- Is this an IP?
- Really disapointed in the forum
- A nightmare.. walkoff hs playoff IP..
- Obstructed runner contacts defender
- ASA Uniform Pants
- Week #3 of Slow Pitch
- Brain cramp - ball hits b-r
- Eager Partner?
- At What Point Does A Pitch Begin?
- HBP, Dead Ball, BR enters dugout
- 2 umpires and OBS call
- Tenn Vols vs USA HP Umpire
- 2 outs - team leaves playing area
- Funny Coaches comment
- New Coaching Trick
- What (if) anything do you have?
- Umpire knocked unconscious by 10U coach
- Ball hit offensive player
- Altered or Illegal
- Women's College World Series
- Blocked Ball vs. Nothing
- New NCAA Mechanic
- Did I kick it ?
- ball caught by offensive player
- Interference at 2nd Base
- ASA BU SP mechanics question
- New Slowpitch Umpire
- Would you have called INT?
- [ASA Co-Ed SP] Baseline?
- Batters Interference
- Overrun of 1st
- US Olympic Team
- Running lane
- Two Questions: Ball hits batter, Overthrow
- ASA Courtesy Runner
- Play at plate
- For Sale Mizzuno Frenzy
- Unreported sub
- INT or no call?
- Fair or Foul?
- NSA procedure - is this correct?
- Missed Home Plate
- ASA Bat Lists
- Hmmm.... [interference question]
- How busy are you?
- Did I blow these calls?
- First Slow Pitch Game
- What would you do?
- Appeal Play
- when does the look-back-rule go into effect after a hit batter
- Base on Balls Issue.
- Moving from ASA to NSA
- I've had it with SP!
- District 1st round mess
- plate mechanics
- I passed my test!
- Scenario
- Infield fly rule
- Fair or Foul
- Preventative officiating, or not?
- Line-Up Mess
- obstruction by catcher on bunt
- Double first call from foul territory on a runner
- Obstructin- With a Twist
- Batter's box
- r1 passes r2
- Fines for coaches in Ohio
- is it a "Base Hit"?
- New umpire website
- Umpire Gets In The Way
- IP's for USA
- timing play in NCAA
- Pitcher does something wierd.
- One of those nights !!!!
- Dead Ball/Foul Ball
- Grim Reaper Update
- Congrats
- Just Softball
- Batter won't even come out of the dugout!!!!
- What's the call?
- My new job: Grim Reaper
- I had a first
- Triple checking, AGAIN
- How do you handle a catcher's histrionics?
- When is a swing no longer a strike?
- Injury on a home run
- USA v OU
- did i do the right thing?
- Passed Base runner question
- Modified - Plate Mechanics
- Advice on website
- Start From Scratch or From Where it Left Off?
- Wow, I cannot believe an umpire said that...
- OBS Question
- Ouch!!!!
- Runner hit by thrown ball
- Not another obstruction thread
- Almost embarrased myself
- USSSA, Bat Stinger
- Equipment bag
- Should I eject or not?!?!
- subs?
- Jerking behind the plate
- Masks
- Pitching Rules Questions
- Quick trigger
- Mechanics question
- D3K Interpretation
- LBR Basics
- What would you do?
- Lighted glove
- Obstruction Mechanics
- Pitcher's Stride "Within" the 24" Plate
- College World Series Umpires
- The 10 second rule
- 1st Base Control
- Rule 8-7-C (ASA) Clarification
- When you think you've heard it all:-))
- The possible LBR that I didnt call.
- There's no crying in softball
- Developing a BU mindset
- INT vs no call
- Spot-bilt going out of business (Ump-Attire blog)
- Gaining 3 person mechanics experience
- Maybe I goofed up.. or not?
- Infield Fly question Little League - U12 girls softball
- Baserunning question!
- Softball Team Bus Crash
- interference Call
- New Assignor - HELP!
- 2 quick questions, fp softball!
- Opposite Double Call -- Oh $#it!
- NFHS Rule 1-6-3
- Confused runner and umpires
- Softball in "News of the Weird"
- 2nd ASA Game
- Called 3K, ASA SP
- Up here where it rains
- Mechanics Question
- LBR question
- Pimp my Favorites
- So I got myself some NB450's
- Help with mechanics
- 2 person mechanics fly ball to Right BR to 3rd
- NCAA 3 Person Mechanics
- I hurt .... ALL OVER!
- Legal Pitchers Glove?
- Chin strap question
- Fly Ball Mechanic Question
- Ball hits rubber - bounces
- Force Out Question.
- LBR lesson
- Rule Difference
- Working the rim
- batter interference question
- obstruction question
- dropped 3rd strike question
- ASA local associations
- Almost Happened ....
- LBR Violation
- Mechanics Question
- girls a.s.a. fastpitch
- Don't we all just love questions about OBS?
- Finally
- Best invention in the world
- Will coaches ever learn OBS?
- Little League Look-Back Rule
- Courtesy Runners
- For the first time this year...
- 9 player lineup with DP/FLEX
- Catcher Standing on Plate.
- BR Fails to Advance
- Your Basic Fun Early April Day.....
- Dodged a bullet
- Obstruction - One More Time
- Suspended Game
- Does ASA require "continuing ed?"
- DP/Flex Redux
- How to make this call?
- 2-2 Count
- Strike or Interference?
- Would you toss her?
- VT Beats US Olympians
- No Answer for the Coach!
- Fair or Foul?
- Referee Mag. 2008 Softball Umpires' Quiz
- Violation of NCAA 10 second rule
- ASA Umpire Mechanic PDF
- Ejections
- Foul ball out of play
- Correctable Mistake?
- Early Pitch
- NFHS - Metal Spikes
- Gpa?
- I made the paper
- LBR question
- Look back rule question
- McDavid Hexpad from gerry Davis
- Would you eject ?
- Getting over one of those games
- 3 New Rules Learned This Weekend
- Why your facemask straps should be loose...
- Batters Interference, Chicago Thing?
- USC--Do you have to see it?
- Opinion on interference call
- Local rule...
- Fed test
- Illegal Bat
- illegal pitch?
- Inning ending mistake
- Rules Myths
- Blue glove
- NFHS Rule 4:3:d
- Web Site
- How much time do you allow during a timeout?
- NCAA game - Assistant Coach
- Foul Tip/Foul Out
- Clasp broken on ASA pants
- LBR twist
- HBP Reasonable Effort...
- Partner Loses Count
- My first marathon of the year.
- Metal ...
- A couple of loooong DH's this weekend
- Are bobbie-pins jewelry?
- FP: Called Strike Three
- Score keeping ?
- Alabama here I come
- Did I make the Right Call!
- ASA question? Mens Adult, Tampa, FL City League
- Dropped 3rd Strike
- Homerun, Catch, 2 base award?
- Just Makin Sure
- R1 slides through B2’s legs – Interference?
- Got anything #3?
- Got anything #2
- Federation Question
- Opinions please.
- ASA Question
- From the baseball board....
- A question for ASA slow pitch guys
- NFHS interference
- Got anything?
- Do you agree with this non-call?
- Batter Interference...
- Wonder if i kicked this one...
- Would you hav called OBS ?
- 2 person mechanic on web?
- I think my assigner is trying to tell me something.
- How do you handle this...