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  1. Interference or general play
  2. Batter delay - ASA
  3. Interference?
  4. Look Back Rule..
  5. Subs
  6. NCAA Mechanics?
  7. Ariz-Wash out of box
  8. ASA fastpitch - batter hitting ball in the dirt
  9. WCWS illegal pitch
  10. World's Largest Charity Slow Pitch SB tourney
  11. You make the call
  12. Yet another manager meltdown
  13. interference question
  14. NCAA Rule - Ariz vs Baylor
  15. Legal play
  16. Adv. FP Camp, Atlanta
  17. Catchers Obstruction
  18. Interference?
  19. What is this, 10U?
  20. Obstruction?
  21. So, then we have this...
  22. Unusual dropped third strike
  23. Its about time for ASA to drop the "both feet" on rubber requirement
  24. A little story for you...
  25. ASA Tourney in Denton
  26. Obstruction/Interference/Nothing
  27. Four Balls and One Strike
  28. Game Situation for New Pitcher
  29. Inconsistency on interference?
  30. SRW and State, Take 2
  31. 10U JO FP Class B "One Base per Pitch"
  32. Why do they call it uniform
  33. State
  34. Interference with R2 and F6
  35. What do you do in this situation?
  36. LL Pitching Regulations
  37. Does your association...
  38. Busch League or smart play? Illegal? Drop 3rd Strike.
  39. 4 "hit-by-pitch" fast balls in a row!
  40. Has Delaware just become the new Texas?
  41. ASA obstruction clarification needed
  42. Interference - Am I missing something?? (Poll)
  43. Your call decided the game, Blue!
  44. Dead ball when stealing allowed - ASA slow pitch
  45. Hands
  46. Bunt foul with 2 strikes, running
  47. DP - 4-5,g (CSA)
  48. F6 was doing the hold tag until runner gets up thing
  49. When to call time??
  50. Socks and Playoffs
  51. Plays at 1st Base
  52. OK, let's all put in a "must slide" rule for safety reasons!
  53. 24" width
  54. Pitch Too Slow
  55. Do you just "take it"?
  56. Officiating.COM Article
  57. Please ditch the blue pants
  58. FP tournament
  59. Slowpitch Umpires for London
  60. Infield Fly called, ball drops, fielders run
  61. What would you do?
  62. OBS Again (and again and again etc.)
  63. Two Rules I've Never Heard
  64. NCAA, Just things I have noticed
  65. Yet another OBS scenario: base path and home plate
  66. Warm-up time limits on field for each team
  67. What's your call?
  68. Oops....
  69. Is there a big difference???
  70. Mechanic when calling obstruction
  71. New Term - OOSK
  72. OBS at 1st
  73. Does This Run Count
  74. OBS: right on top of 2B
  75. Pregame duties question
  76. Once in a lifetime situation
  77. Need your opinion
  78. Balls a flyin
  79. "Filling in Roster" in ASA rec tournament
  80. Double swing thru the strike zone
  81. Intentionally Removing the Batter's Box Line
  82. The pesky little things that annoy you...
  83. inconsistant umpiring FED rules
  84. JO 10U Question...
  85. Full vs. 4 stitch Behind Plate
  86. How Many Bases?
  87. Illegally Batted Ball?
  88. Mechanics Question
  89. Partner makes major mistake
  90. Clicker (counter) question
  91. A bad sitiuation
  92. Searching for 2 Umpire Mechanics Diagrams
  93. switching for left to right batter
  94. Ever wonder why you do this
  95. Blacklisted
  96. It's a live ball game (sure)
  97. Enforcement of Rule 10
  98. The Nightmare on Field # 6
  99. unreported sub question
  100. How should I have handled.
  101. Breakthrough Games--Or When I Became an Umpire
  102. So I'm doing a game in the bottom of the 12th last night...
  103. Delayed Asking For help.......
  104. Coach wants help making a proper appeal
  105. Lesser of Two Evils
  106. For the record.
  107. Aiding the runner
  108. Help - 10U rule
  109. Was it a catch?
  110. Interference while Standing on 3B
  111. First game for the new guy.
  112. Dirty trick, but illegal?
  113. Wild throw question
  114. Tag with wrong hand ... do you signal safe?
  115. Making the call
  116. Illegal Pitch?? or just borderline....
  117. What to cover in pre-game conference with coaches?
  118. New ASA non-approved bat list
  119. ASA crash
  120. Major League obstruction???????????
  121. Taking a break
  122. Look Back Rule
  123. Batter kicks dropped pitch
  124. Coaches in LBT
  125. Lineup Card Management
  126. coach hits ump
  127. Tough call for me today
  128. Game Day
  129. What can the player do?
  130. Chopped Ball
  131. How many times?
  132. Whose Call?
  133. Softball substitute
  134. Force Play or Appeal?
  135. umpire makes the call
  136. Missed it, Blew it, and it was BAD
  137. Bunt is laid down....who covers third in this instance?
  138. Softball Base Runner
  139. Softball Base Runner
  140. Third Strike on Batter
  141. Who is 1st batter next inning?
  142. Proper Appeal
  143. Mechanics question
  144. ASA obstruction
  145. What rule book might this be from, if any?
  146. on deck batter interference?
  147. Repeated "Dropped Second Strike" Activity by Coach?
  148. Tampa/St Pete area
  149. Slow Pitch - Foul Tip?
  150. Head First Slide in ASA
  151. Protective Leg Guard
  152. uniform violation in Fed
  153. Unreported Substitute
  154. Is awarded base mandatory?
  155. Ball back to Pitcher
  156. NCAA D1 game
  157. Partner has wrong count
  158. Is Obstruction Mental?
  159. What to Say ?
  160. Attitude and courtesy.
  161. You make the call - double base
  162. Foul fly ball
  163. flex bats
  164. Please tell me I'm not crazy!
  165. Warm-up Pitches
  166. Heads up Ladies!
  167. Double bag appeal
  168. Pinch runner for a courtesy runner?
  169. Advice for the new guy
  170. OBS in MLB
  171. Substitue for injured player.
  172. Cleaning the pitchers Plate
  173. 2-man crew positioning - Fastpitch
  174. DeMarini Bats
  175. Little league clarification
  176. Passed Runner/Missed Base
  177. Runners requesting time
  178. Fed unreported sub again
  179. Interference Situation 2
  180. Interference Situation 1
  181. Mirroring PU
  182. DNTXUM, Schutt Masks
  183. NHFS re-entry
  184. Play at the plate
  185. Spring in Texas
  186. inadvertant base on balls
  187. Interference?
  188. Dirt in the eyes
  189. Catcher's obs/improper award
  190. Hit or error?
  191. Obstruction award?
  192. Doctored Bats
  193. Strike?
  194. Oregon State ASU Game
  195. SCMAF Rule book
  196. Bad situation.
  197. Interference?????
  198. Pitching Coach Location
  199. Never thought it would happen.. 12U ejection
  200. History Lesson Anyone ?
  201. Runner question
  202. 10U Runner on Third Base
  203. Voice communication with partner
  204. Unreported Substitute
  205. Catcher Obstruction - yet again
  206. Bounced 3rd K
  207. Game ending scenario - runner goes into DBT
  208. You make the call
  209. HS game situation last night
  210. Stupid Fan Quotes
  211. A walk is as good as a hit...maybe
  212. Help for those feisty collars
  213. Smart As- comment after the game
  214. Federation Softball Rules Question
  215. ASA rules change process - is it broken?
  216. Actions after IP
  217. 10U-B and OBS
  218. ASA and Bat Warming
  219. Regarding jacket care.
  220. Rundown and OBS
  221. Poll: BU calling illegal pitch
  222. personalized hemets
  223. Scheduler Program
  224. Obstruction or not?
  225. Bench, don't eject
  226. Should I have called it?
  227. Running Lane
  228. An epiphany (bats)
  229. Coach asking ump to get help...
  230. world cup blue....
  231. Defensive huddles after warm-up pitches and half-innings
  232. Pre-Game Meeting: Warm-up pitches
  233. Injured Pitcher
  234. What were they thinking??
  235. S-B Bats
  236. Assignment of the year
  237. help with positioning
  238. Intentional WALK
  239. HS Blow-out
  240. Umpiring in the Snow - in TEXAS
  241. What do you have?
  242. You make the call: Catch and Award/Homerun?
  243. lPitcher Batting Procedures
  244. rosin:3rd base
  245. When I'm Wrong, I'm wrong: Interference is better without intent
  246. Quite a Friday
  247. Questions
  248. check swing
  249. What to say to a coach...
  250. Missed base appeals

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