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  1. touchback, or not?
  2. Concussion Policy
  3. Enforcement on the punt return that never was
  4. Syracuse Missed Extra Point
  5. One set of lights go out
  6. Sideline interference
  7. Defensive Holding on 3rd Down
  8. Backward Pass...or not.
  9. Quick question
  10. First Game as Back Judge
  11. Obligatory 16 yard Hail-mary video
  12. Handoff question
  13. PSK Question
  14. First Varsity Game Tomorrow
  15. Would you rule USC on B??
  16. QB goes in motion
  17. enforcement/1st down question
  18. PAT question
  19. Punt blocked, can I punt again?
  20. 10 players on offense, Illegal formation
  21. Ncaa double foul
  22. Proper spot and down?
  23. Position of ball vs body
  24. Disturbing college football trend...players faking injuries to slow down no-huddle
  25. Got any good quotes?
  26. High school ruling
  27. Drop kick for kickoff
  28. Extending the Period/Game
  29. 'Red Hat'/'Orange Gloves' Signals
  30. BJ Duties - Muff etc
  31. OPI - Illegal Touch
  32. USC/Utah ending
  33. Enforcement puzzle
  34. NFHS - Rule 5-1-2(a)
  35. penalty enforcement procedure
  36. what do you have???
  37. ND/UM fumble and touchdown question
  38. Mechanics stopping clock & encroachment signal
  39. Black Pants
  40. under inflated football
  41. Defense holding/
  42. Face Guarding
  43. Ball Spotting
  44. Little help please: Previous Spot or Not
  45. Helmet Contact Enforcement
  46. OT - What's the Worst Punt You've Ever Seen?
  47. NCAA CFO test results??
  48. PAT scrimmage line
  49. Here's a doozy for ya
  50. high school tuck rule?
  51. FED overtime ules question
  52. Coach Forfeits on Ref's Call...
  53. Penalty Enforcement
  54. Helmet to Helmet contact
  55. Taking a knee
  56. Punt and step
  57. Correct ruling?
  58. Ncaa ot
  59. Enforcement of Defensive Holding/Illegal Use of Hands
  60. Play cards
  61. Double foul situation
  62. Loss track of down
  63. replay down or not
  64. Can you change footballs?
  65. Fouls during punt return
  66. What is your opinion of the pants after wearing them?
  67. Ohio State officials
  68. Illegal Forward Pass
  69. TD or Not?
  70. Potential blocker or not?
  71. Unusual Penalty Accepted/Declined Situation
  72. 4th Down Numbering Exception- Ineligible??
  73. 12 men on the field at the snap
  74. First Ever in 30 years
  75. Sometimes you wonder why we do this job.
  76. Block below the waist
  77. Pointing toward Heaven flagged?
  78. 5-man mechanic for swinging gate
  79. Help on foul enforcement
  80. Free Kick Lines
  81. To honor Tressel or not at the HS level
  82. Not a FED rule...yet
  83. "Dead ball, personal foul, fair catch interference..."
  84. First game EVER on Monday... Advice?
  85. Intentional Grounding Question
  86. Start the clock or not
  87. Do Over?
  88. Black pants: to press or not to press?
  89. Penalty enforcement
  90. Force out
  91. Holding on a pass play, NFHS rules
  92. Misunderstood football rules
  93. Illegal Equipment
  94. Passer crossing the Line of Scrimmage
  95. Illegal shift/motion or not
  96. 15yd facemask foul by K on scrimmage kick.
  97. Illegal forward what???
  98. Penalty on Offense - Clock run?
  99. rule ?
  100. Passer over the LOS
  101. 1st game jitters
  102. Why is the Welcome to Football Officiating Moment locked?
  103. Injured Player out for one "Down"
  104. Welcome to Football Officiating Moment
  105. Fed forum now officially dead.
  106. Adding Weight to Flag
  107. Position progression
  108. Legal use of hand & arm in blocking?
  109. Who's adding a Deep Judge to their crews?
  110. NCAA 4th down fumble
  111. First game as White hat.
  112. Officials Medical Form
  113. Advice for a new Back Judge
  114. Uniform for a new official?
  115. First scrimmage of the season
  116. Spam attacks on the rise again!
  117. OT - Loss of One of the Good Guys
  118. Change in web address
  119. Football Poem
  120. kicking game
  121. Business just picked up!!!!!!!!!!!
  122. NFHS Webinar
  123. Game Reports
  124. Ghost Town
  125. Mike Pereira interviews Ed Hochuli
  126. Kickoff question
  127. NFHS Muffed Punt
  128. More "Nit Pick" from Washingto State
  129. Fed FBZ accidentally ends
  130. Spam Posts
  131. Moderators???
  132. Comments on the 2011 football rules changes
  133. Washington officials finally disciplined for charity pink whistles
  134. Dave Perry Passing.
  135. Knickers done in Ohio
  136. 2011 Fed rules are up on the NFHS website....
  137. OT - A Uniform Oopsy by ASU?
  138. best shoes you have worn...
  139. Technology
  140. 1961 NFL Title game- touchback rules
  141. Working in Crews
  142. 2011 NFHS Rules changes
  143. Illegal Helmet Contact
  144. Message from Today's Super Bowl Crew
  145. The death of knickers (I hope)
  146. Officials Strike in La?
  147. The Next Ed Hochuli
  148. Crazy play in youth game
  149. Super Bowl XLV
  150. I love NFL
  151. Mechanics question from non-football guy
  152. Attention Mods/Admin- really inappropriate Spam
  153. NFL Playoff OT Scenarios
  154. Sugar Bowl Safety
  155. Untimed Down
  156. NCAA Football Blocking Rules
  157. Equipment question
  158. Legal formation?
  159. Any idea why the NFL stops the clock on a sack?
  160. N. Carolina/Tennessee
  161. Excessive celebration-Pinstripe Bowl
  162. Rules Question from a Basketball Guy
  163. Ruling
  164. NCAA Fumble Rule
  165. We Will Miss You Gilbert!
  166. Pearland V. Trinity
  167. Colts-Jags block in back.
  168. The Trip
  169. Is this Hurdling.
  170. Main website
  171. Random question
  172. Anyone ever purchase the Honig's Gore-tex...
  173. Minnesota-Duluth vs. NW Missouri Game / Crew
  174. Bowl Game Assignments
  175. Turn Out the Lights
  176. Backing your officials....
  177. Blood on Uniform
  178. Best cold weather gear???
  179. Another Mascot Goes Astray.....
  180. West Virginia AAA State Championship Game
  181. Flag thrown for TD Celebration
  182. how does your state hand out post season
  183. LSU/Arkansas Clock Situation
  184. NFHS vs NCAA
  185. Illegal batting Nevada vs. BSU
  186. Kickoff contact
  187. Another season come and gone
  188. NF Mechanics manual online
  189. Fighting result in postseason ban
  190. 3 plays from this weekend
  191. Nu txamu
  192. no captain on field/penalty declined automatically?
  193. conflict of interest?
  194. Loss of our moderator and most of all friend
  195. Just after the snap
  196. Purpose of the beanbag....
  197. Just got the call to work the 3rd round of our state playoffs.
  198. Illegal motion question (FED)
  199. Field Goals
  200. A strange call on a punt- HELP!
  201. Back-Handspring Ejection
  202. Holding enforcement spot
  203. Eligible or Ineligible
  204. Replaced Player
  205. Is this Calvin Johnson?
  206. kickoff oob enforcement
  207. Defensive Holding
  208. Trick play, middle school. Your take...
  209. back judge mechanic
  210. Fake FG Question
  211. Intentional Grounding
  212. Scoreboard Redesign Project
  213. Texas muffed punt v. Baylor
  214. Talking about wind...
  215. If you like OT?
  216. Tragic Loss
  217. Yikes.....
  218. Unbelieveable!!
  219. First and . . .
  220. NFHS Resource Page
  221. grounded punt
  222. Hand grenade play revisited
  223. 50-60mph winds tonight for playoffs
  224. Single wing
  225. Pittsburg/Miami Fumble
  226. Tackling an eligible receiver
  227. Hair pulling penalties
  228. Pass
  229. Pylon Mechanics Crew of 5
  230. Is it true?
  231. New one for me
  232. Rule Reference Question - OPI on try
  233. scrimmage kick penalty inforcement question
  234. Pink cancer pins
  235. Last week of the regular season
  236. Loose ball plays and penalties..help :)
  237. Numbering Exceptions
  238. Cal/Stanford Type Ending in KY Game
  239. NFL to announce suspensions for hits
  240. Penalty Enforcement
  241. Illegal substitution?
  242. first touching
  243. Muffed punt and second kick
  244. Chiefs/Texans PI
  245. great fakes
  246. U-M vs. Iowa game
  247. Coach on the field
  248. Runner touches ball to ground
  249. Coach comes across field to protest
  250. Eye black strips

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