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  1. NFHS Part I Exam (Question #5)
  2. Umpire Question
  3. Helping the runner
  4. Illegal number Question
  5. New Official
  6. Roughing the Passer enforcement
  7. Mutliple Fouls - Live/Dead Ball
  8. NFHS rule and case book online
  9. Muff Confusion
  10. OK, Admit it...
  11. New Momentum interpretation question
  12. Changing Numbers Depending on Position
  13. Linesmen - Running the Chains
  14. Fair Catch Signal
  15. Illegal Participation
  16. 1999 Program about Sec Football Officials-"Stripes"
  17. End of game, dead ball penalties
  18. Missed High School Field Goal
  19. NCAA PI Penalty Spot
  20. Scrimmage kick player # exception
  21. Illegal Substitution?
  22. Penalty Question
  23. Flaw in new loss of down rule!
  24. Hot off the rumor mill- NFHS
  25. Encroachment
  26. Ethics or Not?
  27. Indiana Official Question
  28. Personal foul?
  29. What would you do
  30. illegal forward pass
  31. NFHS Question 4 of week three
  32. NFHS Question 3 of week 3
  33. illegal substitution?
  34. Is this anything?
  35. 9 Yard mark
  36. NFHS Question 2 of week 3
  37. NFHS Question 1 week 3
  38. How would you penalize?
  39. crackback blocks
  40. substitution violation - not leaving huddle immediately
  41. Incidental facemask
  42. Coach lines
  43. Illegal Participation or not?
  44. Can you have PI on A on opposite side of thrown pass
  45. Illegal Formation or Illegal participation?
  46. 9 yard mark confusion
  47. Block on Try / FG
  48. What's the call?
  49. Overtime
  50. US Flag Patch
  51. false start?
  52. Uniform Help!
  54. Where to spot the ball - interception
  55. What do you have?
  56. Pregame Clarifications With White Hat
  57. Pre-game
  58. Official tax stuff
  59. Automatic first down
  60. RFP after injury
  61. Officials time out for heat
  62. NFHS Quarterly - Situation 9 on page 20
  63. instructions for ball boys
  64. Blocking on a kick...
  65. Blocking out of bounds?
  66. Enforcement spot after change of possion
  67. Succeeding spot after penalty on try?
  68. Bob M's Keys for the Passing Game
  69. Effect of a Touched Kick
  70. Any Kansas City area HS officials?
  71. Honigs Knickers
  72. Roughing the Passer Enforcement
  73. Kicking play
  74. Two untimed downs?
  75. K recovers free kick?
  76. 2-16-2g-5
  77. PSK or No PSK?
  78. Heat Stroke Close to Home
  79. Foul or not??
  80. Are there any officials from
  81. You make the call
  82. Enforcement?
  83. Honig's "long toss" heavier flag?
  84. Previous Spot................Or Not???
  85. Completed Pass and Foul
  86. Input requested
  87. Excellent Article Bob M.
  88. Officials Record Keeper software?
  89. Coaches on the field during a game
  90. Horse Collaring
  91. States where High Schools use NCAA rules
  92. Washington State Officials
  93. Scrimmage Kick Play
  94. NFHS Updates
  95. 9-yard marks
  96. McDavid Intera Football Striped Shirt
  97. NFL Network: In Their Own Words
  98. Trick question on my exam
  99. Simultaneous Catch?
  100. Power Point on 4 or 5 Man Mechanics [NFHS]
  101. false start or encroachment
  102. NFL News...
  103. Valid/Invalid Fair Catch
  104. Choice of Ball 1.3.2
  105. Swatting the Snap? (NFHS)
  106. Editable Football Field
  107. Top Misconceptions for Youth Football
  108. Succeeding spot after a TD
  109. NFHS Rule Question on Fair Catch Protection
  110. Pay Scale
  111. Clean Hands Rule
  112. Snap Infraction or not?
  113. Mechanics on a tipped pass
  114. Double pass scenario
  115. NFHS question? last one this week
  116. NFHS Question need ruling. Thanks again
  117. Spearing - Test Part 1
  118. Fumble or not?
  119. Problems with Test
  120. Opening Day
  121. Rule chg on H. Coach calling TO?
  122. Substitute becomes a player
  123. Need some local help...
  124. 5 man scrimmage kick coverage
  125. Play of the day from 8-12-05
  126. NFHS Question need another ruling.
  127. NFHS Question need ruling
  128. Touchback or Touchdown? (NCAA)
  129. Umpire Communication
  130. Stumper
  131. Killing ball
  132. Ahhh yes!!!
  133. "Twin City" socks?
  134. Simplified Rule book
  135. Jerseys - Illegal equipment
  136. BOB M.
  137. Ankle Monitor
  138. Canadian Question
  139. Stumper (8/11/2005)
  140. Timeout Interpretation Conflict
  141. Punt muffed in own end zone (NFL)
  142. NFHS 2005 Football Test Parts 1 & 2
  143. Free kick after Safety
  144. 2005 Rule Change
  145. Time Piece?
  146. Illegal Substitution
  147. Back judge Information
  148. official about starter packages
  149. new rule change I'd like to see
  150. Hall of Fame Game
  151. 2004 Part 1 #16
  152. Sideline Warning?
  153. Resource Website
  154. all but one
  155. football question
  156. Warming up
  157. On Side Kick
  158. NAIA
  159. What do you have?
  160. Question 63 - Stupid wording
  161. Flag Football Question
  162. Question 65
  163. help on scrimmage kicks
  164. You know it's almost football season.....
  165. Starting a sports officiating class in a H.S.-need assistance
  166. What color gloves are legal for HS?
  167. best high school player you saw ??
  168. NFHS Dead Ball Foul after TD
  169. Illegal Forward Pass
  170. NF Question 20
  171. Play of the day question
  172. Clarification of new IP enforcement
  173. penalty on try
  174. Gloves
  175. Leather Luster Experiment
  176. Heave Ho - Part II
  177. What's your take???
  178. Rule 8 Presentation
  179. Heave Ho
  180. What happened to..
  181. IHSA Officials
  182. Case book errors
  183. Tinted Eyeshield - Canadian Football
  184. Miller Lite ads
  185. Rings-Flag Football
  186. Joint Possession
  187. all but 1??
  188. What do you think?
  189. Ball boy instructions
  190. Exam Q's 2 & 3
  191. NASO's Rule Difference Book
  192. 10.4.5J changed!
  193. NFHS Exam
  194. roughing the passer...
  195. New Illegal Substitution Rule
  196. Enforcement of Illegal Fwd Pass
  197. cleats
  198. face mask
  199. nfhs case book plays
  200. Two URs
  201. Football Movies
  202. Scrimmage Kick
  203. I know I've seen this somewhere
  205. White v. Black under-tights
  206. End of period.......
  207. Stumper
  208. NF Play
  209. Need your input
  210. Hint, Tips and Tricks for a new Back Judge?
  211. IHSA Official's Convention. Who is going to attend?
  212. Chumper Stumper
  213. New High School Official
  214. Roughing the passer
  215. football officials
  216. NF facemask
  217. Read My Baseball New Thread
  218. NF play.
  219. offensive pass interference
  220. Overtime-NFHS
  221. Intention
  222. blocking below the waist NF vs NFL
  223. Headphone Usage
  224. Have you all seen this column by markbreit
  225. Interesting Article
  226. illegal substitution or something else?
  227. NFL Penalty Enforcement
  228. Question on Local Association Meetings
  229. Start the Clock
  230. Hands to the head
  231. Training Tapes
  232. What should I expect from my first JC game?
  233. New football board
  234. Shirt Preferenece: Official's Choice vs. McDavid Intera
  235. NFL Timing Rule
  236. Need help on an XFL ruling
  237. Let me cut to the chase
  238. I have another question not in rule book
  239. Could I get some of you officials to rule on a play
  240. ANY Officials from PA?
  241. Need a situation to fit the rule
  242. NFL Rule Fumbling OOB in the final minute
  243. Play question?
  244. DPI 2X
  245. Canada Cup National Championship
  246. Case Book Error?
  247. First time I've been boo-ed off the field
  248. Play -
  249. straight arm
  250. 2005 NFL Rs

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