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  1. What's the call ?
  2. ASA SP Stealing
  3. running bases in reverse order
  4. Dugout
  5. Idiosyncrasies with UIC's........how my weekend went
  6. Batters Hands Hit
  7. Dead ball, or not?
  8. Solo Mechanics or Unqualified Partner -- which is better
  9. ASA compression stds. for 2003--anyone in the know?
  10. Two Runner on One Base
  11. Illegal Player or BOO
  12. Just How Anal are you......... d;-)
  13. Weird base running play.
  14. drawing the line-literally
  15. Double base, errant throw issue
  16. ASA Rules on-line
  17. Sore Muscles
  18. mechanics
  19. 2003 NFHS Rule Changes
  20. 3 man mechanics
  21. Steve M, please send NCAA DP/DEFO rules
  22. Interesting News Item
  23. I Quit
  24. Cheating pitcher
  25. NFHS/ASA Rule Differences
  26. Referee Mag to Include Softball
  27. Epiphany!
  28. Another funny coach story!
  29. Please forgive me this indulgence!
  30. Interference
  31. charged conference or not ?
  32. "Natural Batting Stance"
  33. Too good to pass up
  34. Strike Zone for slow Pitch?
  35. 14B East FP Nationals
  36. ASA Slow Pitch Shorthanded Rule...Question
  37. Pitcher Can
  38. Happy Fathers Day!
  39. ASA Nationals
  40. Attentive Partner Story
  41. Contact with pitching plate
  42. Crash?
  43. illegal player or what?
  44. Saw this one last night...
  45. Should I have called catcher obstruction?
  46. Whatta you think
  47. Crazy World
  49. dropping ball after tag
  50. Some new website material
  51. Obsruction Call Mechanics
  52. Interference
  53. Detachable equipement
  54. State HS Fed's infatuation...
  55. Blown-call Hall of Fame
  56. Location of hands during the delivery of the pitch.
  57. Ground Rule Double
  58. Runner hit with batted ball while ON a base.
  59. Safe, out, interference or obstruction?
  60. illegal Pitch?
  61. coaches box
  62. 1st base call using saftey bag
  63. USSSA, anyone??
  64. MY VENT of the DAY
  65. Play at the plate.
  66. ball hits ground then batter
  67. Need web site
  68. Infield fly
  69. Tag Play
  70. Chatty umpires
  71. College World Series, Hit Batter
  72. My First Post and does anyone have...
  73. Arizona vs FSU
  74. Empty glove force play
  75. LL jr's Softball - double 1st base
  76. almost perfect - again
  77. today's funny...
  78. Dropped 3rd Strike
  79. Catcher as goalie
  80. JFF
  81. Equipment Talk
  82. Just Venting....
  83. Differences in Softballs
  84. Only in KID BALL
  85. North Carolina ASA rules for Coed teams
  86. Saw overthrow award
  87. Replacement Ump
  88. New Kid (Well niether new nor kid)
  89. Tournaments
  90. Interference/Obstruction/Nothing/HTBT
  91. *T* Bally Things & Young Lady with Desire
  92. illegal pitch / call timing
  93. Playoffs
  94. Thanks!
  95. Awards,Appeals & Outs
  96. Batted Ball in Batters Box
  97. Georgia Tech VS North Carolina
  98. Glen & Joel - Need scouting report
  99. Catcher talking to the batter?
  100. Upset Coach
  101. Tournament Rotation
  102. Thank you Mothers Day!!
  103. I hesitate to do this...
  104. Successful invention (I hope)
  105. base running rules.
  106. Well.......it finally happened.....
  107. Infield Fly Rule
  108. 3rd world play
  109. Obstruction -- always a base award ??
  110. How Much Is Too Much
  111. Code of Conduct for parents
  112. Batter hit by the pitch
  113. ASA 10u FP HBP ??
  114. I hate it when that happens
  115. Coaches gotta luv'em
  116. Funny Looking Play
  117. more on dropped third strikes
  118. Finally got on the field
  119. Wheelchair coaching
  120. Any others from Alabama?
  121. Illegal pitch
  122. Coaches Unsporting Act
  123. "Three times past the hip"
  124. Why ASA 6FP-3-I?
  125. Interference
  126. Breaking out of a fog
  127. Playing field Conditions
  128. close - again
  129. Illegal Pitch Question.....
  130. Pinch Hitting/Running With a Defensive Re-entry
  131. Snooze
  132. Dropped 3RD - NFHS
  133. Tag up on a foul fly
  134. ASA Casebook
  135. Bratter-Runner VS Runner
  136. It just wasn't Her night!
  137. Fair Ball?
  138. Out on Appeal ???
  139. Bats and where they land....
  140. Playoffs
  141. Obstruction or unsportsmanlike conduct.
  142. Foul Ball.....
  143. Please clarify this for me.
  144. Batting Position
  145. ASA test
  146. Voice Mechanics
  148. Two Rulings by a Coach
  149. Drop third strike
  150. Help!!!
  151. HR
  152. almost another perfect one
  153. Whats the call?
  154. End of HS season.........
  155. Could have happened.....
  156. FP question
  157. Tonight's game
  158. What's the call?
  159. Is this call reversible?
  160. ASA Rules Question/Interpretation Please
  161. I Guess This is My New Home
  162. Sliding?
  163. Help on a Delivery
  164. A couple official scoring questions...
  165. Interference v. Obstruction
  166. One of the best pitches I saw.......
  167. last night's game
  168. Batters box
  169. Be ready, I've stirred the stew up on McGriff's
  170. Nightmareish & Miserable
  171. Rules on CDROM
  172. Legal Base Path?
  173. runner passing another runner
  174. RE: My Previous Post My Problem
  175. whose call by correct mechanics?
  176. Evaluations
  177. No Harm No Foul
  178. My Problem, Your Replies Valued..
  179. Illegal pitch - ASA Mens FP
  180. NSA Rules - ASA differences
  181. Protect me from stomach viruses and New Catchers
  182. How high is a fly?
  183. Coverage
  184. Illegal Sub or unreported reentry out of order
  185. help buying cap
  186. Tourney
  187. A question of bats (ASA)
  188. The pain of watching a game - as a fan
  189. Pitcher's Duel
  190. runner returning to touch base
  191. For all you Texas guys...
  192. USSSA rules question
  193. FP: Illegal Pitch
  194. Coach asks a question at pregame......?
  195. oppool breaks into fastpitch
  196. not to dark
  197. Tonites Game
  198. Charged conference - or - not?
  199. Unusual Double Play
  200. A touch of Humor.........
  201. New to softball
  202. Help... Not Softball Related
  203. Restricting A Coach
  204. FED - New look-back rule
  205. Plate Stance??
  206. She's OUT! Or is she....
  207. Umpire Books
  208. ground up by ground rules
  209. Just A Story
  210. It's been a bummer week
  211. Infield Fly Situation
  212. ASA 2002 Exam
  213. Good Call / Bad Call
  214. Edumacation
  215. Waiting on the ball to go foul...
  216. BOO
  217. Line up cards
  218. ASA umpire uniforms
  219. Proper Etiquette....
  220. Another Myth - Maybe
  221. Batting outa order
  222. Homerun
  223. Rookies
  224. Another Easy Play [probably too easy for this board]
  225. Lookback Rule at 2nd Base
  226. Not our problem but....
  227. Palm Software for Officials
  228. Legal pitch?
  229. Easy Fun Play........
  230. Speaking ASA
  231. How long do you wait?
  232. Crash Rule
  233. Mental Check List?
  234. Appealing
  235. Umpire Interference...
  236. Uniform stuff
  237. Mechanics Video
  238. do you use a detachable extended throat guard?
  239. 1st outdoor scrimmage
  240. Glasses??
  241. passing a runner
  242. Need help SP question
  243. Spring is in the AIR!?!?!?!?!
  244. Fast pitch questions
  245. Rule differences
  246. Remembering the Rules
  247. Bat wiggle
  248. First draft of schedule
  249. Texas
  250. Umpire Hats

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