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  1. Will Black Diamond-DFM-UMP Mask peel and crack
  2. [ASA Co-Ed] No advance on IFR?
  3. What Should be the Call?
  4. Interference? Or no call?
  5. What do you do to prepare for Nationals?
  6. another INT or DP stitch
  7. Live ball?
  8. Australia vs. USA
  9. Properly noting a "benched" defensive player
  10. U3K Play
  11. whats the call
  12. Follow up to weather Thread
  13. Force runner question - ASA
  14. SP Rules Differences
  15. NSA World Series
  16. need help finding New Era caps
  17. ESPN Feild Graphic
  18. Sorry red, er, ah, I mean, caught ya red and your welcome
  19. USA vs Canada Border Battle
  20. Italy vs USA
  21. Mens vs womens FP
  22. Awarding bases on obstruction
  23. Wcos
  24. heading your way, Mike
  25. INT on a DP?
  26. What would you do?
  27. Be prepared
  28. txfp blue recourse thread reminded me of this coach...
  29. loose equipment and ricochet fair batted ball
  30. Do Not Pitch - Dead or Live?
  31. On-deck batter and blocked Ball or live Ball?
  32. Scoring Question: Error vs. Hit
  33. Definition of bat and reach first safely
  34. Infield in the rule book
  35. Thwap...thwap...thwap
  36. Whose call at 3B ?
  37. force out question
  38. Ground Rule Double or live ball?
  39. Inappropriate Wording
  40. Until it hurts
  41. Had to forfeit my 1st game
  42. So yesterday I worked with errr... something
  43. Awfully hot weather
  44. Daddy Umpire
  45. hurt obstructed runner
  46. New Umpire Blues
  47. Softballs - 275 comp.
  48. PU Hold while BU(s) position or Both back in simulataneously
  49. looking for a team...Chicago Area
  50. Infield fly...ordinary effort?
  51. play brought up at FP camp
  52. ball hits hands
  53. Obstruction 101
  54. Illegal pitch mechanic
  55. 2010 NFHS Rule Changes
  56. obstruction or out
  57. Mechanics question
  58. Any recourse, any call
  59. No bat restrictions?
  60. So I told her..well show me it then..
  61. Appeal of a 3rd out - does run score?
  62. Trusting your equipment
  63. ASA Rule Clarifications
  64. When is the B-R "out of the batter's box"?
  65. What a way to win
  66. Wharton Resigns in Ohio due to stroke
  67. What was that she said?????
  68. May this amuse you today...
  69. College Softball Recruiting E-Book
  70. Don't be a good umpire be a great umpire
  71. Has Fech lost it?
  72. Non-approved bat list
  73. It bothered me.
  74. New Balance 350 help
  75. Rule 6 3O enforcement - 20 second pitch rule
  76. Awarding Bases
  77. Machanic Question
  78. Schutt Ultra Lite Vs. Diamond Ultra Lite
  79. Obstruction
  80. Definition of "possession of the ball"
  81. Interesting situtation...opinions please.
  82. Run Ahead Rule
  83. Obstruction/Missed Base
  84. I think ASA needs to provide ruling re Clarity Stealth
  85. What would you have done?
  86. ump calls infield fly, but it is not
  87. interfence or obstruction
  88. Greymule
  89. Unintentional Force ?
  90. Timing play??
  91. rule 8 section 2 F
  92. Tournament this weekend...
  93. short hand rule
  94. Opinions please
  95. ESPN Softball Article
  96. Mike Candrea play
  97. Substitution rule
  98. DeMarini Vendetta (Red with Rails)
  99. ????
  100. What happened?
  101. NCAA softball pitching rules
  102. Need opinions please.
  103. Timing of Score - No Tag Up
  104. Gerry Davis Stance for softball
  105. Line up Management
  106. Socal Champions Cup
  107. rimming???
  108. ASA Question
  109. Swap'em
  110. Umpire Cake Topper
  111. Houston bound
  112. Umpire Assignment Web-Site
  113. 2009 advanced FP camp
  114. USSSA/PONY Differences
  115. identifying runners
  116. Texans...this can't be true, can it?
  117. 6U Coach gone wild
  118. Three crazy plays...
  119. So Miss vs Texas PU indicator
  120. Covering the tag up on a caught Fly Ball
  121. Umpire Goes Deep
  122. Men's NCAA College WS
  123. Injuries
  124. Contacts in NC & SC
  125. Dp/flex
  126. Well.....I finally got one
  127. IFA in Beaumont
  128. What is the Effect?
  129. Grand Slam taken away
  130. [ASA Co-Ed] Dead Ball Territory Question
  131. OKlahoma
  132. Best laugh of the season
  133. Photo comments
  134. Another dropped infield fly sitch.
  135. Sunglasses on top of head
  136. UW - Danielle Lawrie
  137. skull session
  138. Watching other umps call games.
  139. What a weekend
  140. Illegal pitch?
  141. Boo
  142. INT or OBS or nothing?
  143. Pitcher foot off pitching plate
  144. Umpire Error
  145. How to get in trouble
  146. Funny/Crazy partner situations
  147. Third Strike touched ground
  148. Triple Play
  149. Partner not wanting help
  150. Umpire Error
  151. Look back rule
  152. bizarre scenario, what to do here?
  153. Pleasureable Tournament
  154. Need some rule clarification
  155. blocking the plate question
  156. Interference, DP situation
  157. Such a shame
  158. Cheering during game....
  159. HS Contacts in San Diego?
  160. confusion on basebaths
  161. crow hop illegal pitch
  162. Obstruction??
  163. Confused on infield fly
  164. Talking Heads know more than Umpires
  165. How to catch batter being out of batter's box
  166. strike zone wcws
  167. Softball Field Mechanics
  168. asa softball pitching
  169. washington/Georgia
  170. "Homerun" and Talking Heads
  171. The dreaded R1 on 2B SS and runner collide
  172. Interference @ Plate ?
  173. Georgia getting hammered on IP
  174. Mob at home plate?
  175. WCWS umpire head movement
  176. Strike zone defined by ground?
  177. IQ in TV booth
  178. BR removing helmet on home run
  179. Anyone have a good ASA 3 man handout/powerpoint?
  180. how to catch batter being out of batter's box
  181. Softball in Ecuador?
  182. NCAA Championship
  183. 3 man mechanic
  184. Pithcing lane in the WCWS
  185. R3 blocks thrown ball from F2-F5
  186. Forced to join Arbiter
  187. New one for me
  188. coach pulling out the rule book
  189. Intersting Rule Book Reference
  190. Dumb Call Commentator
  191. crazy play
  192. NCAA Super Regionals strike zone
  193. NCAA Reporting
  194. runover by F1
  195. question about bats
  196. Arizona vs. Stanford swing help
  197. JSU/Bama
  198. Arizona/Stanford game last night.
  199. When does the play stop?
  200. Only in Middle School Ball
  201. Storm in Seattle
  202. Tag up Question
  203. What's the Ruling?
  204. ASU - LSU Tempe Regional Final
  205. Using an ineligible player
  206. Slowing down quick calls
  207. First Game
  208. 2 runners on a base
  209. another line up card question
  210. Rookie Question
  211. Pitching changes
  212. Getting playoff experience
  213. Rules Question
  214. ASA May Rules Clarification
  215. New rules
  216. div I college camps for umpires
  217. +POS Umpiring Equipment For Sale
  218. DP/FLEX or DP/DEFO History of Rule
  219. NFHS Illegal Sub / Umpire Screwup
  220. illegal pitch
  221. NSA vs. ASA
  222. indicators
  223. Distracting cheers
  224. Is this just local or throughout ASA?
  225. Odd mechanic.
  226. Ejection or Warning
  227. Assigners / Chapter Secretaries
  228. More stupid jewelry
  229. Stealing Question
  230. Four man mechanics
  231. Newbie to umping softball.
  232. Help me with another question
  233. Poor OC
  234. I wasn't at my best yesterday, please help!
  235. Orange Base
  236. coverage
  237. Lineup Management
  238. Pitching Rule Violation Responsibilities
  239. MAC championships - black shirt
  240. I have a question about a run counting
  241. Fielder crashing into runner.
  242. Detached Equipment on a Foul Fly
  243. Interference?
  244. curious
  245. NFHS Unreported sub rule
  246. May ASA Rule Clarifications and Plays
  247. I 'm a Firm Believer In....
  248. Interference
  249. Stanford-Washington
  250. NCAA mechanic question

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