- touchback, or not?
- Concussion Policy
- Enforcement on the punt return that never was
- Syracuse Missed Extra Point
- One set of lights go out
- Sideline interference
- Defensive Holding on 3rd Down
- Backward Pass...or not.
- Quick question
- First Game as Back Judge
- Obligatory 16 yard Hail-mary video
- Handoff question
- PSK Question
- First Varsity Game Tomorrow
- Would you rule USC on B??
- QB goes in motion
- enforcement/1st down question
- PAT question
- Punt blocked, can I punt again?
- 10 players on offense, Illegal formation
- Ncaa double foul
- Proper spot and down?
- Position of ball vs body
- Disturbing college football trend...players faking injuries to slow down no-huddle
- Got any good quotes?
- High school ruling
- Drop kick for kickoff
- Extending the Period/Game
- 'Red Hat'/'Orange Gloves' Signals
- BJ Duties - Muff etc
- OPI - Illegal Touch
- USC/Utah ending
- Enforcement puzzle
- NFHS - Rule 5-1-2(a)
- penalty enforcement procedure
- what do you have???
- ND/UM fumble and touchdown question
- Mechanics stopping clock & encroachment signal
- Black Pants
- under inflated football
- Defense holding/
- Face Guarding
- Ball Spotting
- Little help please: Previous Spot or Not
- Helmet Contact Enforcement
- OT - What's the Worst Punt You've Ever Seen?
- NCAA CFO test results??
- PAT scrimmage line
- Here's a doozy for ya
- high school tuck rule?
- FED overtime ules question
- Coach Forfeits on Ref's Call...
- Penalty Enforcement
- Helmet to Helmet contact
- Taking a knee
- Punt and step
- Correct ruling?
- Ncaa ot
- Enforcement of Defensive Holding/Illegal Use of Hands
- Play cards
- Double foul situation
- Loss track of down
- replay down or not
- Can you change footballs?
- Fouls during punt return
- What is your opinion of the pants after wearing them?
- Ohio State officials
- Illegal Forward Pass
- TD or Not?
- Potential blocker or not?
- Unusual Penalty Accepted/Declined Situation
- 4th Down Numbering Exception- Ineligible??
- 12 men on the field at the snap
- First Ever in 30 years
- Sometimes you wonder why we do this job.
- Block below the waist
- Pointing toward Heaven flagged?
- 5-man mechanic for swinging gate
- Help on foul enforcement
- Free Kick Lines
- To honor Tressel or not at the HS level
- Not a FED rule...yet
- "Dead ball, personal foul, fair catch interference..."
- First game EVER on Monday... Advice?
- Intentional Grounding Question
- Start the clock or not
- Do Over?
- Black pants: to press or not to press?
- Penalty enforcement
- Force out
- Holding on a pass play, NFHS rules
- Misunderstood football rules
- Illegal Equipment
- Passer crossing the Line of Scrimmage
- Illegal shift/motion or not
- 15yd facemask foul by K on scrimmage kick.
- Illegal forward what???
- Penalty on Offense - Clock run?
- rule ?
- Passer over the LOS
- 1st game jitters
- Why is the Welcome to Football Officiating Moment locked?
- Injured Player out for one "Down"
- Welcome to Football Officiating Moment
- Fed forum now officially dead.
- Adding Weight to Flag
- Position progression
- Legal use of hand & arm in blocking?
- Who's adding a Deep Judge to their crews?
- NCAA 4th down fumble
- First game as White hat.
- Officials Medical Form
- Advice for a new Back Judge
- Uniform for a new official?
- First scrimmage of the season
- Spam attacks on the rise again!
- OT - Loss of One of the Good Guys
- Change in web address
- Football Poem
- kicking game
- Business just picked up!!!!!!!!!!!
- NFHS Webinar
- Game Reports
- Ghost Town
- Mike Pereira interviews Ed Hochuli
- Kickoff question
- NFHS Muffed Punt
- More "Nit Pick" from Washingto State
- Fed FBZ accidentally ends
- Spam Posts
- Moderators???
- Comments on the 2011 football rules changes
- Washington officials finally disciplined for charity pink whistles
- Dave Perry Passing.
- Knickers done in Ohio
- 2011 Fed rules are up on the NFHS website....
- OT - A Uniform Oopsy by ASU?
- best shoes you have worn...
- Technology
- 1961 NFL Title game- touchback rules
- Working in Crews
- 2011 NFHS Rules changes
- Illegal Helmet Contact
- Message from Today's Super Bowl Crew
- The death of knickers (I hope)
- Officials Strike in La?
- The Next Ed Hochuli
- Crazy play in youth game
- Super Bowl XLV
- I love NFL
- Mechanics question from non-football guy
- Attention Mods/Admin- really inappropriate Spam
- NFL Playoff OT Scenarios
- Sugar Bowl Safety
- Untimed Down
- NCAA Football Blocking Rules
- Equipment question
- Legal formation?
- Any idea why the NFL stops the clock on a sack?
- N. Carolina/Tennessee
- Excessive celebration-Pinstripe Bowl
- Rules Question from a Basketball Guy
- Ruling
- NCAA Fumble Rule
- We Will Miss You Gilbert!
- Pearland V. Trinity
- Colts-Jags block in back.
- The Trip
- Is this Hurdling.
- Main website
- Random question
- Anyone ever purchase the Honig's Gore-tex...
- Minnesota-Duluth vs. NW Missouri Game / Crew
- Bowl Game Assignments
- Turn Out the Lights
- Backing your officials....
- Blood on Uniform
- Best cold weather gear???
- Another Mascot Goes Astray.....
- West Virginia AAA State Championship Game
- Flag thrown for TD Celebration
- how does your state hand out post season
- LSU/Arkansas Clock Situation
- Illegal batting Nevada vs. BSU
- Kickoff contact
- Another season come and gone
- NF Mechanics manual online
- Fighting result in postseason ban
- 3 plays from this weekend
- Nu txamu
- no captain on field/penalty declined automatically?
- conflict of interest?
- Loss of our moderator and most of all friend
- Just after the snap
- Purpose of the beanbag....
- Just got the call to work the 3rd round of our state playoffs.
- Illegal motion question (FED)
- Field Goals
- A strange call on a punt- HELP!
- Back-Handspring Ejection
- Holding enforcement spot
- Eligible or Ineligible
- Replaced Player
- Is this Calvin Johnson?
- kickoff oob enforcement
- Defensive Holding
- Trick play, middle school. Your take...
- back judge mechanic
- Fake FG Question
- Intentional Grounding
- Scoreboard Redesign Project
- Texas muffed punt v. Baylor
- Talking about wind...
- If you like OT?
- Tragic Loss
- Yikes.....
- Unbelieveable!!
- First and . . .
- NFHS Resource Page
- grounded punt
- Hand grenade play revisited
- 50-60mph winds tonight for playoffs
- Single wing
- Pittsburg/Miami Fumble
- Tackling an eligible receiver
- Hair pulling penalties
- Pass
- Pylon Mechanics Crew of 5
- Is it true?
- New one for me
- Rule Reference Question - OPI on try
- scrimmage kick penalty inforcement question
- Pink cancer pins
- Last week of the regular season
- Loose ball plays and penalties..help :)
- Numbering Exceptions
- Cal/Stanford Type Ending in KY Game
- NFL to announce suspensions for hits
- Penalty Enforcement
- Illegal substitution?
- first touching
- Muffed punt and second kick
- Chiefs/Texans PI
- great fakes
- U-M vs. Iowa game
- Coach on the field
- Runner touches ball to ground
- Coach comes across field to protest
- Eye black strips