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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Tue Oct 25, 2005, 12:05am
I Bleed Crimson
Join Date: Sep 2005
Posts: 477
We had an IW tonight. I just wanted to make sure we got the call right.

4th and about 20. K punts and R catches the ball about 30 yards downfield. During the return, R is hit at the 45 and fumbles. While the ball is loose our LJ blows the whistle. K recovers the fumble.

Our ruling? Since R was the team offended, we offered the R captain: a) 1st and 10 at the 45, or b) replay the down. Of course they chose the ball at the 45. Right ruling?

And to throw in a mix. What about the following scenarios. Assume the same play, but a) during the kick, R1 holds K1, b) during the return, R2 holds K2, and c) during the return, before the fumble, K3 grasps and pulls R3's facemask.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Tue Oct 25, 2005, 12:28am
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 136
Post Fed Answer

Originally posted by Suudy
We had an IW tonight. I just wanted to make sure we got the call right.

4th and about 20. K punts and R catches the ball about 30 yards downfield. During the return, R is hit at the 45 and fumbles. While the ball is loose our LJ blows the whistle. K recovers the fumble.

Our ruling? Since R was the team offended, we offered the R captain: a) 1st and 10 at the 45, or b) replay the down. Of course they chose the ball at the 45. Right ruling?

And to throw in a mix. What about the following scenarios. Assume the same play, but a) during the kick, R1 holds K1, b) during the return, R2 holds K2, and c) during the return, before the fumble, K3 grasps and pulls R3's facemask.
In your original scenerio, you got it correct, not because any team was offended, both should be offended by an IW, but because R is the team last in team possession of the ball.(4-2-3) R may put the ball in play where player possession was lost or they may elect to replay the down. Only the team last in player possession of a ball has any options on an IW, if they have any at all.

In your extra credit question
a) If R's hold was beyond the expanded neutral zone, you still have PSK since R was the last team in player possession and is next to put the ball in play so you enforce 10 yards, if accepted, from the end of the kick and the IW is ignored. If R's hold was in or behind the EZN, previous spot enforcement for a foul during a loose ball, K may elect to replay 4th down, after walking off the 10 yard foul If the penalty is accepted, the IW is ignored. If in either case, K declines the penalty, then R has the choice of 1st and 10 at the 45 or a replay of 4th and 20 for K.

b) If K accepts the penalty, you march off 10 yards from the 45 (end of the run) or the spot of the penalty, whichever hurts R the most, and ignore the IW. Again, if K declines the penalty, R then has the choice of 1st and 10 at the 45 or replay K's 4th and 20.

c) R accepts the penalty, you add on 15 yards to the end of the run, which ended at one of the 45's (not specified in the OP). If R declines the penalty, R may then have its choice of 1st and 10 at the 45 or replay 4th and 20 for K.

My Extra credit question now.

4th and 12 for K at K's 31 yard line. K punts, R signals for a fair catch but muffs at R's 30 yard line. The BJ, blows the whistle while the ball is loose following the muff. During the kick, R76 clips K65 at the R's 45. What options do you give to the K or R?
See the ball, insure its dead
Then the whistle, not ahead
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Tue Oct 25, 2005, 01:45am
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Sep 2000
Posts: 465
Re: Fed Answer

[QUOTE]Originally posted by BulldogMcC
Originally posted by Suudy

My Extra credit question now.

4th and 12 for K at K's 31 yard line. K punts, R signals for a fair catch but muffs at R's 30 yard line. The BJ, blows the whistle while the ball is loose following the muff. During the kick, R76 clips K65 at the R's 45. What options do you give to the K or R?
Give K the option of accepting the foul for the clip and the IW goes away. If the foul is accepted march off 15 yards from the previous spot making it K 1/0 @ K-46 clock on the snap. Or K can decline and replay the down.

[Edited by James Neil on Oct 25th, 2005 at 02:52 AM]
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