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  1. I need some Purell...
  2. Need Rule Help
  3. First snowfall of season in Cdn Football
  4. Game postponed due to wet field???
  5. Things that only happen on Wednesdays and Thursdays
  6. Good article in the local paper this morning
  7. 1st time officiating
  8. Back or Not?
  9. Time outs into overtime
  10. New Federation site design
  11. Do You Let Them Play?
  12. NFL Football Officials
  13. here's one I screwed up last week
  14. Knickers
  15. high school football
  16. NCAA Blocked FG
  17. Something that could help newer officials
  18. Stop the clock?
  19. Steroid Testing in NJ
  20. Videos and Thoughts
  21. forward latteral
  22. Is it a safety if B declines penalty?
  23. Overtime blocked FG
  24. Pass Interference
  25. Result of the play is............????
  26. 25 seconds left
  27. Fun with PAT's, New Term 7GP
  28. Caseplay on fouls correct?
  29. Illegal Sub/Participation/Formation?
  30. Fair Catch
  31. Free Kick
  32. Number 38 on 2006 Part II test
  33. Charged T/O or not
  34. delay of game
  35. Part II
  36. New NCAA Timing Rule: Texas Blames for LOSS!
  37. Crew disharmony
  38. NE/BUF INT return
  39. Penalty?
  40. Line to Gain and Down marker
  41. time clock scenario
  42. My game this week...
  43. NCAA: Illegal kick or muff?
  44. wow! look at all the yellow
  45. Input needed.
  46. Bean bag. blue or white?
  47. Facemask foul on runner
  48. Illegal Shift?
  49. You came all the way over here for that?
  50. "Priceless" Weekend!
  51. Man in Motion - Mind Check
  52. Keep Your Mouth Shut!
  53. roll me over in the clover
  54. Coin Toss Options
  55. Penalty enforcement
  56. Tail Bone Pads
  57. Saban's late challenge
  58. Coaches Comment you will chuckle...
  59. Personal Foul
  60. Basic Spot
  61. Got my Part II test score yesterday.
  62. Fair catch or not?
  63. Snap
  64. Dead ball fouls prior to the snap
  65. New NCAA timing rules
  66. coaches box
  67. Touchback on Kickoff
  68. Taunting
  69. GHSA: Officials blew late call
  70. Undershirts
  71. Night for illegal kicks!
  72. Football Dad -- "Late Hit"
  73. My first game this week
  74. Rule Refrence Corrections to the Part 1 Answer Key
  75. Delay on the Defense?
  76. NCAA - Kick into endzone
  77. live ball deadball
  78. Just finished Part I: Anyone willing to grade it?
  79. illegal forward pass
  80. 12 men breaking the huddle
  81. In Memorial - Ohio Football Official
  82. Disqualified player
  83. Clemson/FAU game
  84. White hat in the OSU game
  85. Post TD Mechanics
  86. Muffed Punt on 3rd down
  87. illegal motion??
  88. Chain Crew
  89. NCAA Clock Procedure for High School?
  90. neutral zone
  91. Fouls by both teams on change of possession?
  92. Blood
  93. Illegal numbering
  94. Forward Pass
  95. Another mouthguard question
  96. dead ball question
  97. Illegal Use of the Hands
  98. Opinion
  99. Some questions from the Part II test.
  100. Why a LJ or L shoudl ALWAYS start the play on the sidelines.
  101. Prayers and Donations Needed
  102. 2006 Part II exam Test and Answers
  103. shorts or knickers
  104. Calling Signals
  105. "No man's land"
  106. Elementary Timing Question
  107. New Field Goal Mechanics
  108. Mechanics with 10 players
  109. Saw the actual NFL Unis tonight
  110. Facemask
  111. Opinions
  112. Double Pass
  113. Over analyzing football movies
  114. NF: KCI or not?
  115. Help on NCAA caseplays
  116. Byrnes/Glades game?
  117. Salaries of coaches
  118. what is the penalty for
  119. First game...nice to be back
  120. quarterback past the L.o.s
  121. Concussion Article
  122. Question for line judges
  123. Just for kicks
  124. Handshake
  125. Penalty assessments on dead ball fouls
  126. NFHS football test
  127. field goal
  128. Illegal formation
  129. CCA 7 man mechanics
  130. Scrimmage Kick/Momentum
  131. Gloves (NFHS)
  132. Pylons
  133. Mouthguards
  134. New Back Judge
  135. Back me up here guys
  136. hook and ladder play
  137. Rocket Football Officials
  138. Fair catch or not
  139. New interpt on starting the clock
  140. False Start?
  141. Presentation
  142. intentional grounding?
  143. Attn: New Jersey Officials
  144. Rule and case book errors
  145. Face shield
  146. REFEREE September Issue
  147. Questions from the Part I test
  148. 2006 Football Exam Part II
  149. illegal motion
  150. GHSA mercy rule question
  151. List of Penalties
  152. Inadvertant Whistle
  153. Kick - Legal or illegal?
  154. Another Momentum Exception
  155. new mechanics
  156. Is McGriff's board dead?
  157. Opening Kickoff
  158. another kick play
  159. Coin Toss
  160. Signal 29 & 35
  161. Go Tigers
  162. Illegal Substitution Clarification
  163. Starting the season with a scrimmage
  164. Play of the day
  165. Want Jim Tunney's uniform?
  166. backwards pass
  167. Help
  168. Football above the law?
  169. puma
  170. 2006 NFHS Part II Test
  171. what posistion do I want?
  172. Forces of Kick
  173. winding the clock
  174. Illegal Participation
  175. Momentum Rule Discussion
  176. Consequences
  177. Loose ball or TD?
  178. Scrimmage kick play
  179. scrimmage kick
  180. IHSA officials
  181. Names mentioned on radio?
  182. 2006 NFL Officiating Crews
  183. Bag or No Bag
  184. Opening Night!!
  185. 4-2-2 New rule for holders
  186. Arbiter ?
  187. NFHS 3 Min. warmup
  188. NFHS Overtime TOs
  189. NFHS 2006 Part II Test
  190. NFHS Untimed Down
  191. ...further IFP questions
  192. Illegal Forward Pass
  193. NFHS football videos?
  194. Games in Austin
  195. mouthpieces
  196. NFL Sportswatch
  197. Pass Interference
  198. Trial questions (NF)
  199. Sleeper Play
  200. A proud Father Again,
  201. Forward Progress
  202. Rogers Redding Guide
  203. 2006 Game Fees
  204. "Just leave it on...we'll control it from the truck"
  205. Free Kick going out of bounds
  206. Tonight NFL Network shows
  207. Starting the clock - clarification
  208. roughing the kicker
  209. NFHS Part 2
  210. 123 + 86 = retired
  211. Injury Times Outs
  212. Alabama ejections will result in fines
  213. NCAA timing rule changes ??
  214. New NFL Unis
  215. Congrats JugglingReferee
  216. New Book -- Rules By Topic
  217. After further review - snap muffed by holder
  218. Nfhs 2005 Part Ii
  219. 2 snap questions (NF)
  220. Blocked Kicked
  221. Heat !!
  222. Starting up a new league?
  223. Sites I figure you've seen by now....
  224. Catch/No catch?
  225. When coaches don't listen....
  226. Quick kick play
  227. Timing Changes - NCAA
  228. New NFHS field goal mechanic
  229. Snap fumbled by holder
  230. Kicker definition question
  231. Big Ten firing
  232. CCA Test Answers
  233. 2006 NFHS Test Part I
  234. CCA Football Officiating Manual
  235. If you like football and box you should see it.
  236. first year official
  237. The 1939 Texas Aggies
  238. New shoes
  239. +pos
  240. 2006 NCAA Rules Book posted on-line
  241. Fun in Florida
  242. NCAA DVD Officiating Video
  243. New Site
  244. Clarification of what makes a kicker a kicker...
  245. Official Towel Usage
  246. Instructional Images
  247. Football videos
  248. Kickoff coverage
  249. illegal substitution
  250. New Mechanic for 2006 (pre snap keys)

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