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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Fri Dec 27, 2002, 12:14pm
JMN JMN is offline
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Under another thread, the age old topic of assignments vs. crews surfaced, so I thought I would start a thread to get folks comments on the pros and cons of both methods of assigning officials. I've worked both and liked both.

Currently, we use the assignment method and I sure like to work with different guys. However, those games when you have a weak official on your dance card it's a long day/night! (I stress "weak" vs. "new"; I'll work with a new guy anytime and try to help him/her). Also, we have a pretty good program to train new officials and have a fairly high retention rate for those critical 1st 2-3 years.

With crews, I had a good experience and I was lucky to land on a respected crew early in my officiating career. They took me under their wing and provided excellent counsel and support. Don't know what it would have been like if I had to wait around to be adopted by a crew or God forbid, been chosen by a crew that wasn't respected.

Eager to hear everyone's thoughts and experiences.

p.s. Are there other boards that you guys post on that are as good as this one?

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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Fri Dec 27, 2002, 03:38pm
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In my state (south carolina) we have assignments. I have never worked in a situation where there were set crews for the entire season. I have talked to guys from other states who have done it that way. Mostly they tend to prefer the assignment method. I certainly enjoy seeing fresh faces from week to week. I haven't really had to endure any real NIGHTMARE officials on any of my crews. There have been some really great ones, and some mediocre ones. The worst thing I had to happen was with a 1st or 2nd year Line Judge. I had just flagged the QB for intentional grounding. I gave the preliminary signal and then walked over to the offended team's captain to discuss his options. I happened to make a mental note of where my flag was before I conferred with the player. Anyway, I'm telling the captain about how he needs to accept the penalty because its loss of down and 5 yards from the spot where my flag was. About that time, I feel someone tapping me on the shoulder. I turn and look to see the Line Judge with my flag in his hand. He says...."here's your flag Mr.Ref" I just looked at him with a blank stare. Then I laughed about it, and instructed him to cover the flag,,, NOT pick it up.

But all in all, I really enjoy assignments. Seeing different guys from allover the state is pretty cool.

The Doctor
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Fri Dec 27, 2002, 04:04pm
JMN JMN is offline
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Ref with a rookie U


Similar experience with a guy that I worked with from a neighboring association. He was the umpire and had 3-4 years experience. I was the R, he was the U.

Pass play, I give ground as the QB retreated and then he stood in the pocket and threw the ball. After he released, the defensive tackle exploded into him WAY TOO LATE! I drop my flag, manage the immediate action, and then begin to look downfield to see what happened with the pass. What's that blur of yellow in the air coming towards me? As the flag lands at my feet, I look up to see my Umpire. Sure enough, my U had a roughing the QB call. Unbelievable and surprising since he had 3+ years of experience and being from a different association, I asked him what he had (I thought maybe (please) he had a holding call). Oh no, he described how the defender almost neutered the guy, he said "you should have seen the blow he delivered".

I was laughing so hard that I gave the signal and moved the chains.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Fri Dec 27, 2002, 05:17pm
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I prefer a crew over assignments. Crews have a better feel for each other and are usually preferred to call the big games (championships).
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Fri Dec 27, 2002, 11:02pm
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I have never worked on a crew basis so can only imagine what it would be like. I do know that I would say things to guys I was familiar with and comfortable with that I would not say to someone who I may only work 1 game with. I am in a huge association so may have the same guy in a game 2 or 3 times at most during a season. I would feel better critiquing guys who I worked with every week and I would fell better being critiqued by guys I work with every week.

I used to buy the argument that crews were automaticaly better because that is what the NFL does and what NCAA does. But playoffs in the NFL and bowls in the NCAA are not worked by guys who crewed up all year so I am not sure that comparison is a good rationale.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Sat Dec 28, 2002, 12:43am
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Smile My $.02

Like I said on another thread, I work in a small association.... I think it was 15 guys this last season, with no females this year (we've had two in years passed). We don't work crews, but, we have a small enough association that I work with the same guys throughout the season. I guess that our assoc. is small enough that it's almost like working the same crew all season.... There've been some guys in the past I'd rather not work with, but they seem to weed themselves out.

I've seen the WH step between two as they walked off the field..... I thought the LM was going to kill the U one night.... The U had thown a PI from 40 yards away, that the LM was right on top of. I was in the stands watching the game, my son was playing, and I couldn't believe what the U had done.... Luckily, he's gone now.

In a small assoc., we all pitch in to guide the new guys. I helped tutor a rookie this year. He only worked the lower level games, I don't think he even got a JV game. But hopefully he'll be back next year.

This comment relates to the some of the other threads that are on here..... You can always tell a rookie official... He's the one who wants to throw a flag on every play!!!!

What is Real Football?????
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Sat Dec 28, 2002, 08:27am
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Re: My $.02

Originally posted by The Ref of OZ!!!

I've seen the WH step between two as they walked off the field..... I thought the LM was going to kill the U one night.... The U had thown a PI from 40 yards away, that the LM was right on top of. I was in the stands watching the game, my son was playing, and I couldn't believe what the U had done.... Luckily, he's gone now.

this is why I prefer working with a crew. Crews tend to work together more and after a while, we cover each other pretty well because we are all use to each other and our officiating styles.

As a WH, the way I would resolve the U throwing a PI from 40 yards away is I would ask the U what he saw. If he explains to me what he saw and I agree it is PI, then I would ask the LM, who was standing right there, what he saw. The LM obviously will argue that its his call to make but the LM could have been positioned in a way not to see the same thing that the U saw from "his angle". Bad position and angles is why a LM who is closest to make the call is unable to because the violation is blocked from his view. On the other hand, the U has a better position and angle to have a clear view (eventhough he's 40 yards away).

The ego of the LM will not accept that he missed a call in his area so he immediately becomes defensive. Egos can be a problem when working assignments but in my crew, we work together and keep our egos in check. We call what we see--anywhere on the field. If the person closest to the play see the same thing the person furthest from the play, then the person closest will get the call. If the two make a call on the same play but from different views (angles), then the person having the better position or angle to make the call will get the call. We don't always see the same thing and on occassion can't agree on what we saw but we do not argue with each other we simply relate to the WH what we saw and let the WH make the call.

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  #8 (permalink)  
Old Sat Dec 28, 2002, 12:18pm
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This was a three man game? The U in those is basically a U/BJ hybrid. If he was 40 yards away, it was a hell of a throw. If it was a 4 man game, that is never the U's call unless its a crossing pattern right in front of him. He's turning with the ball and is in a position to call catch/no catch on a skipped ball when the wings are screened, but not PI from 40 yards away. Thats akin to throwing a flag over somebody's head - its not ego, its bad mechanics and just not done.

That being said, I've known only assignments and not crews since I started. There are definitely guys on my preferred list and some on my "Oh my god, not him again" list. I get a chance to pick up tips and points of view by working with different guys, plus I find out those little nuggets that may take a lot longer to learn. I guess the nightmare case would be catching on with a crew that has people on it you just don't mix well with.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old Sat Dec 28, 2002, 12:29pm
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So, here's my proposal

We need to get together and do a game.

Here's the crew.





Back Judge---TXmike

Field Judge--Theisey

Side Judge----JMN

We could all purchase plane tickets and meet up in Maryland and do a game together. That way we could all get a "feel" for Derock's "game sense". What cha think? It might be fun.

Then we could all go out and have a good meal and talk about the good/bad calls. Like that runner that gets tripped up by Theisey's tongue. And that Kick catching interference call that Derock made. Ha Ha Ha....

LETS DO IT!!!!!!!!!!

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  #10 (permalink)  
Old Sun Dec 29, 2002, 10:06am
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Re: So, here's my proposal

Originally posted by DrMooreReferee
We need to get together and do a game.

Here's the crew.





Back Judge---TXmike

Field Judge--Theisey

Side Judge----JMN

We could all purchase plane tickets and meet up in Maryland and do a game together. That way we could all get a "feel" for Derock's "game sense". What cha think? It might be fun.

Then we could all go out and have a good meal and talk about the good/bad calls. Like that runner that gets tripped up by Theisey's tongue. And that Kick catching interference call that Derock made. Ha Ha Ha....

LETS DO IT!!!!!!!!!!

Doc and others:
Just a thought....The post season tournament here in Maryland I mentioned earlier in my posts is an annual event. I have been one of the officials for the past two years and know the coach who holds the tournament. I'm sure I can convince him to allow officials in from out of town to participate in next years tournament. He really doesn't care as long as 6 officials show up to call the games. The tournament pays cash upon conclusion of the games for the total number of games you worked (normally around 20 games at $35 per game). Depending on how far you would have to travel, it probably wouldn't be worth your time but then again maybe you would just like the opportunity to travel to another state and officiate some games and take some shots at Derock the Anti-Ref! Anyone interested?
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  #11 (permalink)  
Old Sun Dec 29, 2002, 11:21am
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LOL count me in Doc I wouldnt miss it for the world ! 8^)
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old Sun Dec 29, 2002, 11:36am
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I would love to do it but I would not do well there as I do not have clue about Fed rules and my "game sense" is probably not sufficient for me to fake my way through like some others do. ;-)
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old Sun Dec 29, 2002, 05:47pm
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They have six man crews or do six guys do the entire tournament?

I can convince him to allow officials in from out of town to participate in next years tournament.

I can just picture the first trip of a runner that goes unflagged - "Hey, what the...." would be the cry from the sideline "Where'd you get these guys, Derock? Don't they know that's a foul???"

"You should see where they spot fumbles that roll out of bounds, Coach!"
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old Sun Dec 29, 2002, 06:53pm
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Originally posted by ABoselli
They have six man crews or do six guys do the entire tournament?

I can convince him to allow officials in from out of town to participate in next years tournament.

I can just picture the first trip of a runner that goes unflagged - "Hey, what the...." would be the cry from the sideline "Where'd you get these guys, Derock? Don't they know that's a foul???"

"You should see where they spot fumbles that roll out of bounds, Coach!"
3 man crews on 2 fields.

It doesn't matter what you call Aboselli, if its against them they will complain. If its against the other team they will cheer. However, if you throw too many flags you will not be received well by anyone even if they are legitimate calls. You will probably here a cry from the sideline "This ain't the NFL"..."Somebody needs to take his flag"...."Where'd these officials come from because we need to send them back"...."Let 'em Play!" By halftime one of the coaches will probably ask me to get you guys to ease up a little.
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old Sun Dec 29, 2002, 07:09pm
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Here in IL regular season is usaully crews then for the playoffs the state assigns individuals for all playoff games. Which i really dont understand wouldnt you want to keep the people together who worked all season together
Dylan Ferguson
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