- electronic communication
- wrong rules online
- Video review of game action
- wrong batter
- Force out?
- different situation
- Force play
- Defensive visits
- Pool Play Tournament Rule
- USA pool play
- Interference?
- hands up
- Ball hits yellow tubing on top of fence
- interference
- Leaving base too early
- tack cloth-pitcher
- Just Checking
- Fraternization
- mechanics videos
- umpire mask
- types of bats
- clarifications
- Umpire Equipment
- Attention moderators
- Actual Hish School Game Report
- Throwing a bat
- High school
- College
- 2023-24 NFHS Softball, Rules and Editorial Changes, and Points of Emphasis
- 2023-24 NFHS Softball, Rules Changes Press Release
- college mechanic - 2 person
- interference video
- infield fly judgment
- NFHS interp screwup?
- NCAA obs
- NCAA Ball hits the bat
- NFHS Illegal Bat
- Junion high softball
- Injured Runner
- NCAA Leaving early
- face glitter
- Sliding into first base feet first
- NCAA Softball
- NFHS Rules
- Equipment help
- Misaligned field
- Retired batter interference
- Helmets for base coaches
- Slow Pitch Courtesy Runners
- NFHS Rules
- Umpire obstructs Cather throw
- 22 Years of The Official Forum
- USA Softball Exam question
- EP, DP, FLEX points
- behavior questions
- batter interference
- Coaches interference
- not obstruction
- Foul/fair
- Hit batter
- no pitch
- Voluntary Release, I guess . . .
- mechanics check
- Run score?
- baserunning question
- umpire jeopardy ??
- obstruction question for 7-26
- Spring 2023 NFHS Softball Rules Changes.
- Spring 2023 NFHS Softball Rules Changes Press Release.
- Arm injury
- Runner collides with umpire
- rule differences
- questions and opinions
- NFHS Softball Substitution Rule.
- Hit batter
- AZ/Miss St obstruction call
- Batters box
- look back rule
- Assault on umpires
- Questions asked
- Restricted Player
- Courtesy runner in ITB
- helmet rule
- Interference - high school
- Tri-Color Glove
- Flower in player's hair
- "Defensive Interference"
- Ball Thrown Out of Play, 2 Bases Awarded from Time of Pitch?
- On-deck Batter Hit by Thrown Ball
- Force at second if batter is out at first?
- Cactus Umpire
- NFHS question part 1 exam
- Three wrongs don't make a right
- We open?
- leaping?
- Batter Runner Interference or not
- Retired runner interference?
- Dropped 3rd strike interference or not
- cheat sheet high school
- playing with 8
- History question
- Control of line drive?
- Double protest on same call.
- Check with partner
- FED pregame warmup pitches
- Fed rule
- NFHS Question
- Unring the IF call?
- Hard tag/push
- USA Softball archives
- thrown bat sp
- thrown bat - fp
- Intentional walk-fast pitch fed hs
- Illegal pitch?
- JR College Softball
- Batter Interference Question.
- "Crash" @1B
- Obs/int
- Pitchers Plate
- NFHS test question
- NFHS Question
- Look Back Rule
- USA Softball 2021 rules
- Happy Holidays!
- Retired runner INT?
- Covid Protocol
- Umpire Interference - Dropped 3rd strike
- 3rd strike checked swing, uncaught by catcher
- What do we have?
- Finally get to work
- Umpire Fees
- NFHS Central Hub on Arbiter is no more!
- where does 1 from the infield 2 from the outfield come from
- USSSA Rule Cases ball kicked to DBT
- And now for something completely different: Does the Run score?
- MAC Softball
- Counting The Run
- Assigning systems
- Batting Out of Order question
- kicked ball to DBT
- The Pandemic - your area
- Kansas or Kentucky NFHS Umpires.
- malicious contact - penalty?
- If/int
- Running lane violation
- Getting ready to move to New Mexico
- Batted ball contacts batter/runner - "Out" of the box
- Top 10 Differences
- obstruction again
- Apple Watch on College Base Coach...Keep Mum?
- NFHS Softball Exam Part 1
- Knee out of box
- USA Softball 2020 Umpire Exam
- NCAA Armband rule clarification
- 2020 online rule books
- USA Softball Council Meetings
- INT on an IF
- WS: Out of the Running Lane
- Latest on NCAA Pitching Clarification
- Base award
- Thoughts on a common deviation - (2 man) PU covers 3B on a extra base hit?
- 1:25 finish the batter
- USA Pool Play
- INT or OBS
- Signs of Burn Out?
- What do you do
- NCAA Pitching Rule Change Guidance - Released today
- D3k
- What is the call here?
- Fans and parents
- Did they un-ring the bell?
- Thoughts on New Balance field shoes vs. 3N2's?
- Little League rule
- Off topic, new member can't post
- ODB Gets Hit by Thrown Ball
- Two rules questions inspired by NFHS test
- State Interp on NFHS Physical Assistance Rule
- Odd College Rule Change
- Catcher Cannot Remove Helmet?
- NCAA Pitching Rule Change - 2020/21 - One foot on Pitching Plate now OK
- Obstruction
- Passing a runner = dead ball?
- Friendly debate on sell out call on DP
- LBR v abandoning a base
- looking for wording
- NFHS Rule Change - scoring on appeal
- NFHS Rule Change - pitcher foot
- NFHS Rule Change - Bats
- IFF Craziness
- When OBS turns into an Illegal Block in the Back
- running lane - for throws only
- Lookback Rule
- Craziest Game Ending Play
- infield fly
- hesitation rule -
- NFHS v USA Softball rule difference
- commentary on IFR
- You make the call: INT by BR on a potential IFF
- NCAA: Band aid on Pitcher's Finger
- Interesting play from MLB in 2014.
- What constitutes an "attempt to advance"? Sitch: BR rounds 1B
- Delayed Dead Ball
- ESPN Batters box
- Was this handled correctly?
- Batter Interference #2
- Ucla - jmu hpb?
- nsa slow pitch
- Humorous what's the count exchange
- Look back rule
- Batter Interference
- illegal slide
- Adams low profile
- Say it better II
- Never done this before: Told a coach to go yell at my partner :D
- bat vs ball
- Say it better?
- Mechanics Issues
- Home Run Dead Ball
- pitching violations
- Blew the call, nobody knows...
- Opinion on this Interference
- 2 person q - fed
- situation/mechanic-fed
- SMALL umpires - chest protector that fits you?
- Game management questions #1 and #2
- fpsr
- end of game procedure
- Courtesy runners
- Whose call
- Two from today
- confusion onbases
- batter interference
- Player runs on field during play
- NCAA - Pitcher has hands together before batter in box
- NAIA Hats and Shirts
- 3 umpire system discussion
- Cr
- illegal pitch
- bunt
- chest protector
- Check swing mechanic - Plate calls it - Different arm for different batters?
- My daily old age rant.
- pitcher-fed
- It is test time
- What Levels Use 3-Umpire Mechanics?
- fed-2 person
- lodged ball
- 3 ft running lane