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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Fri Jun 05, 2009, 02:11pm
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Posts: 130
bizarre scenario, what to do here?

I've got a bizarre scenario that has almost happened to me a few times in the last few weeks.

Right handed Batter hits a pitch very weakly, the ball comes to a complete stop in the left handed batter's box in the upper corner that IS in fair territory. I CLEARLY signal fair ball, batter thinks it's foul, catcher thinks it's foul, pitcher think's it's foul, everyone on both teams (coaches included) think it's foul. Catcher picks up the ball and returns it to the pitcher, and they get ready for the next pitch. HOWEVER, the play ISN'T over, right? What do I do now? Keep pointing the ball fair? Say that the play isn't over? Yell "FAIR!"? Call the batter-runner out?

And the batter stays up there to bat, do I call her out on that play for failing to run to first and let her bat in the wrong order now or do I correct it?

These are two Mustang teams who don't really pay that much attention to the situation and the coaches aren't really known for their knowledge of the rules. You'd be surprised to see how many coaches think it's ALWAYS a foul ball when the ball comes to rest in either of the two batter's boxes.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Fri Jun 05, 2009, 02:21pm
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Originally Posted by bniu View Post
I've got a bizarre scenario that has almost happened to me a few times in the last few weeks.

Right handed Batter hits a pitch very weakly, the ball comes to a complete stop in the left handed batter's box in the upper corner that IS in fair territory. I CLEARLY signal fair ball, batter thinks it's foul, catcher thinks it's foul, pitcher think's it's foul, everyone on both teams (coaches included) think it's foul. Catcher picks up the ball and returns it to the pitcher, and they get ready for the next pitch. HOWEVER, the play ISN'T over, right? What do I do now? Keep pointing the ball fair? Say that the play isn't over? Yell "FAIR!"? Call the batter-runner out?

And the batter stays up there to bat, do I call her out on that play for failing to run to first and let her bat in the wrong order now or do I correct it?

These are two Mustang teams who don't really pay that much attention to the situation and the coaches aren't really known for their knowledge of the rules. You'd be surprised to see how many coaches think it's ALWAYS a foul ball when the ball comes to rest in either of the two batter's boxes.
Exit the plate area to the right, take a few steps up the 1B line and pump a fair ball signal until someone wakes up. Odds are the defense in going to get the out. However, if you kill the play, you will have to place the BR on 1B.

All you have is a fair ball. Just signal it fair and even if approached, just stay with your signal
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Fri Jun 05, 2009, 03:49pm
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I had a similar situation. I guess the ball hit the high net over home plate. I didn't see or hear it hit the net. I had it landing fair. I am pointing fair. Eventually I figured it out and point to my partner saying, "did it hit the net"? He said yes.

After the game I told him I am not one to mimic when I'm on the bases, but I will call dead ball when I know my partner did not see it. Hit batter, double hit, drop of the bat on the ball, and this sitch.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Sat Jun 06, 2009, 01:33am
Join Date: Sep 1999
Location: Toledo, Ohio, U.S.A.
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Originally Posted by bniu View Post
I've got a bizarre scenario that has almost happened to me a few times in the last few weeks.

Right handed Batter hits a pitch very weakly, the ball comes to a complete stop in the left handed batter's box in the upper corner that IS in fair territory. I CLEARLY signal fair ball, batter thinks it's foul, catcher thinks it's foul, pitcher think's it's foul, everyone on both teams (coaches included) think it's foul. Catcher picks up the ball and returns it to the pitcher, and they get ready for the next pitch. HOWEVER, the play ISN'T over, right? What do I do now? Keep pointing the ball fair? Say that the play isn't over? Yell "FAIR!"? Call the batter-runner out?

And the batter stays up there to bat, do I call her out on that play for failing to run to first and let her bat in the wrong order now or do I correct it?

These are two Mustang teams who don't really pay that much attention to the situation and the coaches aren't really known for their knowledge of the rules. You'd be surprised to see how many coaches think it's ALWAYS a foul ball when the ball comes to rest in either of the two batter's boxes.


I had a similar situation a few years ago in a USSSA girls' fastpitch tournament. The age group for the game was 12U.

Left-handed batter bunts the ball downward. The ball strikes the HP and rolls forward in to fair territory and stops about six inches in front of HP. The B/R runs to first, I side step to the left and point toward fair territory, pumping my arm three or four times, while F2 just stands looking at me. The B/R reaches first base and the catcher then picks up the ball, and her coach comes running out of the dugout yelling time.

I grant the D-HC request for time and here is how our conversation went:

D-HC: "What's the call blue?" Note: USSSA umpires wear red, .

ME: "What do you mean coach?"

D-HC: "Wasn't the ball foul?"

ME: "No, it was fair."

D-HC: "Then why didn't you tell my catcher it was fair?"

ME: "I did."

D-HC: "No you didn't."

ME: "I sure did coach."

D-HC: "You never said anything."

ME: "I know I didn't say anything coach. I pointed toward fair terrritory."

D-HC: "My catcher didn't know what you were doing. You are supposed to tell her the ball was fair."

ME: "I did tell her it was fair. I pointed toward fair territory."

D-HC: "You have to tell her it was fair."

ME: "No coach. The rules/mechanics state that the umpire will verbalize a foul ball while pointing toward foul territory for a foul ball and will only point toward fair territory for a fair ball. And that is what I did."

D-HC: "She doesn't know that. You have to tell her it was fair."

ME: "I did coach, remember. The B/R knew it was a fair ball. We need to play ball now."

I know I let the conversation go long but the game had a time limit, the D team was getting beat pretty badly, and the temperature was in the mid-90's F. If D-HC wanted to chat, meaning I could stand there and not have to expend any energy in that kind of heat, who am I to not chat with him, .

MTD, Sr.
Mark T. DeNucci, Sr.
Trumbull Co. (Warren, Ohio) Bkb. Off. Assn.
Wood Co. (Bowling Green, Ohio) Bkb. Off. Assn.
Ohio Assn. of Basketball Officials
International Assn. of Approved Bkb. Officials
Ohio High School Athletic Association
Toledo, Ohio
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Sat Jun 06, 2009, 06:44am
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Originally Posted by Mark T. DeNucci, Sr. View Post

I had a similar situation a few years ago in a USSSA girls' fastpitch tournament. The age group for the game was 12U.

Left-handed batter bunts the ball downward. The ball strikes the HP and rolls forward in to fair territory and stops about six inches in front of HP. The B/R runs to first, I side step to the left and point toward fair territory, pumping my arm three or four times, while F2 just stands looking at me. The B/R reaches first base and the catcher then picks up the ball, and her coach comes running out of the dugout yelling time.

I grant the D-HC request for time and here is how our conversation went:

D-HC: "What's the call blue?" Note: USSSA umpires wear red, .

ME: "What do you mean coach?"

D-HC: "Wasn't the ball foul?"

ME: "No, it was fair."

D-HC: "Then why didn't you tell my catcher it was fair?"

ME: "I did."

D-HC: "No you didn't."

ME: "I sure did coach."

D-HC: "You never said anything."

ME: "I know I didn't say anything coach. I pointed toward fair terrritory."

D-HC: "My catcher didn't know what you were doing. You are supposed to tell her the ball was fair."

ME: "I did tell her it was fair. I pointed toward fair territory."

D-HC: "You have to tell her it was fair."

ME: "No coach. The rules/mechanics state that the umpire will verbalize a foul ball while pointing toward foul territory for a foul ball and will only point toward fair territory for a fair ball. And that is what I did."

D-HC: "She doesn't know that. You have to tell her it was fair."

ME: "I did coach, remember. The B/R knew it was a fair ball. We need to play ball now."

I know I let the conversation go long but the game had a time limit, the D team was getting beat pretty badly, and the temperature was in the mid-90's F. If D-HC wanted to chat, meaning I could stand there and not have to expend any energy in that kind of heat, who am I to not chat with him, .

MTD, Sr.

99 99/100 % of 12U KIDS know that we do not verbalize fair calls, much less coaches. This ucking fidiot (is that copyrighted??) obviously did not, so naturally his kids did not - NEXT....
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Sat Jun 06, 2009, 07:33am
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Originally Posted by Mark T. DeNucci, Sr. View Post

I had a similar situation a few years ago in a USSSA girls' fastpitch tournament. The age group for the game was 12U.

Left-handed batter bunts the ball downward. The ball strikes the HP and rolls forward in to fair territory and stops about six inches in front of HP. The B/R runs to first, I side step to the left and point toward fair territory, pumping my arm three or four times, while F2 just stands looking at me. The B/R reaches first base and the catcher then picks up the ball, and her coach comes running out of the dugout yelling time.

I grant the D-HC request for time and here is how our conversation went:

D-HC: "What's the call blue?" Note: USSSA umpires wear red, .

ME: "What do you mean coach?"

D-HC: "Wasn't the ball foul?"

ME: "No, it was fair."

D-HC: "Then why didn't you tell my catcher it was fair?"

ME: "I did."

D-HC: "No you didn't."

ME: "I sure did coach."

D-HC: "You never said anything."

ME: "I know I didn't say anything coach. I pointed toward fair terrritory."

D-HC: "My catcher didn't know what you were doing. You are supposed to tell her the ball was fair."

ME: "I did tell her it was fair. I pointed toward fair territory."

D-HC: "You have to tell her it was fair."

ME: "No coach. The rules/mechanics state that the umpire will verbalize a foul ball while pointing toward foul territory for a foul ball and will only point toward fair territory for a fair ball. And that is what I did."

D-HC: "She doesn't know that. You have to tell her it was fair."

ME: "I did coach, remember. The B/R knew it was a fair ball. We need to play ball now."

I know I let the conversation go long but the game had a time limit, the D team was getting beat pretty badly, and the temperature was in the mid-90's F. If D-HC wanted to chat, meaning I could stand there and not have to expend any energy in that kind of heat, who am I to not chat with him, .

MTD, Sr.
Might have ejected him for being too damn stupid to be in a position of teaching kids the game of softball and they publicly proving it.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Sat Jun 06, 2009, 07:45am
Join Date: Sep 1999
Location: Toledo, Ohio, U.S.A.
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I am really suprised the D-HC didn't protest my "call". The USSSA Director (and I do not mean UIC) in our neck-of-the woods is a real jerk. I have a friend, that was behind the plate in a USSSA men's slowpitch tournament. The batter had two strikes and struck out on a foul tip. He protested that a foul tip was a foul ball. The batter was said USSSA Director son. The Director upheld the protest, UNTIL my friend showed him in the rule book that the Director did not know the rules of the game and had to reverse himself.

The next time his son came up to bat he started in that his father wouldn't my friend get away with another B.S. call like the foul tip call; he never got to take a pitch in the at bat, because he was in the parking lot., .

MTD, Sr.
Mark T. DeNucci, Sr.
Trumbull Co. (Warren, Ohio) Bkb. Off. Assn.
Wood Co. (Bowling Green, Ohio) Bkb. Off. Assn.
Ohio Assn. of Basketball Officials
International Assn. of Approved Bkb. Officials
Ohio High School Athletic Association
Toledo, Ohio
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old Sat Jun 06, 2009, 01:05pm
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Originally Posted by vcblue View Post
I had a similar situation. I guess the ball hit the high net over home plate. I didn't see or hear it hit the net. I had it landing fair. I am pointing fair. Eventually I figured it out and point to my partner saying, "did it hit the net"? He said yes.

After the game I told him I am not one to mimic when I'm on the bases, but I will call dead ball when I know my partner did not see it. Hit batter, double hit, drop of the bat on the ball, and this sitch.
I had one of those on a netted backstop also.
Between innings, I told my partner to cover me when that happened....
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old Sun Jun 07, 2009, 08:35pm
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Originally Posted by bniu View Post
I've got a bizarre scenario that has almost happened to me a few times in the last few weeks.

Right handed Batter hits a pitch very weakly, the ball comes to a complete stop in the left handed batter's box in the upper corner that IS in fair territory. I CLEARLY signal fair ball, batter thinks it's foul, catcher thinks it's foul, pitcher think's it's foul, everyone on both teams (coaches included) think it's foul. Catcher picks up the ball and returns it to the pitcher, and they get ready for the next pitch. HOWEVER, the play ISN'T over, right? What do I do now? Keep pointing the ball fair? Say that the play isn't over? Yell "FAIR!"? Call the batter-runner out?

And the batter stays up there to bat, do I call her out on that play for failing to run to first and let her bat in the wrong order now or do I correct it?

These are two Mustang teams who don't really pay that much attention to the situation and the coaches aren't really known for their knowledge of the rules. You'd be surprised to see how many coaches think it's ALWAYS a foul ball when the ball comes to rest in either of the two batter's boxes.
Point loudly!

It's a small world, but I wouldn't want to have to paint it.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old Sun Jun 07, 2009, 09:15pm
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Originally Posted by Skahtboi View Post
Point loudly!
Must fall under the same lines as, "Blue, that ball was fair! I heard chalk!"

I haven't decided if I should call it from the dugout or the outfield. Apparently, both have really great views!

Screw green, it ain't easy being blue!

I won't be coming here that much anymore. I might check in now and again.
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