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  1. Legal Bat ?
  2. Conflicts of Interest
  3. CFO Clinic.
  4. NFHS 5 Man mechanic exam
  5. Safety or Touchback?
  6. Down Under Bowl
  7. Timers
  8. JRutledge Picture
  10. Watch out coin flippers!
  11. Safety on a Try - NFHS
  12. NFHS Punt doesn't cross NZ
  13. Fumble beyond the LOS
  14. Question for JRutledge
  15. Website on penalty enforcement?
  16. OREGON (NFHS) experimental rule allows the defense to score during a try!
  17. Flag Football Refs Wanted
  18. 6 man mechanics questions
  19. Yipppeeeee
  20. Any one have advice for me?
  21. Inadvertant Whistle and the PSK
  22. Game Card
  23. new official
  24. Kickoff comments
  25. To Mike Simonds
  26. Part 1 Exam
  27. B team clipping
  28. Basketball Official
  29. Ordering Uniforms & equipment online.
  30. 2004 Football Season
  31. Coin Toss Mechanics
  32. NCAA 4th down fumble rule?
  33. Punts & Umpires
  34. "Got Coin?"
  35. While we're on the topic of IS and IP...
  36. Offsetting Personal Fouls
  37. Grizzled Veterans
  38. Enforcement on ill sub that becomes ill part
  39. NFHS Mechanics Changes
  40. Trick plays
  42. NCAA Question
  44. OPI/DPI Extra penalty
  45. Illegal blocking techniques
  46. USC number 12
  47. Personal Touch Football Camp
  48. clinics
  49. Tackling the Pitch Man
  50. Chucking
  51. Touchback or Safety
  52. Pass Interference
  53. Unsportsmanlike conduct prior to coin toss
  54. Always an expanded neutral zone?
  55. Game Shorts?
  56. To Whistle
  57. Professional Looking Knickers
  58. 2004 Fort Worth Regional Clinic
  59. Budweiser - Ref tunes out screaming coach.
  60. How to break in at college level
  61. Use of whistle on TRY
  62. How much is too much?
  63. Flag Football Referee Test
  64. Uncle Ernie's May Quiz
  65. ...and a cousin, too
  66. I got another Uncle
  67. What is Offside for Real!
  68. Lineups
  69. What is offside?
  70. Suplimental Signals
  71. Clarification POD 5-3
  72. Illinois Legislature passes bill protecting officials
  73. State Office Assigning Games
  74. NF vs. NCAA
  75. NFL crews for 2004
  76. Question on when a catch is completed.
  77. study aides
  78. shortage of football officials
  79. Non Rulebook terms
  80. Question on NFL "K" Balls
  81. Workshop
  82. Loose Ball During a Free Kick!
  83. to blow pr not to blow, that is the question
  84. Calling All Umpires
  85. Hey Blue
  86. Ron Baynes legacy
  87. Best Gear -- Top to Bottom
  88. CNNSI officiating piece
  89. Uncle Ernie's April Quiz
  90. Hand Coordination while Officiating!
  91. Clinics for Officials!$$$$$$$$
  92. Newbie Expectations
  93. NFL Replay
  94. NCAA Play
  95. Unsportsman/womanlike conduct!
  96. Considering Football this Fall
  97. Writing for Officiating.com
  98. NCAA rules changes 2004, will there be any?
  99. Air Pressure in Game Balls?
  100. Women's Football
  101. NFHS Points of Emphasis - 2004
  102. Should Coaches Rate?
  103. Trying football next year
  104. MEAC college officials
  105. Wrist/Neck Watches.
  106. Footwear
  107. Uncle Ernie's March quiz
  108. POD 3-14
  109. NCAA - Roughing The Passer
  110. Hey "U" out of the Way!
  111. Offset?
  112. Goals for the Season
  113. Onside Kick
  114. Runing with the Bulls !
  115. Double Fouls, PSK and more....
  116. Kicking game
  117. In shape
  118. Blocking Technique
  119. More kick plays
  120. D2 Tryout
  121. Crew Harmony
  122. 1.Down?
  123. Kick plays
  124. New football turf question.
  125. Uncle E's Quiz
  126. Tips to Improve On-Field Communication
  127. Oregon Federation Rule Experiment
  128. Uncle E where are you????
  129. Blocking (From NF Forum)
  130. Help on clock ruling...
  131. Football Officiating Camps
  132. Offseason Study Resources
  133. Referee Lineage
  134. Mentorship
  135. SB 38
  136. Super Bowl Referee's
  137. enchroachment
  138. What would be the ruling here?
  140. How did I get myself into this?!
  141. NC Officials
  142. Please help, my issue with the tuck rule
  143. Let em play!!!!
  144. Jewlery rule???
  145. Any workout suggestions???
  146. Lots to learn
  147. State
  148. Coach-officials meeting at beginning of year.
  149. Rule changes?
  150. Some help with cleats
  151. Ilegal Forward Pass or not ??
  152. 5 and 15 in NFHS
  153. PSK vs KCI
  154. pass interference
  155. NF-Expanded Index
  156. onside kick stats?
  157. Superbowl apartment for rent!!
  158. NFL Officials Predictions
  159. My First Boy!
  160. NFL officals
  161. Question on hitting player already OB
  162. Working College Games (D3)
  163. Inadvertent Whistle in Phi-GB Game
  164. NCAA Study Guide and NFHS Rules Handbook
  165. Saw this play on the other board NCAA
  166. NFL Overtime Question
  167. Question
  168. passion
  169. football quiz
  170. Off Season Study
  171. Substitution question
  172. Quiz update for Question #8
  173. NCAA enforcement Question
  174. Sugar Bowl Umpire
  175. Links
  176. Oklahoma-LSU game
  177. UE's Quiz part 2
  178. Uncle Ernie is at it again
  179. Tuck rule vs. Grounding
  180. Help - Sack or No Sack - Panthers/Giants
  181. OSU / K State Timing Ques
  182. why the name football?
  183. Officiating Principles course
  184. Stopping the Clock
  185. NCAA FG/XP
  186. NCAA Bowl Officiating
  187. NFL - down by contact
  188. Question about field goals...
  189. Over Turning Officials calls
  190. Congratulations to one of our own...
  191. Here's a play
  192. Kickoffs
  193. Duplicate numbers in NCAA
  194. Strange plays do happen in the NFL (CLE-CIN)
  195. Stopping clock on sack?
  196. What Happened to Bernie Kukar?
  197. Great call at end of ARI/MIN game
  198. IHSA rules of play
  199. Keeping the game claen
  200. health
  201. What's the call
  202. Fair Catch Signal
  203. Cowboys/Giants Safety
  204. Tom White--Good Game
  205. Beanbag Usage
  206. Saints/Jags
  207. Chiefs/Vikings Fumble
  208. Rule 6-3-1 on touchbacks - always that way?
  209. Markbreit book
  210. Videos
  211. Monday Night Football Officials
  212. NCAA question...dead ball offsetting?
  213. Illegal Helmet Contact
  214. Roughing the kicker
  215. Just one thing...
  216. Letting a member of your crew go
  217. roughing the kicker question
  218. delay of game
  219. Off-Season Workouts
  220. Knickers
  221. What is the official definition of a sack?
  222. Muff Pt. 2
  223. Muff Pt. 1
  224. offsides?
  225. PA Officials
  226. Whops
  227. RuleChanges/Points of Emphasis for 2004
  228. NFL Onside Kicks
  229. Is this legal?
  230. Coach Referee Conference
  231. Rule Book on the Field
  232. numbering Issue
  233. defensive holding
  234. Can you change this call?
  235. Illegal Forward Pass
  236. Possession / Touchback
  237. Center movement
  238. advancing a fumble
  239. Winter Withdrawal II
  240. Winter Withdrawal I
  241. Unspotsmanlike Conduct Penalty?
  242. Interesting On ESPN Classic tonight..
  243. Center eligible?
  244. Public vs. Private........
  245. Two What Ifs I came up with
  246. field goal question?
  247. Underhand Pass???
  248. Fake Field Goal
  249. rough weekend for officials
  250. NFL mechanic

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