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Old Thu Apr 03, 2003, 07:32pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Apr 2003
Posts: 1

Anyone know the answer to the following scenario?

NFL Instant Replay scenario:
1. Play is dead.
2. Penalty occurs.
3. Penalty is either accepted or declined.
4. A coach then wants to challenge a ruling, such as the spot of the ball, on the field after the penalty situation has been resolved.

So what is the order of operations in this case? Must a ref call a challenge before accepting or declining the penalty, can he do it after the penalty is resolved, does it matter which is done first, or am I asking the wrong kind of questions for this scenario?

I only have the following as a guide, and it's insufficient for me to make a determination (or seemingly so):

The Official NFL Instant Replay Rules (from Official Rules of the NFL published by Triumph):

"For the 2001, 2002, and 2003 seasons only, the League will employ a system of Referee Replay Review to aid officiating for reviewable plays as defined below. Prior to the two-minute warning of each half, a Coaches' Challenge System will be in effect. After the two-minute warning of each half, and throughout any overtime period, a Referee Review will be initiated by a Replay Assistant form a Replay Booth comparable to the location of the coaches' booth or Press Box. The following procedures will be used:

Coaches' Challenge:
In each game, a team will be permitted a maximum of two challenges that will initiate Referee Replay reviews. Each challenge will require the use of a team timeout. If a challenge is upheld, the timeout will be restored to the challenging team, but a challenge will never be restored. No challenges will be recognized from a team that has exhausted its timeouts.

Replay Assistant's Request for Review: After the two-minute warning of each half, and throughout any overtime period, any Referee Review will be initiated by a Replay Assistant. There is no limit to the number of Referee Reviews that may be initiated by the Replay Assistant. His ability to initiate a review will be unrelated to the number of timeouts that either team has remaining, and no timeout will be charged for any review initiated by the Replay Assistant.

Reviews by Referee: All Replay Reviews will be conducted by the Referee on a field-level monitor after consultation with the other covering official(s), prior to review. A decision will be reversed only when the Referee has indisputable visual evidence available to him that warrants the change.

Time Limit: Each review will be a maximum of 90 seconds in length, timed from when the Referee begins his review of the replay at the field-level monitor.

Reviewable Plays: The Replay System will cover the following play situations only:
(a) Plays governed by Sideline, goal Line, End Zone, and End Line:
(1) Scoring Plays, including a runner breaking the plane of the goal line.
(2) Pass complete/incomplete/intercepted at sideline goal line, end zone, and end line.
(3) Runner/receiver in or out of bounds.
(4) Recovery of loose ball in or out of bounds.
(b) Passing Plays:
(1) Pass ruled complete/incomplete/intercepted in the field of play.
(2) Touching of a forward pass by an ineligible receiver.
(3) Touching of a forward pass by a defensive receiver.
(4) Quarterback (Passer) forward pass or fumble.
(5) Illegal forward pass beyond the line of scrimmage.
(6) Illegal forward pass after change of possession.
(7) Forward or backward pass thrown from behind the line of scrimmage.
(c) Other Detectable Infractions:
(1) Runner ruled not down by defensive contact.
(2) Forward progress with respect to first down.
(3) Touching of a kick.
(4) Number of players on field."


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