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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Sun Jul 06, 2003, 01:47pm
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Wondering the worst of the worst. I am on the Monterey coast of Ca. Last season, fog rolled in so thick I could not even see the sticks across the field, much less my wing-mate...wonder how many illegal formations we missed! Worst wet one, newer school/field(5 years maybe) totally sunk in the center, 3-4 inches standing water and 2 mediocre teams, I work BJ for jv game, LJ comes out to ask me something, he slips and lands square on back, massive soakage(it was funny)Varsity game I am LJ, could not stand still, sinkage would occur....did I bust out the bleach that nite...
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Sun Jul 06, 2003, 01:57pm
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Yes, we're all ALL WET at some point

OK....I'll add one to this...and I have a few.

Varsity game two years ago to decide conference champion. All hell broke loose from the sky at the end of the sophomore contest. Standing water as high as 8 or 9 inches on the field. Several times, and I'm not kidding or exaggerating, the ball floated away after being placed on the field. And, before anyone asks, no, we did not have a drier alternative spot on that yardline between the hashes.

The game ended up being a blowout as one team obviously was a mudder and the other team even more obviously wasn't!
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Tue Jul 08, 2003, 10:39pm
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Two years ago we did a game on a field that is used for all levels of football, including jr hi, plus all levels of soccer, also played in the fall. The weather had been wet, the lines between the inbounds marks were nonexistant. The mud between the hashes and the 20's was deeper than the tops of your shoes. One clean-uniformed kid, playing in the waning moments, dropped his mouthpeice right in front of me. He picked it up, looked at it, looked at me. I said you have to have it in your mouth or leave the game. Mouthpiece $3.00, game check $55, the look on that kids face, and the laughter of his coach behind me, priceless!
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Wed Jul 09, 2003, 06:52am
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Kind of a similiar situation. End of season tourney. Multiple games of 5th grade ball one right after the other on the same field. Yard lines?? Hash marks?? Sidelines?? Who needs them.. Field was so deep in mud from the 5 yard line all the way to the other goal line and we only had has marks on my side of the field for a total of 15 yards. Coach asked for a measurement one time around the 35(??). I looked at him and said "your kidding, right?" He laughed and said nope.

Need an out, get an out. Need a run, balk it in.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Wed Jul 09, 2003, 10:56am
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'well played' fields have to be the worst.

One of our main fields is only used by football, but the city seems to hate putting water on it. Well, throughout the year it starts to dry up and grass turns into tumbleweed as the line markings fade into oblivion. I think it was the last game on that field last year when the kids would run by and a cloud of dust would follow them wherever they went.

We had to move plays around the field from hash mark to hash mark -- not because of wet conditions but because of unsafe dry conditions -- too much dust being blown up in the air to allow safe line play. Fortunately, the Canadian field is a little bigger and our hash marks are further apart so we have some room to work with. I don't know what we would have done for a NHFS game - I think we would have considered calling it becuase of the dust.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Wed Jul 09, 2003, 11:28am
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About ten years ago, our opening game was on an astro-turf field. When we got to the field, it was about 75 degrees and sunny. We got dressed (short sleeves of course and...I regret saying this--shorts) and went through the pregame. Go out onto the field and it begins to rain--harder than I've ever seen in my life. In fact, it was raining so hard, that I could not see the HL on the opposite of the field! And then the temperature began to drop and the wind picked up to about 25-30 mph. It actually dropped to about 45 degrees! The rain finally stopped. And there we are in soaking wet clothes, freezing to death on a windy field. The only saving grace was that the field was astro-turf and not natural grass (mud)!
Bob M.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Mon Jul 21, 2003, 01:27pm
JMN JMN is offline
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And you think getting a chain gang is difficult...

So, we're on the field talking with coaches, getting captains, etc, for a youth ball championship game when the HL comes up and says that he doesn't have a set of chains. He didn't say he lacked a "chain crew", but actually was without the "chains".

Well, everyone looked all around, but since they decided to move the game to a high school field for the Championship, no one remembered to bring the chains.

Well, being the resourceful R that I am (and having an impending dinner engagement that evening), we decided to go on with the show. We recruited members of the chain gang to stand as the front and back posts, and to have the 3rd member act as the box, holding up his fingers for the down!

The good news is that we didn't even need a clip. And, don't even ask about measurements....
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old Mon Jul 28, 2003, 01:19pm
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Re: And you think getting a chain gang is difficult...

Originally posted by JMN
So, we're on the field talking with coaches, getting captains, etc, for a youth ball championship game when the HL comes up and says that he doesn't have a set of chains. He didn't say he lacked a "chain crew", but actually was without the "chains".

Well, everyone looked all around, but since they decided to move the game to a high school field for the Championship, no one remembered to bring the chains.

Well, being the resourceful R that I am (and having an impending dinner engagement that evening), we decided to go on with the show. We recruited members of the chain gang to stand as the front and back posts, and to have the 3rd member act as the box, holding up his fingers for the down!

The good news is that we didn't even need a clip. And, don't even ask about measurements....
Pat O'Reily Commedntary
No mention about lightning. All kinds of misinformation out there. Anyone want a copy via e-mail? HELP" I need more incident reports on the subject. Address request for report from [email protected] NO CHARGE.

Unsafe Playing Conditions, Specifically Lightning and Thunder Storms, In Outdoor Sports.
A Review of available references on lightning and thunder storms from: encyclopedia; technical journals; incident reports; newspaper and media reports; website reports; electrical engineer opinions; rule book references, case book references, officials manuals, NFHS, and WVSSAC bulletins. Recommendations outlined as specific steps and procedures for the management of
games where lightning and thunderstorms are an imminent threat .
By Pat O’Reilly, Sports Official, Sports Researcher, Freelance Writer July 26, 2003

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