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  1. electronic communication
  2. wrong rules online
  3. Video review of game action
  4. wrong batter
  5. Force out?
  6. different situation
  7. Force play
  8. Defensive visits
  9. Pool Play Tournament Rule
  10. USA pool play
  11. Interference?
  12. hands up
  13. Ball hits yellow tubing on top of fence
  14. interference
  15. Leaving base too early
  16. tack cloth-pitcher
  17. NCAA vs NFHS
  18. NFHS FP and USA SP
  19. Just Checking
  20. Fraternization
  21. mechanics videos
  22. umpire mask
  23. types of bats
  24. clarifications
  25. Umpire Equipment
  26. Attention moderators
  27. Actual Hish School Game Report
  28. Throwing a bat
  29. High school
  30. College
  31. 2023-24 NFHS Softball, Rules and Editorial Changes, and Points of Emphasis
  32. 2023-24 NFHS Softball, Rules Changes Press Release
  33. college mechanic - 2 person
  34. interference video
  35. infield fly judgment
  36. NFHS interp screwup?
  37. NCAA obs
  38. NCAA Ball hits the bat
  39. NFHS Illegal Bat
  40. Junion high softball
  41. Injured Runner
  42. NCAA Leaving early
  43. face glitter
  44. Sliding into first base feet first
  45. NCAA Softball
  46. NFHS Rules
  47. Equipment help
  48. Misaligned field
  49. Retired batter interference
  50. Helmets for base coaches
  51. Slow Pitch Courtesy Runners
  52. NFHS Rules
  53. Umpire obstructs Cather throw
  54. 22 Years of The Official Forum
  55. USA Softball Exam question
  56. EP, DP, FLEX points
  57. behavior questions
  58. batter interference
  59. Coaches interference
  60. not obstruction
  61. Foul/fair
  62. Hit batter
  63. no pitch
  64. Voluntary Release, I guess . . .
  65. mechanics check
  66. Run score?
  67. baserunning question
  68. umpire jeopardy ??
  69. obstruction question for 7-26
  70. Spring 2023 NFHS Softball Rules Changes.
  71. Spring 2023 NFHS Softball Rules Changes Press Release.
  72. Arm injury
  73. Runner collides with umpire
  74. rule differences
  75. questions and opinions
  76. NFHS Softball Substitution Rule.
  77. Hit batter
  78. AZ/Miss St obstruction call
  79. Batters box
  80. look back rule
  81. Assault on umpires
  82. Questions asked
  83. Restricted Player
  84. Courtesy runner in ITB
  85. helmet rule
  86. Interference - high school
  87. Tri-Color Glove
  88. Flower in player's hair
  89. "Defensive Interference"
  90. Ball Thrown Out of Play, 2 Bases Awarded from Time of Pitch?
  91. On-deck Batter Hit by Thrown Ball
  92. Force at second if batter is out at first?
  93. Cactus Umpire
  94. NFHS question part 1 exam
  95. Three wrongs don't make a right
  96. We open?
  97. leaping?
  98. Batter Runner Interference or not
  99. Retired runner interference?
  100. Dropped 3rd strike interference or not
  101. cheat sheet high school
  102. playing with 8
  103. History question
  104. Control of line drive?
  105. Double protest on same call.
  106. Check with partner
  107. FED pregame warmup pitches
  108. Fed rule
  109. NFHS Question
  110. Unring the IF call?
  111. Hard tag/push
  112. USA Softball archives
  113. thrown bat sp
  114. thrown bat - fp
  115. Intentional walk-fast pitch fed hs
  116. Illegal pitch?
  117. JR College Softball
  118. Batter Interference Question.
  119. "Crash" @1B
  120. Obs/int
  121. Pitchers Plate
  122. NFHS test question
  123. NFHS Question
  124. Look Back Rule
  125. USA Softball 2021 rules
  126. Happy Holidays!
  127. Retired runner INT?
  128. Covid Protocol
  129. Umpire Interference - Dropped 3rd strike
  130. 3rd strike checked swing, uncaught by catcher
  131. What do we have?
  132. Finally get to work
  133. Umpire Fees
  134. NFHS Central Hub on Arbiter is no more!
  135. where does 1 from the infield 2 from the outfield come from
  136. USSSA Rule Cases ball kicked to DBT
  137. And now for something completely different: Does the Run score?
  138. MAC Softball
  139. Counting The Run
  140. Assigning systems
  141. Batting Out of Order question
  142. kicked ball to DBT
  143. The Pandemic - your area
  144. Kansas or Kentucky NFHS Umpires.
  145. malicious contact - penalty?
  146. If/int
  147. Running lane violation
  148. Getting ready to move to New Mexico
  149. Batted ball contacts batter/runner - "Out" of the box
  150. Top 10 Differences
  151. obstruction again
  152. Apple Watch on College Base Coach...Keep Mum?
  153. NFHS Softball Exam Part 1
  154. Knee out of box
  155. USA Softball 2020 Umpire Exam
  156. NCAA Armband rule clarification
  157. 2020 online rule books
  158. USA Softball Council Meetings
  159. INT on an IF
  160. WS: Out of the Running Lane
  161. Latest on NCAA Pitching Clarification
  162. Base award
  163. Thoughts on a common deviation - (2 man) PU covers 3B on a extra base hit?
  164. 1:25 finish the batter
  165. USA Pool Play
  166. INT or OBS
  167. Signs of Burn Out?
  168. What do you do
  169. NCAA Pitching Rule Change Guidance - Released today
  170. D3k
  171. What is the call here?
  172. Fans and parents
  173. Did they un-ring the bell?
  174. Thoughts on New Balance field shoes vs. 3N2's?
  175. Little League rule
  176. Off topic, new member can't post
  177. ODB Gets Hit by Thrown Ball
  178. Two rules questions inspired by NFHS test
  179. State Interp on NFHS Physical Assistance Rule
  180. Odd College Rule Change
  181. Catcher Cannot Remove Helmet?
  182. NCAA Pitching Rule Change - 2020/21 - One foot on Pitching Plate now OK
  183. Obstruction
  184. Passing a runner = dead ball?
  185. Friendly debate on sell out call on DP
  186. LBR v abandoning a base
  187. looking for wording
  188. NFHS Rule Change - scoring on appeal
  189. NFHS Rule Change - pitcher foot
  190. NFHS Rule Change - Bats
  191. IFF Craziness
  192. When OBS turns into an Illegal Block in the Back
  193. running lane - for throws only
  194. Lookback Rule
  195. Craziest Game Ending Play
  196. infield fly
  197. hesitation rule -
  198. NFHS v USA Softball rule difference
  199. commentary on IFR
  200. You make the call: INT by BR on a potential IFF
  201. NCAA: Band aid on Pitcher's Finger
  202. Interesting play from MLB in 2014.
  203. What constitutes an "attempt to advance"? Sitch: BR rounds 1B
  204. Delayed Dead Ball
  205. ESPN Batters box
  206. Was this handled correctly?
  207. Batter Interference #2
  208. Ucla - jmu hpb?
  209. nsa slow pitch
  210. Humorous what's the count exchange
  211. Look back rule
  212. Batter Interference
  213. illegal slide
  214. Adams low profile
  215. Say it better II
  216. Never done this before: Told a coach to go yell at my partner :D
  217. bat vs ball
  218. Say it better?
  219. Mechanics Issues
  220. Home Run Dead Ball
  221. pitching violations
  222. Blew the call, nobody knows...
  223. Opinion on this Interference
  224. 2 person q - fed
  225. situation/mechanic-fed
  226. SMALL umpires - chest protector that fits you?
  227. Game management questions #1 and #2
  228. fpsr
  229. end of game procedure
  230. Courtesy runners
  231. Whose call
  232. Two from today
  233. confusion onbases
  234. batter interference
  235. Player runs on field during play
  236. NCAA - Pitcher has hands together before batter in box
  237. NAIA Hats and Shirts
  238. 3 umpire system discussion
  239. Cr
  240. illegal pitch
  241. bunt
  242. chest protector
  243. Check swing mechanic - Plate calls it - Different arm for different batters?
  244. My daily old age rant.
  245. pitcher-fed
  246. It is test time
  247. What Levels Use 3-Umpire Mechanics?
  248. fed-2 person
  249. lodged ball
  250. 3 ft running lane

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