- Interference or general play
- Batter delay - ASA
- Interference?
- Look Back Rule..
- Subs
- NCAA Mechanics?
- Ariz-Wash out of box
- ASA fastpitch - batter hitting ball in the dirt
- WCWS illegal pitch
- World's Largest Charity Slow Pitch SB tourney
- You make the call
- Yet another manager meltdown
- interference question
- NCAA Rule - Ariz vs Baylor
- Legal play
- Adv. FP Camp, Atlanta
- Catchers Obstruction
- Interference?
- What is this, 10U?
- Obstruction?
- So, then we have this...
- Unusual dropped third strike
- Its about time for ASA to drop the "both feet" on rubber requirement
- A little story for you...
- ASA Tourney in Denton
- Obstruction/Interference/Nothing
- Four Balls and One Strike
- Game Situation for New Pitcher
- Inconsistency on interference?
- SRW and State, Take 2
- 10U JO FP Class B "One Base per Pitch"
- Why do they call it uniform
- State
- Interference with R2 and F6
- What do you do in this situation?
- LL Pitching Regulations
- Does your association...
- Busch League or smart play? Illegal? Drop 3rd Strike.
- 4 "hit-by-pitch" fast balls in a row!
- Has Delaware just become the new Texas?
- ASA obstruction clarification needed
- Interference - Am I missing something?? (Poll)
- Your call decided the game, Blue!
- Dead ball when stealing allowed - ASA slow pitch
- Hands
- Bunt foul with 2 strikes, running
- DP - 4-5,g (CSA)
- F6 was doing the hold tag until runner gets up thing
- When to call time??
- Socks and Playoffs
- Plays at 1st Base
- OK, let's all put in a "must slide" rule for safety reasons!
- 24" width
- Pitch Too Slow
- Do you just "take it"?
- Officiating.COM Article
- Please ditch the blue pants
- FP tournament
- Slowpitch Umpires for London
- Infield Fly called, ball drops, fielders run
- What would you do?
- OBS Again (and again and again etc.)
- Two Rules I've Never Heard
- NCAA, Just things I have noticed
- Yet another OBS scenario: base path and home plate
- Warm-up time limits on field for each team
- What's your call?
- Oops....
- Is there a big difference???
- Mechanic when calling obstruction
- New Term - OOSK
- OBS at 1st
- Does This Run Count
- OBS: right on top of 2B
- Pregame duties question
- Once in a lifetime situation
- Need your opinion
- Balls a flyin
- "Filling in Roster" in ASA rec tournament
- Double swing thru the strike zone
- Intentionally Removing the Batter's Box Line
- The pesky little things that annoy you...
- inconsistant umpiring FED rules
- JO 10U Question...
- Full vs. 4 stitch Behind Plate
- How Many Bases?
- Illegally Batted Ball?
- Mechanics Question
- Partner makes major mistake
- Clicker (counter) question
- A bad sitiuation
- Searching for 2 Umpire Mechanics Diagrams
- switching for left to right batter
- Ever wonder why you do this
- Blacklisted
- It's a live ball game (sure)
- Enforcement of Rule 10
- The Nightmare on Field # 6
- unreported sub question
- How should I have handled.
- Breakthrough Games--Or When I Became an Umpire
- So I'm doing a game in the bottom of the 12th last night...
- Delayed Asking For help.......
- Coach wants help making a proper appeal
- Lesser of Two Evils
- For the record.
- Aiding the runner
- Help - 10U rule
- Was it a catch?
- Interference while Standing on 3B
- First game for the new guy.
- Dirty trick, but illegal?
- Wild throw question
- Tag with wrong hand ... do you signal safe?
- Making the call
- Illegal Pitch?? or just borderline....
- What to cover in pre-game conference with coaches?
- New ASA non-approved bat list
- ASA crash
- Major League obstruction???????????
- Taking a break
- Look Back Rule
- Batter kicks dropped pitch
- Coaches in LBT
- Lineup Card Management
- coach hits ump
- Tough call for me today
- Game Day
- What can the player do?
- Chopped Ball
- How many times?
- Whose Call?
- Softball substitute
- Force Play or Appeal?
- umpire makes the call
- Missed it, Blew it, and it was BAD
- Bunt is laid down....who covers third in this instance?
- Softball Base Runner
- Softball Base Runner
- Third Strike on Batter
- Who is 1st batter next inning?
- Proper Appeal
- Mechanics question
- ASA obstruction
- What rule book might this be from, if any?
- on deck batter interference?
- Repeated "Dropped Second Strike" Activity by Coach?
- Tampa/St Pete area
- Slow Pitch - Foul Tip?
- Head First Slide in ASA
- Protective Leg Guard
- uniform violation in Fed
- Unreported Substitute
- Is awarded base mandatory?
- Ball back to Pitcher
- NCAA D1 game
- Partner has wrong count
- Is Obstruction Mental?
- What to Say ?
- Attitude and courtesy.
- You make the call - double base
- Foul fly ball
- flex bats
- Please tell me I'm not crazy!
- Warm-up Pitches
- Heads up Ladies!
- Double bag appeal
- Pinch runner for a courtesy runner?
- Advice for the new guy
- OBS in MLB
- Substitue for injured player.
- Cleaning the pitchers Plate
- 2-man crew positioning - Fastpitch
- DeMarini Bats
- Little league clarification
- Passed Runner/Missed Base
- Runners requesting time
- Fed unreported sub again
- Interference Situation 2
- Interference Situation 1
- Mirroring PU
- DNTXUM, Schutt Masks
- NHFS re-entry
- Play at the plate
- Spring in Texas
- inadvertant base on balls
- Interference?
- Dirt in the eyes
- Catcher's obs/improper award
- Hit or error?
- Obstruction award?
- Doctored Bats
- Strike?
- Oregon State ASU Game
- SCMAF Rule book
- Bad situation.
- Interference?????
- Pitching Coach Location
- Never thought it would happen.. 12U ejection
- History Lesson Anyone ?
- Runner question
- 10U Runner on Third Base
- Voice communication with partner
- Unreported Substitute
- Catcher Obstruction - yet again
- Bounced 3rd K
- Game ending scenario - runner goes into DBT
- You make the call
- HS game situation last night
- Stupid Fan Quotes
- A walk is as good as a hit...maybe
- Help for those feisty collars
- Smart As- comment after the game
- Federation Softball Rules Question
- ASA rules change process - is it broken?
- Actions after IP
- 10U-B and OBS
- ASA and Bat Warming
- Regarding jacket care.
- Rundown and OBS
- Poll: BU calling illegal pitch
- personalized hemets
- Scheduler Program
- Obstruction or not?
- Bench, don't eject
- Should I have called it?
- Running Lane
- An epiphany (bats)
- Coach asking ump to get help...
- world cup blue....
- Defensive huddles after warm-up pitches and half-innings
- Pre-Game Meeting: Warm-up pitches
- Injured Pitcher
- What were they thinking??
- S-B Bats
- Assignment of the year
- help with positioning
- Intentional WALK
- HS Blow-out
- Umpiring in the Snow - in TEXAS
- What do you have?
- You make the call: Catch and Award/Homerun?
- lPitcher Batting Procedures
- rosin:3rd base
- When I'm Wrong, I'm wrong: Interference is better without intent
- Quite a Friday
- Questions
- check swing
- What to say to a coach...
- Missed base appeals