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  1. Numbering question
  2. Crazy punting situation NFHS
  3. Case Play 4.2.3 sit E
  4. Notre Dame - UCLA timing question
  5. Field Exam is Monday
  6. Illegal Forward Pass?
  7. On the wane....
  8. Free Kick
  9. What's with "reporting"?
  10. Momentum question
  11. New RTK Rule
  12. Blocking Below the Waist
  13. NFL Officials Information for Presentation
  14. 3-but-1 vs All-but-one
  15. Face masks
  16. Please clarify a call
  17. Fans are funny....
  18. Anyone have NCAA spiral-bound rule book?
  19. For Linesmen only, and those who want to be like us.....
  20. Thank you Pac-10 refs
  21. Confusion in Case Book
  22. Article: HS Trick play
  23. I screwed this one up...(I think)
  24. Steelers Center Question
  25. Finger Whistles or not?
  26. Setting the chains
  27. IW question
  28. WH Signals part II
  29. NCAA Safety Question
  30. Respecting one of our own...
  31. WH signals
  32. Defense Holding- Spot of enforcement
  33. Head Coach wants to talk to R between periods
  34. Coach in End Zone
  35. Sniper scare at little league game. (turned out to be a vid cam)
  36. Opinion on Point Not Covered
  37. Auburn/Florida Game
  38. NFL Roughin the Passer
  39. Miami / FIU Fight Video
  40. NCAA - Untimed down
  41. NFL rule on free kicks out of bounds?
  42. Substitution question
  43. NFL Rules and Pylon
  44. An interesting play
  45. Unsportsmanlike on Change of posession
  46. Miami brawl shows Rule 12 inadequate
  47. Back scores 10 TDs and LOSES!
  48. Inadvertant Whistle and Flag on Kickoff (and cussing)
  49. Out coaching the rules
  50. Need a little therapy advice
  51. What do you wear to stay warm?
  52. Running clock, boy was it ever!
  53. Can a Running Back get sacked.
  54. Nfhs Fg
  55. IW on GL Fumble.
  56. Who what when where are we?? next play
  57. Basic (5-man) Umpire mechanics
  58. How do you post a video
  59. They nailed him
  60. Video highlights
  61. First Snowfall
  62. Fair catch.....
  63. Video Play 2 - WR hold
  64. Video Play 1 - legal blocks
  65. Extra Points/FG
  66. Cold weather is here
  67. Sportmanship--What can officials do?
  68. Question: NCAA Rules Materials
  69. Dpi;
  70. RTP passed the LOS
  71. Football in the Tundra -- ESPN series
  72. Fellow Official goes Down
  73. Interception Touchback/Safety question
  74. KCI on scrimmage kick
  75. Free blocking zone
  76. Kangaroo Court
  77. whistle mechanics
  78. 2 Plays
  79. Is this a catch
  80. NFL Cold Weather uniforms
  81. How to ignore
  82. Our Captain Said What???
  83. forward pass/backwards pass
  84. Two Motion Questions
  85. Deadball PF vs Roughing the Passer - help
  86. Overtime enforcement
  87. DPI or Not?
  88. Question
  89. 2 things I've notice
  90. Jersey change
  91. PSK fouls
  92. Good Lines to use on coaches
  93. Personal foul: auto 1st down?
  94. side line warning
  95. Opi?
  96. NCAA Pass Int.
  97. Flag on loose ball plays
  98. NCAA: Kickoff goes OOB
  99. Help: Disagreement on numbering exception
  100. Illegal Blocks "in the back"
  101. Measurement "courtesy"
  102. Untimed down
  103. Free Kick after a Fair Catch
  104. Initial R stance
  105. I froze and missed a call.
  106. More candidates for youth coach of the year
  107. Defensive Holding on Kickoff?
  108. Questionable Block(Clip) by FSU Quarterback?
  109. NC State vs. Florida State
  110. Parents lack of sportsmanship
  111. Advice for first year ref...
  112. Head coach ejected; timeout interp
  113. Cover of NCAA Rule Book
  114. Penalty?
  115. nfl schedule
  116. Pass Interference?
  117. Need some help with a weird roughing the passer call.
  118. Penalty enforcement for foul in the EZ
  119. Is This Blocked Kick Legal?
  120. Enforcement Question
  121. Illegal Snap
  122. Illegal kick OB
  123. Illegal shift question
  124. Online Mechanics
  125. Question about fair catch
  126. 7-Man Mechanics question (from Eagles game)
  127. NF: Celebration?
  128. Eagles/Packers Review Situation
  129. What if the Defense is Verbal During Cadence...???
  130. KO late entry
  131. Ohio State - Iowa
  132. Substitution question
  133. I get a call with a 'question' and wasn't sure...
  134. Getting 2 pts. in college ball
  135. NCAA LOD enforcement
  136. Dehydration slash Water Breaks
  137. What do you call?
  138. Gloves
  139. How would you handle this one?
  140. Position Trivia
  141. Helmet Opening
  142. Inadvertent Whistle
  143. Mechanics Help
  144. W.Va. HS back 658 yards
  145. Double Foul?
  146. 4th time out in a half
  147. USC or not?
  148. Benefit of the doubt
  149. I got nailed tonight
  150. NCAA Kick Plays
  151. Late hit by B after unsuccessful 4th down play.
  152. Humiliated Ump
  153. Kick Catch Interference
  154. Middle School Unsportsmanlike Conduct by Nonplayer
  155. One more play
  156. U.S.A. against CHINA
  157. Interesting plays
  158. Rules
  159. Looking to try Officiating
  160. Free Kick Line
  161. Illegal Sub? - or nothing?
  162. District ends 0-4 team's season
  163. Suspensions
  164. Intent. Grounding/Loss of Down/4th Down, etc.
  165. Just to Summarize DPI (NCAA)
  166. TD or not?
  167. Any NC guys here?
  168. On side kick mechanics (5 man) NFHS
  169. Interference or Not?
  170. Replay ?
  171. Just checking...
  172. Mark Cuban regarding suspending officials
  173. Safety or Touchback
  174. Verbal deception on A
  175. Sideline Warning
  176. Monday Night Football
  177. Late Sub
  178. What's wrong with this play?
  179. Mouthguard Modification
  180. Changing your mind
  181. Forward handing
  182. NCAA Umpire Mechanics
  183. Stomping by B
  184. Wing Mechanics
  185. Armor All Wipes
  186. Coaches box
  187. So much for new uniforms...
  188. IS or IP?
  189. Inside the Numbers
  190. (NCAA) Holding or not holding?
  191. Free Kick - Move ball after Ready for Play?
  192. OPI on 4th Down
  193. Talking heads
  194. We're getting older...
  195. Misapp
  196. NCAA fumbles on fourth down
  197. Inadvertant Whistle NF
  198. field goal or try
  199. HELLLLP!! Gotta ref t'morow Need Quickie
  200. 3 Plays
  201. NF Spot Question
  202. a play from my last JV game still bugs me.
  203. Numbering question.
  204. Article: The margin of error is 50 in Connecticut
  205. Missouri and Illinois Officials
  206. White Hat Position
  207. Shift Restrictions
  208. This was sent to me by a friend
  209. NFHS Rules: Pass eligibility for the player on the end of line.
  210. New trend??
  211. scrimmage kick question.
  212. starting the clock
  213. Kill the Play or Not?
  214. Interesting way to think about offsetting fouls
  215. Gregg Doyel shows his lack of knowledge
  216. Web Site
  217. Illegal Forward Pass?
  218. Spiking the ball.
  219. Fed Question
  220. Try question?
  221. 1.3.7
  222. Do you flag it, or not
  223. Pac-10 officials vs. OK suspended one game
  224. NCAA Pass Interference
  225. Try play
  226. Another Catch\No Catch
  227. More Coin Toss
  228. I am overthinking this- motion NFHS
  229. Catch or no Catch
  230. What is a Catch? :confused:
  231. NFHS forum link
  232. Question about the football itself
  233. removing helmet
  234. Chinstrap
  235. Almost had the Bigfoot of Officiating
  236. Non existent pre-game. The players deserve better
  237. 2006 NF Mechinacs exam
  238. Signal on a safety
  239. Unsportsmanlike (taunting) or not?
  240. Auburn-LSU PI non-call
  241. NCAA new timing rule
  242. illegal substitution
  243. Place Kicks 2-23-7
  244. Figger this one out
  245. NCAA Black Bean Bags?
  246. When Replay Fails
  247. Unsportsmanlike on an Injured player
  248. 1st Down Mark Question
  249. Lights out
  250. One act, two fouls?

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