What was that she said?????
Working an USSSA coed slow-pitch game last night, I noticed the lady playing 3rd base wearing a mitt (illegal in USSSA, but legal in ASA) so I asked her to remove it. She "whined" that was the only glove she had. I told her to borrow a glove from one of the subs on the bench, sheesh.
After that half of the inning was over, she came to me with a question. She asked if the mitt rule was only for slow-pitch, to which I responded in USSSA yes, but ASA does allow it. She said, hmmm, that's a big difference between fast-pitch and slow-pitch because she was allowed to wear the mitt as a 3B in college ball. I didn't respond to that because I don't do college ball, much less fast-pitch, but it made me wonder. So, I ask of you folks on here, is that even true that 3B can wear a mitt in college softball? Thanks. |
Yup - from this year's NCAA rule book:
3.7.1 All players except the catcher must use a leather fielder’s glove/mitt that meets the following maximum specifications: Palm width: 8 inches; top opening of web: 5 inches; web top to bottom: 7-1/4 inches; thumb top to bottom edge: 9-1/4 inches; highest finger top to bottom edge: 14 inches.
Steve M |
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