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  1. NCAA/NFL Differences
  2. forward pass
  3. No Timeouts Left
  4. high school is defensive pass interference an automatic first down?
  5. Bean Bag Change?
  6. Need help deciding,
  7. NCAA Question
  8. games in the second round?
  9. Charting penalties
  10. Visiting Team in dark jerseys
  11. Tripping the Runner
  12. NFL Officials
  13. Clock after scrimmage kick
  14. Alabama v MSU "presumed down" play
  15. Dead Ball Foul
  16. Another Myth
  17. Blocking Below the Waist
  18. Fair Catch Rules
  19. eligible back
  20. What have you got on this one?
  21. Playoffs-Crews or Individuals
  22. New to board
  23. What do YOU do?
  24. Inbounds-Outofbounds-Inbounds???
  25. DPI or Illegal use of the hands?
  26. Games in the first round
  27. Receiver Pushed OOB
  28. Roughing the Passer
  29. Helping the runner
  30. Snap hits center's leg
  31. Attn: N. Jersey Guys
  32. 1 point safety
  33. Play of the Day
  34. O/T Score
  35. lawmaker wants umps to pay state tax
  36. Stay or Go? need vet help
  37. Penalty enforcement
  38. anyone have wife/girlfriends at your games ?
  39. scrimmage kick
  40. Wisconsin FB Officials
  41. Offseason Rules Study
  42. Automatic First Down?
  43. Enforcement review (where do we mark it off from)
  44. Motion, shift or nothing
  45. Hmmm....how to handle
  46. Got Film?
  47. To eject ot not to eject
  48. Two Punts on the Same Play?
  49. Small Town Tunes
  50. End of Regulation/Overtime enforcement
  51. Would you flag it?
  52. Best Buns in the CFL
  53. Defensive Delay of Game
  54. the band...
  55. Penalty on Try
  56. Friday's head scratcher
  57. Fumble
  58. Trouble counting to seven
  59. Discoloured Flags?
  60. game play
  61. pass interference out of bounds
  62. Rule changes needed: Suggestions?
  63. Scrimmage Kicks
  64. Safty or touchback
  65. Eight Minutes as the Referee
  66. personal away from the ball
  67. R/U not allowed on field?
  68. fair catch situations - 3 plays
  69. Crew Evaluations
  70. Game Fee Info - Southeast
  71. Free Kick Question
  72. Coach had a beef
  73. Free Blocking Zone and the Shotgun (NFHS)
  74. Bob M. in Nov '05 Referee Mag
  75. When to Start the Clock?
  76. Goal Line Fumble Play
  77. Getting paid
  78. OSHAA makes News of the Weird
  79. Inadvertent Whistle
  80. Religion Exception
  81. Need assistance on this call
  82. Delay on B?
  83. Too Bad
  84. You make the call
  85. Had this play on Friday
  86. Authorized Conferences
  87. Overzealous parents
  88. Enforcement question
  89. Back Judge Mechanics
  90. Crazy Photo
  91. Time Out?
  92. muffed backwards pass into the end zone
  93. Roughing the Kicker
  94. Substitution
  95. Fumble through the end zone
  96. Ohio St. v. Indiana
  97. Defensive Holding
  98. Starting Clock question
  99. After the interception....
  100. Backward pass
  101. Oakley visors
  102. DPI Interpretation
  103. Where did all the time go?
  104. penalty enforcement
  105. Illegal sub or partic. on the Receivers
  106. Roughing the Holder??? Personal Foul???
  107. Illegal forward handling
  108. Do you have to think about incomplete "shovel" passes?
  109. Vocalizing on a fair catch?
  110. Illegal Forward Pass
  111. A good line for a coach
  112. Dumped a coach tonight!!
  113. Cleaning flags
  115. Blocked Field Goal
  116. incomplete pass signal
  117. Pre-snap routine
  118. NF motion clarification, please.
  119. Bean bag interception
  120. Coach shoots father
  121. Season Ended early
  122. Bullet Pencils
  123. Couple of interesting plays
  124. Pregame conferences
  125. Play of the Day
  126. rule clatrification
  127. Clock Status after Delay
  128. Inadvertant Whistle Question
  129. Backward Passes
  130. Holding on a Field Goal Try
  131. Spotting out of bounds punts
  132. receiver forced out of bounds
  133. DEN / NE punt play
  134. punt
  135. NCAA Ruling on Holder
  136. KCI, R blocked into receiver
  137. Untimed Down
  138. Timing Question
  139. Disconcerting acts or words
  140. Interesting comment from a coach on Friday
  141. Suceeding Spot or End of Quarter/Half??
  142. usc vs. nd
  143. working with other officials.
  144. Those "Special Plays"
  145. NCAA Onside
  146. Dead ball?
  147. Help: Explanation to captain
  148. Illegal Motion
  149. Funny? remark from kid to ref
  150. NCAA Illegal Kicking
  151. free kick
  152. R's Discretion on Clock
  153. Bow motion
  154. Brain cramp - Rule 3
  155. Signal for 11
  156. Youth "Coaches" or the Guy That Watches My Kid While I Go Shopping
  157. False start vs. motion at end of line
  158. NF Kickoff Question
  159. Wisconsin officials
  160. NCAA DPI: 1 yard rule
  161. 1st Game in White Hat
  162. NFL Player fined, appeals
  163. 1st year ref dilemma! Pick up flag?
  164. NFHS Rule 8-3-9 or 8-4-2
  165. Coach resigns after high school bans pregame prayer
  166. Counting Players
  168. backward pass inadvertent whistle
  169. Jacket For Sale
  170. Ruling???
  171. NCAA Pass Interference
  172. NFL Officials
  173. offsetting penalties?
  174. KCI from Monday Night Football
  175. Foul or not
  176. POLL: Rules Changes
  177. numbering
  178. Progression
  179. Clock question
  180. MNF: Muffed punt
  181. PSK?
  182. Unsportsmanlike Conduct
  183. MNF: Did I hear that correctly?
  184. Signal for touchback
  185. Need some examples
  186. Det Lions v Baltimore
  187. KCI?
  188. Muffed Punt Into End Zone
  189. Coaches getting grumpier?
  190. What do you do?
  191. Measurement Request
  192. Post Scrimmage Foul ending Qrt 1
  193. What is a player before he kicks the ball??
  194. Holding Question
  195. fumble on try
  196. Defensive Holding Question
  197. Another roughing the kicker situation
  198. A few questions
  199. Looking for...
  200. Titans attempt free-kick field goal
  201. Face Mask Question
  202. Completed catch
  203. PF on TD Run
  204. What's your take on this?
  205. Where in the rule book is this?
  206. need help/information
  207. Too many officials???
  208. Dead ball foul on try
  209. Becoming an Official?
  210. Illegal Kicking Enforcement
  211. field goal try tipped
  212. Tripping
  213. Philosophically Speaking
  214. Double Fouls
  215. Muff Rule
  216. Roughing the Kicker
  217. NCAA Play
  218. Joint possession
  219. Diving into the EZ
  220. Dimensions of the ball
  221. College Rules
  222. Fed Signal #10
  223. K lineman downfield on punt
  224. White Hat position on Punts
  225. Free kick after fair catch
  226. Unsportsmanlike & Starting the clock
  227. Blocking with kickoff < 10 yards
  228. Onside kick ruling
  229. Ohio H.S. onside kick rule
  230. QB as a runner
  231. Unsportsmanlike Foul
  232. Legal Tinted Visor Situation
  233. Play question?
  234. Drop kick
  235. How'd you like to work for these guys?
  236. not my whistle
  237. Wearing the white hat for the first time...
  238. pre-game
  239. Roughing the Passer
  240. Speaking of field goals.....
  241. FG used as punt
  242. Official Question, who has the call?
  243. Test Question
  244. Out of bounds play in Lions/Tampa game
  245. Punt Play
  246. Rule Question
  247. Continuing Belt Problems
  248. Interesting Penalty Enforcement GB/Carolina
  249. Your Call
  250. Rogue Whistle

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