book available online?
  86. Real Sports on HBO
  87. Bean Bags!
  88. Brad ...Make him stop !
  89. options
  90. Holding or not
  91. Uncle Ernie's April quiz
  92. Mentoring New Officials
  93. FB in North Miami - contact person?
  94. Start of drive markers
  95. NFL Instant Replay question
  96. Replace the chain gang?
  97. Duties of officials
  98. Handling Brawls
  99. A Monkey’s Uncle
  100. Uncle Ernie's #6
  101. PC & Palm Software
  102. NFL Rules
  103. NCAA Bracket contest
  104. Uncle Ernie's March quiz
  105. NCAA rulebook
  106. stop the play
  107. 2002 NFHS Rules Changes
  108. The
  109. Has anyone else seen this?
  110. im looking for a mechanics manual
  111. 25 second Clock Warning
  112. UMPIRES
  113. Bubblebucks
  114. Camp suggestions.
  115. Idea for putting on Local Asso Clinics?
  116. Feb Quiz
  117. NFHS 2002 Case book play 1.5.6
  118. Sporting Goods, Equipment & Apparel
  119. Study Guides
  120. Low Standards
  121. Relocating
  122. Kicking Game Primer
  123. Rule 9-9-1 thru 3
  124. Pick play
  125. Question about NFL rule
  126. Super Bowl
  127. PSK and IW Questions
  128. Ki-o-Rahi (Maori football)
  129. Officials carrying flags and other equipment
  130. Super Bowl Officials
  131. Fitness tip of the week: stationary lunges.
  132. Forward Progress
  133. lets kick these around
  134. Mechanics Question
  135. Interesting and weird
  136. one last chance
  137. Illegal forward pass
  138. Newb Post
  139. For Derock...and others
  140. Letterman's Top 10 Referee Excuses
  141. Backwards Pass or not
  142. NEW - 2003 NFHS Football Rule Changes (as written by the NFHS Rules Committee)
  143. Roughing the kicker rules
  144. Rule 11
  145. Scrimmage Kick Question
  146. Should the NFL have Full Time Officials?
  147. Kickoff: touchback or fumble
  148. Bad snap
  149. Illegal Fowrad Pass or Not?
  150. NFL crew placement
  151. Fumblerooski
  152. Kick This!
  153. bounces you say ?
  154. Ye 'ol Kicking Game
  155. lets keep them comming
  156. read rule 2
  157. Pre Game Meeting
  158. Announcers Should Announce
  159. Should the play be called dead?
  160. Hula Bowl, off-season conditioning... etc.
  161. PSK on the way
  162. Illegal Motion?
  163. crews and positions...
  164. New Play
  165. Extended down
  166. qb question I found on another site
  167. and yet another scrimmage kick play
  168. NF rule changes
  169. Another scrimmage Kick
  170. Linemen (hands at/near ground)
  171. Clock Stoppage
  172. It's a Fumble, Whoaaa Nelly!!
  173. Scrimmage Kick Play
  174. Just one more
  175. Illegal Motion?
  176. Its a brand New Year!!!!
  177. For Derock - Defense Tackling
  178. Assignments and Payment
  179. offensive holding
  180. Stopping the clock
  181. Dec. Referee football quiz ? # 4.
  182. Holiday Bowl
  183. go slow , then slower , then slow down
  184. Assignments vs. Crews
  185. Recruiting Officials
  186. nfhs
  187. "All But One" .....official left .....what wii you do ?
  188. I have a request
  189. Make the call
  190. How to Become a College Official
  191. Chain Crews
  192. Team Boxes
  193. PSK Fouls
  194. for Derock
  195. Another good question and you make the call
  196. You make the call
  197. Working With Coaches
  198. How would you call this??
  199. Reply too HighSchoolWhiteHat (long post)
  200. Forward Pass
  201. TXMike's Free kick play
  202. JimNayzium's Pitchman thread continued
  203. "Survey of Officials" ... Update.
  204. End of Game Safety
  205. penalty enforcement
  206. blue marker thingys??
  207. Forward Pass
  208. Ron Botchan?
  209. change of possession???
  210. Aiding the Runner
  211. Spearing on the ball carrier.
  212. New White Hat
  213. Tackling below the waist
  214. Hurry Up Situation!
  215. Eligible or ineligible receiver
  216. Chargers vs. Miami
  217. Situational Questions
  218. Forward or Backward Pass
  219. Rule differences on spotting?
  220. Injury-Timeout Procedure
  221. Starburst
  222. Lead me to the specific rule or cases.
  223. football officiating camps
  224. LSU Hail Mary: An Infraction?
  225. Confused on a Touchback Call
  226. Thanks everyone, see you next year...
  227. Incomplete or Illegal Participation?
  228. Face Guarding in college football
  229. NCAA Pass Interference - Intent required?
  230. Defensive block in the back.
  231. Is this legal?
  232. snap infraction
  233. A forward fumble
  234. Catch or No Catch
  235. Help! I'm taking a survey and I need all of your input.
  236. Time Elapsing After an Offensive Penalty
  237. A tribute to a great official
  238. ot time outs
  239. Great Game
  240. NCAA Pass Interference
  241. penalty enforcement
  242. Will the real JimNayzium please stand up?
  243. Coaches on the Field
  244. late hit
  245. Illegal motion?
  246. Chiefs-Raiders Game... Chop Block
  247. Chop Block
  248. Is this pass interference?
  249. Block below the waist...
  250. Legal Pass?? Call me dumb

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