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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Tue Nov 24, 2009, 03:02am
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Mar 2008
Posts: 56
player hand opposing player ball out of bounds??

had this happen in a game..A1 was out of bounds in a throw in and had the ball across the "plane" and B1 took it from him...

legal or not legal??

high school and college??

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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Tue Nov 24, 2009, 03:28am
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Jan 2003
Location: In a little pink house
Posts: 5,289
Legal, as long as the ball is across the plane onto the court.
"It is not enough to do your best; you must know what to do, and then do your best." - W. Edwards Deming
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Tue Nov 24, 2009, 04:16am
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Nov 2002
Posts: 15,011
Straight from the NFHS book.

. . . The opponent(s) of the thrower shall not have any part of his/her
person through the inbounds side of the throw-in boundary-line plane until the ball has been released on a throw-in pass.
NOTE: The thrower may penetrate the plane provided he/she does not touch the inbounds area before the ball is released on the throw-in pass. The opponent in this situation may legally touch or grasp the ball.

The NCAA ruling is the same.

A.R. 103. Team A has been awarded a throw-in after a violation. A1, during
the throw-in, breaks the boundary plane with the ball and
extends the ball over the playing court. B1 causes a held ball.
The possession arrow favors Team A.
RULING: A1’s breaking the boundary plane and extending the ball
over the playing court does not violate throw-in provisions. B1 legally
grabbed a live ball
and caused a held ball. The ball shall be awarded to
Team A for an alternating-possession procedure.
(Rule 4-37 and 6-3.1.a)

A.R. 150. Thrower-in A1 breaks the plane of the boundary line by
extending the ball over the playing court during an alternatingpossession
procedure. B1 creates a held ball. The official awards
the ball to Team A since the alternating possession for the
throw-in did not end. Was the official correct?
RULING: The official was correct. An alternating-possession
throw-in ends when the throw-in ends or when the throw-in team
violates provisions of the throw-in. A1 has five seconds to release the
throw-in. The throw-in count shall end when the ball is released by
the thrower-in so that the ball goes directly into the playing court.
The throw-in shall end when a passed ball touches or legally touches
an inbounds player or when a player, who is on the playing court,
touches and causes the ball to be out of bounds, or when a throw-in
provision has been violated. Breaking the boundary plane with the
ball by extending the ball over the playing court is not a violation of
the throw-in provisions but the act does cause the ball to come into

(Rule 6-3.2 and 4-67.4 and .5)

A.R. 240. After a field goal by B1 with two minutes left to play:
(1) B2 reaches through the end-line plane and slaps the ball from
the hands of A1 or touches the ball as it is passed along the end
line after the score; or
(2) After a warning, B2 prevents the ball from being promptly put
in play by slapping the ball away.
RULING: In both plays, a player/substitute technical foul shall be
charged to B2 for delaying the game. This act shall also receive a
warning if one has not been previously issued for reaching through the
When A1, in making the throw-in, extends the ball through the end-line
plane into the playing court and B1 slaps the ball from the hands of A1,
without B1 breaking the plane above the end line, B1 has not committed
a violation because the ball is in play once it crosses the end line.

(Rule 10-3.8 and 10-3.11)
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