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  1. Is this an IP?
  2. Really disapointed in the forum
  3. A nightmare.. walkoff hs playoff IP..
  4. Obstructed runner contacts defender
  5. ASA Uniform Pants
  6. Week #3 of Slow Pitch
  7. Brain cramp - ball hits b-r
  8. Eager Partner?
  9. At What Point Does A Pitch Begin?
  10. HBP, Dead Ball, BR enters dugout
  11. 2 umpires and OBS call
  12. Tenn Vols vs USA HP Umpire
  13. 2 outs - team leaves playing area
  14. Funny Coaches comment
  15. New Coaching Trick
  16. What (if) anything do you have?
  17. Umpire knocked unconscious by 10U coach
  18. Ball hit offensive player
  19. Altered or Illegal
  20. Women's College World Series
  21. Blocked Ball vs. Nothing
  22. New NCAA Mechanic
  23. Did I kick it ?
  24. ball caught by offensive player
  25. Interference at 2nd Base
  26. ASA BU SP mechanics question
  27. New Slowpitch Umpire
  28. Would you have called INT?
  29. [ASA Co-Ed SP] Baseline?
  30. Batters Interference
  31. Overrun of 1st
  32. US Olympic Team
  33. Running lane
  34. Two Questions: Ball hits batter, Overthrow
  35. ASA Courtesy Runner
  36. Play at plate
  37. For Sale Mizzuno Frenzy
  38. Unreported sub
  39. INT or no call?
  40. Fair or Foul?
  41. NSA procedure - is this correct?
  42. Missed Home Plate
  43. ASA Bat Lists
  44. Hmmm.... [interference question]
  45. How busy are you?
  46. Did I blow these calls?
  47. First Slow Pitch Game
  48. What would you do?
  49. Appeal Play
  50. when does the look-back-rule go into effect after a hit batter
  51. Base on Balls Issue.
  52. Moving from ASA to NSA
  53. I've had it with SP!
  54. District 1st round mess
  55. plate mechanics
  56. I passed my test!
  57. Scenario
  58. Infield fly rule
  59. Fair or Foul
  60. Preventative officiating, or not?
  61. Line-Up Mess
  62. obstruction by catcher on bunt
  63. Double first call from foul territory on a runner
  64. Obstructin- With a Twist
  65. Batter's box
  66. r1 passes r2
  67. Fines for coaches in Ohio
  68. is it a "Base Hit"?
  69. New umpire website
  70. Umpire Gets In The Way
  71. IP's for USA
  72. timing play in NCAA
  73. Pitcher does something wierd.
  74. One of those nights !!!!
  75. Dead Ball/Foul Ball
  76. Grim Reaper Update
  77. Congrats
  78. Just Softball
  79. Batter won't even come out of the dugout!!!!
  80. What's the call?
  81. My new job: Grim Reaper
  82. I had a first
  83. Triple checking, AGAIN
  84. How do you handle a catcher's histrionics?
  85. When is a swing no longer a strike?
  86. Injury on a home run
  87. USA v OU
  88. did i do the right thing?
  89. Passed Base runner question
  90. Modified - Plate Mechanics
  91. Advice on website
  92. Start From Scratch or From Where it Left Off?
  93. Wow, I cannot believe an umpire said that...
  94. OBS Question
  95. Ouch!!!!
  96. Runner hit by thrown ball
  97. Not another obstruction thread
  98. Almost embarrased myself
  99. USSSA, Bat Stinger
  100. Equipment bag
  101. Should I eject or not?!?!
  102. subs?
  103. Jerking behind the plate
  104. Masks
  105. Pitching Rules Questions
  106. Quick trigger
  107. Mechanics question
  108. D3K Interpretation
  109. LBR Basics
  110. What would you do?
  111. Lighted glove
  112. Obstruction Mechanics
  113. Pitcher's Stride "Within" the 24" Plate
  114. College World Series Umpires
  115. The 10 second rule
  116. 1st Base Control
  117. Rule 8-7-C (ASA) Clarification
  118. When you think you've heard it all:-))
  119. The possible LBR that I didnt call.
  120. There's no crying in softball
  121. Developing a BU mindset
  122. INT vs no call
  123. Spot-bilt going out of business (Ump-Attire blog)
  124. Gaining 3 person mechanics experience
  125. Maybe I goofed up.. or not?
  126. Infield Fly question Little League - U12 girls softball
  127. Baserunning question!
  128. Softball Team Bus Crash
  129. interference Call
  130. New Assignor - HELP!
  131. 2 quick questions, fp softball!
  132. Opposite Double Call -- Oh $#it!
  133. NFHS Rule 1-6-3
  134. Confused runner and umpires
  135. Softball in "News of the Weird"
  136. 2nd ASA Game
  137. Called 3K, ASA SP
  138. Up here where it rains
  139. Mechanics Question
  140. LBR question
  141. Pimp my Favorites
  142. So I got myself some NB450's
  143. Help with mechanics
  144. 2 person mechanics fly ball to Right BR to 3rd
  145. NCAA 3 Person Mechanics
  146. I hurt .... ALL OVER!
  147. Legal Pitchers Glove?
  148. Chin strap question
  149. Fly Ball Mechanic Question
  150. Ball hits rubber - bounces
  151. Force Out Question.
  152. LBR lesson
  153. Rule Difference
  154. Working the rim
  155. batter interference question
  156. obstruction question
  157. dropped 3rd strike question
  158. ASA local associations
  159. Almost Happened ....
  160. LBR Violation
  161. Mechanics Question
  162. girls a.s.a. fastpitch
  163. Don't we all just love questions about OBS?
  164. Finally
  165. Best invention in the world
  166. Will coaches ever learn OBS?
  167. Little League Look-Back Rule
  168. Courtesy Runners
  169. For the first time this year...
  170. 9 player lineup with DP/FLEX
  171. Catcher Standing on Plate.
  172. BR Fails to Advance
  173. Your Basic Fun Early April Day.....
  174. Dodged a bullet
  175. Obstruction - One More Time
  176. Suspended Game
  177. Does ASA require "continuing ed?"
  178. DP/Flex Redux
  179. How to make this call?
  180. 2-2 Count
  181. Strike or Interference?
  182. Would you toss her?
  183. VT Beats US Olympians
  184. No Answer for the Coach!
  185. Fair or Foul?
  186. Referee Mag. 2008 Softball Umpires' Quiz
  187. Violation of NCAA 10 second rule
  188. ASA Umpire Mechanic PDF
  189. Ejections
  190. Foul ball out of play
  191. Correctable Mistake?
  192. Early Pitch
  193. NFHS - Metal Spikes
  194. Gpa?
  195. I made the paper
  196. LBR question
  197. Look back rule question
  198. McDavid Hexpad from gerry Davis
  199. Would you eject ?
  200. Getting over one of those games
  201. 3 New Rules Learned This Weekend
  202. Why your facemask straps should be loose...
  203. Batters Interference, Chicago Thing?
  204. USC--Do you have to see it?
  205. Opinion on interference call
  206. Local rule...
  207. Fed test
  208. Illegal Bat
  209. illegal pitch?
  210. Inning ending mistake
  211. Rules Myths
  212. Blue glove
  213. NFHS Rule 4:3:d
  214. Web Site
  215. How much time do you allow during a timeout?
  216. NCAA game - Assistant Coach
  217. Foul Tip/Foul Out
  218. Clasp broken on ASA pants
  219. LBR twist
  220. HBP Reasonable Effort...
  221. Partner Loses Count
  222. My first marathon of the year.
  223. Metal ...
  224. A couple of loooong DH's this weekend
  225. Are bobbie-pins jewelry?
  226. FP: Called Strike Three
  227. Score keeping ?
  228. Alabama here I come
  229. Did I make the Right Call!
  230. ASA question? Mens Adult, Tampa, FL City League
  231. Dropped 3rd Strike
  232. Homerun, Catch, 2 base award?
  233. Just Makin Sure
  234. R1 slides through B2’s legs – Interference?
  235. Got anything #3?
  236. Got anything #2
  237. Federation Question
  238. Opinions please.
  239. ASA Question
  240. From the baseball board....
  241. A question for ASA slow pitch guys
  242. NFHS interference
  243. Got anything?
  244. Do you agree with this non-call?
  245. Batter Interference...
  246. Wonder if i kicked this one...
  247. Would you hav called OBS ?
  248. 2 person mechanic on web?
  249. I think my assigner is trying to tell me something.
  250. How do you handle this...

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