There was a very questionable call in the Chargers vs. Miami game on a punt by Miami. The Miami player down field interfered with the Charger player from receiving the ball. He clearly lowered his shoulder and clearly hit the charger player before the ball was there. He was ruled he was blocked into the receiver. Replays clearly show the charger player very lightly pushing the Miami player in the back about 5 yards from where the charger player attempted to catch the football. His shoulder was not lowered at that point.
So I have 2 problems which make that a horrible call. The fact his shoulder was not lowered yet after the slight push and if he was ruled we was blocked into by his own player, then where is the block in the back penalty???
In other words, if no block in the back penalty call was made, then he could not have been blocked into the receiver trying to make the catch.
SoCal Browns Backers Rule!!!