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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Wed May 14, 2003, 08:10am
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I don't know where to start with my question but I'm going to try here.

I am the crew chief for my crew and I'd like to see how you guys might address this situaion. I'm almost certain I know how may of you would respond but I'm curious if anyone has had this experience with a crew member and how you handled it in the past.

One of the things I do as a crew chief is arrange 2 hour meetings once a month beginning in April. The purpose for these meetings is to discuss the rulebook and get our minds back into football mode. I firmly believe we can use the refresher and discussion time as a crew. I want us to be professionals and I want us to avoid making mistakes in regards to the rules.

In regards to these meetings, one of the guys on my crew has stated the following:


I have to be honest . . .

... This is more commitment than Im looking for. I know you have much higher goals/desires for yourself and that is great but Im looking for 1-2 meetings just before the season starts. Maybe a meeting to talk about scheduling and maybe a meeting to do the test together.

I know that going over a specific rule will enhance the knowledge of the crew but it's not what Im looking for (not the part of the job that I enjoy.). I just want to get out there and work the games. I have so much going on w/ my life/family, that time is an asset which is hard to come by.

Please look at this in a positive way. Im not looking to leave the crew, I just want you to know how I feel about officiating.

My fear is that this kind of attitude will tarnish our image in some game in the future. I have aspirations to make it to D1 some day. This same guy doesn't like being involved in the pre-game and just wants to "go out and work the game".

How would you respond to this crew member? I don't want to be harsh. I don't want to sour our relationship but I also expect more than just "working the games".


Hurting in Bloomington

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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Wed May 14, 2003, 08:32am
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I think there are two seperate issues here that combine to give you one big problem. The first issue is that you have a crew member that doesn't have the time to make an extra commitment (not wanting to make the extra meetings). The second issue is that you have a crew member that doesn't want to put in the requisite work to be a good official (not wanting to participate in pregame). When you add them both up, you have a crew member who doesn't share your vision of what the crew needs to be.

The first issue, if it is due to a lack of time in the off season, can be fixed by independent study. I don't know if I could make another meeting right now with my crew. I call semi pro, 7-on-7, teach part time and have a regular job with two kids and a wife. Another hour or two would be hard to squeeze out of my schedule without impacting my family life. That being said, I read the rules every night before bed and during my breaks at work. I am also spending time in the gym. I am committed to being a better official and being a benefit to my crew. I understand a lack of time.

The second issue is the one I have a problem with. Just like football players are made in the off season, so are officials. You can't just "go out and work" and expect to be polished. Some officials don't care about being polished and that is their right to do so. But if that doesn't fit in with your vision for your crew, you need to make a change. I am sure there are officials in your chapter that would love an opportunity to work Friday nights. Studying the rules and participating in pre-game are a part of the job.

Wish I had a better solution, but I would be looking for a replacement before it gets too late. Make sure that you communicate what is expected up front of any new members.
Strange women, lying in ponds, distributing swords is no basis for a system of government. If I went around claiming I was an emperor just because some moistened bink lobbed a scimitar at me, they would put me away.
-Monty Python-
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Wed May 14, 2003, 09:12am
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At first glance, my response to you would be to quickly, quietly, and politely get rid of this official. This "I just want to work the games" attitude, IMO, would foster the Derock mentality.

However, after pondering your question, I have several of my own come to mind. I was particulary interested in the fact that your crew will meet four times for two hours before the season starts. Do you and your crew belong to an association that conducts training meetings? If so are you duplicating their efforts. I would immagine that your state requires attendence to a yearly clinic (Virginia, where I live, does) in which the new rules and interpretations are presented; are you duplicating that effort?

My crew will meet once during the off season. It will be a cook out affair with the wives/significant others invited. We will meet for acouple of hours going over the information I got from the crew chiefs meeting. I also sent my crew rules quizzes that they could complete on their own time - we will discuss them also. We will discuss my expectations for the upcoming season and what I (and they) think we need to improve on. This year our meeting might run a little longer because of the significant rules changes made by the NF (PSK, etc).

If you are not duplicating the efforts of your local and state associations, if these meeting are your only means of preparing your crew for the new season; then, by all means, find a new crew member.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Wed May 14, 2003, 09:47am
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Originally posted by nvfoa15

At first glance, my response to you would be to quickly, quietly, and politely get rid of this official. This "I just want to work the games" attitude, IMO, would foster the Derock mentality.
This was my first thought, too. I'm afraid he is one of those officials who just dusts of the rulebooks to take the yearly test and then puts it away.

However, after pondering your question, I have several of my own come to mind. I was particulary interested in the fact that your crew will meet four times for two hours before the season starts. Do you and your crew belong to an association that conducts training meetings?

Our area has an officials association but membership is not mandatory and attendance is not required. This particular official has been to one or two association meeting in three years. The meetings are helpful to new officials but often cover very basic things.

If so are you duplicating their efforts.

See above. This guy doesn't go to the officials association meetings because they are not required.

I would immagine that your state requires attendence to a yearly clinic (Virginia, where I live, does) in which the new rules and interpretations are presented; are you duplicating that effort?

Illinois requires a clinic once every three years and a rule interpretation meeting every year. The rules meetings only last about an hour to an hour-and-a-half. The clinics are helpful but they are only required every three years.

My crew will meet once during the off season. It will be a cook out affair with the wives/significant others invited. We will meet for acouple of hours going over the information I got from the crew chiefs meeting. I also sent my crew rules quizzes that they could complete on their own time - we will discuss them also. We will discuss my expectations for the upcoming season and what I (and they) think we need to improve on. This year our meeting might run a little longer because of the significant rules changes made by the NF (PSK, etc).

If you are not duplicating the efforts of your local and state associations, if these meeting are your only means of preparing your crew for the new season; then, by all means, find a new crew member.

I don't feel I was duplicating any effort on the part of my official's association or the state assocation. The officials association only meets during the season and this guy wasn't going anyway. The state association requirements are not what I would call stringent.

After reading some of the replies and kind of knowing this guy, I sent an email to my entire crew with some options. The options were.

1. Meet once a month for the two hours with an occassional absence (this guy has yet to make a meeting this year).

2. Commit to getting into the rulebook once a day for 10 minutes or at least 1 hour per week.

3. Replace me.

4. Try to get on another crew.

He chose option #4

Mike Sears
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Wed May 14, 2003, 10:03am
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After reading your reply to my questions, I believe the only solution is to replace the official. Whether he or any of your crew have aspirations for D1 ball is moot; his lack of "motivation" could hinder the crew's ability to advance at the high school level!

BTW, in my first response I negleted his aversion to attending pre-games. I've got a bigger problem with this than the other absences. Send him packing!
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Wed May 14, 2003, 10:43am
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I'm surprised he's a varsity official with that attitude. He should work a few JV games per week, maybe some youth, and go home.

The kids work too hard during the week to get a slacker working the games.

[Edited by ABoselli on May 14th, 2003 at 11:57 AM]
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Wed May 14, 2003, 11:36am
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Looks like your question was answered very well by others. I just wanted to concur that this person is probably an anchor for your crew to improve. If your crew is working to better itself all members must be on the same page. If a person is not willing to attend a pregame meeting he is not anxious to do the work that the players deserve.

Congratulations on this problem working out and hope you find a better fit for your crew.

F. Shawn Wortman
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old Wed May 14, 2003, 12:52pm
JMN JMN is offline
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We work individual assignments, not crews, but the same dynamic applies. You get to know the guys that come out and just put in their time vs. those of us that are committed to improving our performance. We just have a little less control on who we work with.

Some of the problems that were cited were the off-field demands of family, job, etc. I always tell the new officials to deal with this up front. You shouldn't be having the discussion with your wife about working games every Friday night and Saturday morning midway in the season. This should be addressed before the season begins. Not through lack of committment, but due to priority, I would drop officiating in a heartbeat if it impacted my family. Thanks to a super-understanding wife, I'm blessed to pursue my craft.

In pursuing my next step towards college ball, I am thirsting for more folks that want to get together and discuss the rules. More power to you for demanding excellence from others. But, not everyone is so driven. Just let them know up front what their commitment will be if they join your crew.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old Wed May 14, 2003, 01:20pm
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I think it is good idea to replace this crew member ASAP. This goes beyond his time commitment to officiating. I think that all of us that work in the crew system consider our crew mates not just as fellow officials but also friends.

Our crew not only meets a few times over the summer, we are constantly talking to each other all through the year. Our association meets every week during the season for about 1 1/2 hours to review rules and problems from the previous week. After that our crew along with others retire to a local pub to continue the discussions. Its not just a matter of working together, its being together as aa four man unit, all on the same page. It makes the games more enjoyable and makes the crew work better.

My advice, get someone you know and and shares your enjoyment of officiating.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old Thu May 15, 2003, 06:41am
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Thank you everyone for your replies. I think I already knew the answer to my question but I needed someone to reinforce it.

Thanks again.

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  #11 (permalink)  
Old Thu May 15, 2003, 06:21pm
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It seems maybe the official was turned off by your aspirations to D1 since he only wanted to work his games and go home. I have worked with that guy before!

Whether you want to move up to D1 or the NFL or just stay at HS varsity you should put effort into giving the best game possible. No other sports demands the knowledge, skill and committment of football on a per game, per season basis.

I published an article entitled "Anatomy of A Bad Game" that will be on the web site in a few days. It is a story -- some fiction, some fact -- of a game with an official who just wants to work the game. The result was a disaster.

As the crew chief you need to set reasonable policies and expect everyone to follow. If a member has a problem either you perceive or they verbalize, take that person aside and query their motive. If the person is disruptive to the crew either by performance or non-performance don't hesitate to let him go, the others crew members will respect you for the decision.

It is my feeling as high school crew chief we have more problems than our college counterparts and definitely our NFL counterparts. But that is not to say problems don't exist there. I recall my fellow alum the late-Tommy Bell telling the story of how he had to inspire the late-Burl Toler the season following a fifth-down call that resulted in the entire crew being suspended at the end of the previous season.
Ed Hickland, MBA, CCP
[email protected]
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old Thu May 15, 2003, 06:44pm
JMN JMN is offline
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Hey Ed,

When you said the "late" Burl Toler, you didn't mean "late" as in deceased, did you?

I just saw Burl a couple of weeks ago and he is in better shape than me even though he's got 25+ years on me!

Thanks for the clarification!
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old Thu May 15, 2003, 07:04pm
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Re: Yikes!!

Originally posted by JMN
Hey Ed,

When you said the "late" Burl Toler, you didn't mean "late" as in deceased, did you?

I just saw Burl a couple of weeks ago and he is in better shape than me even though he's got 25+ years on me!

Thanks for the clarification!
I did say "late" but I am glad to be corrected and to know Burl is still alive and even in good shape.
Ed Hickland, MBA, CCP
[email protected]
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old Thu May 15, 2003, 11:15pm
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Thumbs down

Mike, he's dead weight, that will get your crew in trouble sooner or later. Drop him.
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old Wed May 21, 2003, 08:34am
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Can you close and delete this thread.??

Mike Sears
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