Originally Posted by IREFU2
Most commentators dont have a clue about the rules and just speculate. I had the opportunity to sit behind some in a high school game that was on the radio and they really dont have a clue.
I have a friend that does the local radio broadcast and also helps officiate in our young kids rec league. I walked into a game one night as a spectator and stopped near the table, thinking it would be interesting to see the game and hear the commentary at the same time. About the time I got there, a foul was called, and I heard this guy comment, "I think that should have been a travel." I really hadn't seen the play, which had occurred as I walked in, but I was interested to see where the critique of the play would go from there. My friend had seen me standing there and knew I had heard his remark about the play. I instantly became part of the broadcast. He called me by name, "My friend who is an official has just walked in, and he knows a lot." I nodded.
This pumped him up. "He nodded his head. He agrees it was a travel," he said to the 12 listeners in radio-land. I corrected him. "No, I was agreeing with you when you said I knew a lot."

Knowledge, like most everything else, is relative.