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  1. Did I mess up?
  2. Looking for leg guards that work with a knee brace.
  3. North Carolina - Greensboro info?
  4. Where's the thread, Carl?
  5. Did I blow the call?
  6. speaking of NY/LA....
  7. Gregg tributes
  8. plate shoes - patent leather
  9. Mockery of the Game???
  10. Bob Davidson +POS mask
  11. Screw-ups
  12. Yep...everyone's got a camcorder
  13. Runners return?
  14. Possibly the most ignored rule in baseball?
  15. 3.05 (OBR) Question
  16. Rip Eric Gregg
  17. Rodney King Lives
  18. What new ump should look for re:balks
  19. MUST READ! New MLB Ump Camp?
  20. obs on throwback
  21. insurance
  22. New Honig's K1 Protector
  23. fielder pushes runner off of the bag
  24. ejection
  25. Eric Gregg had a stroke today
  26. Doug Eddings
  27. Weekend Questions
  28. Verbal Obstruction ?
  29. Two Questions
  30. No available substitutes
  31. Dropped 2nd strike
  32. Strike zone
  33. 4-Man
  34. Summary of 2006 OBR Rule Changes
  35. Dropped third strike question
  36. GD Variation
  37. balk question
  38. Feinting to 1st
  39. Pitcher Wearing Sunglasses
  40. stance adjustment
  41. Question
  42. Touch of Bases
  43. Overthrow question... I know its been answered before.. humor me.
  44. Frustration with critique
  45. Visit To Mound And Other things
  46. OBR published on MLB.COM website
  47. Mechanics Question
  48. Catcher's Obstruction: Hit or E2?
  49. Babe Ruth/Cal Ripken rule book search
  50. Another Bunt Question
  51. Obstruction???
  52. Camel Backs???
  53. it's over
  54. By the way, Happy Memorial Day
  55. Umpire Interference/ CA NCS Final, Bellarmine vs. Valley Christian-San Jose
  56. Training Video Help
  57. Bases Loaded...
  58. Still Waiting
  59. Oh, the irony
  60. Looking for 'short' inside protector...
  61. home run ground rule
  62. ball hits on deck equipment
  63. 2006 Little League Baseball Tournament Rules Chart
  64. Brewers - Batter's Interference?
  65. One off the coconut.
  66. gerry davis cool vest
  67. runner struck by thrown ball
  68. What should I do?
  69. amlu's "new" proposal
  70. Do you toss this coach?
  71. Bad day
  72. one more quick rule
  73. rule question
  74. +POS Ultra-Armor
  75. Lacrosse question?--Off topic
  76. Have you ever been assaulted at a game?
  77. Civility
  78. Young Umpire Attacked
  79. Legal play or Illegal
  80. Why Do MLB BU's point foul...
  81. Swinging 3rd Strike Call
  82. Dropped 3rd strike
  83. Tamargo
  84. Foul tip? Direct?
  85. Interference Question?
  86. Rule Myths Part 2
  87. Rule myths (long)
  88. The phantom out (Expected call)
  89. runner thought he was out
  90. Undershirt Question
  91. Babe Ruth would've had more home runs
  92. Consistent strike zone
  93. Still Wiping My Eyes
  94. Vacationing MLB Umpires
  95. Another Stupid Balk Question
  96. Which PRO School?
  97. Easton Stealth HSM - Bad Product Support
  98. Hitting a ball the has already hit the ground...
  99. The obligatory 4th out...
  100. pants
  101. Gotta Smile!
  102. Pitcher Substitution
  103. Changing Pitchers
  104. Batting Question
  105. Ya get thrown out for TAKIN' a punch?????
  106. Disappointed in AMLU
  107. balk using mlb rules
  108. NFHS Questions/Help
  109. whats the rulebook say
  110. What would you do?
  111. Balk Call
  112. PU/BU Communication on balk call
  113. Worst call I have ever seen!
  114. Check swing, to help or not to help...
  115. 4 man system
  116. Runner gets careless when standing after slide
  117. Make the call
  118. A news story that has nothing to do with AMLU
  119. When the strike is over
  120. The Young Brothers: Accost an Ump, beat your girl friend
  121. Interference - Judgement, Rules Application, Both
  122. And the Oscar goes to......
  123. Riddell Power Petition
  124. Cooperstown Dreams Park - Week 2
  125. Your Zone
  126. ump clinics and/or schools
  127. batter interference
  128. Runner Hit In Foul Territory - Deflects Inbounds
  129. Batter-Runner Interference
  130. What is going to happen to MiLB now?
  131. Astros - Giants Beanballs
  132. official blunder
  133. Shriking the Strike Zone
  134. Angels-Blue Jays : Salmon interfered but not out?
  135. OBR's 2006 Rule Changes (23 of 'em!)
  136. Catch in Dugout
  137. So, Tim C
  138. First time out
  139. Between Innings The Rat Said...
  140. Weird Playoff Schedule
  141. Squeeze play situation
  142. Ball in Dugout
  143. Play at the plate
  144. Weird Dropped Third Strike
  145. Interference by Coach
  146. Fake tag and no retouch
  147. stretching advice
  148. Never saw this before, What would you do.
  149. Rating Systems?
  150. Did you see this ejection?
  151. Interference or Not???
  152. Would you Eject??
  153. Gerry Davis Pants?
  154. Passed Runner
  155. Bunt attempt....strike?
  156. Baseball Diamond dimensions
  157. Pro Nine Lightweight Leather Umpire Mask
  158. Have you ever seen something like this?
  159. What's the penalty for.....
  160. check swing
  161. Team ahead and loses ??
  162. Cal Ripken Ball In Play Rule Question
  163. I'm not the enemy.
  164. Balk Question
  165. Dropped 3rd Strike Rule
  166. Balk Move
  167. Has anyone worn the nike HSM?
  168. Interference Kills Play?
  169. Article From Gerry Davis
  170. Misc. Ramblings (long post, sorry)
  171. Rising fastball
  172. Intentional Walk
  173. Was this a Balk ? I called it a Balk.
  174. Actual Sportsmanship Going On
  175. bernie williams ejection
  176. Baserunner hit with bated ball while on base.
  177. Interference by fielder question.
  178. Batter Hit by Catcher's Throw
  179. Follow up on ump hit by the bat
  180. Nit-Pick'n rules or are they
  181. Plate Shoes
  182. Lets discuss some different NEW Technology
  183. Two News Items
  184. Here a balk, there a balk...
  185. Music between batters - NCAA
  186. ncaa rules differences
  187. umpire shirts
  188. Catch off dougout or backstop ground rule?
  189. Balloon-style chest protectors
  190. Replacement's Errors Compounded
  191. Mask Weight
  192. "Help" Plays
  193. Anybody Going to Japan soon?
  194. Touching the bases
  195. Change in Uncaught Third Strike Rule?
  196. New plate position
  197. Tag at the Plate...Deja vu!
  198. Pickoff away from Base
  199. Not another Scabs story???
  200. Has anyone ever heard of such?
  201. Just when you think you've seen it all
  202. Last MiLB game forfeited over ejections
  203. Tulsa article
  204. Braves V Mets May 7th
  205. Business as usual...
  206. Is fair or foul?
  207. Score the run on Balk?
  208. Catcher interfearence
  209. Over Rule
  210. NFHS BR/RL Inter
  211. Substitution question
  212. Site Acronyms
  213. Help - Plate Pullover Jacket question
  214. Alfonso Marquez and Mike Reilly's masks
  215. Minor league baseball
  216. High school scabs
  217. 3-man mechanics
  218. Hockey Style masks or Traditional??
  219. Do you count the run?
  220. New Crew Cheif
  221. Would not have happened if properly trained
  222. Suspended Manager
  223. Umpire negotiations- where now?
  224. FED - When to call pitch illegal?
  225. Legal move?
  226. Holding the ball
  227. The AMLU's Birmingham Folly
  228. ID this Face Mask
  229. Randy Mobley talks about AMLU rejection and Young Situation
  230. It's the Scabs fault, It the Scabs fault II
  231. Bought some new equipment today???
  232. AMLU Scab Photo Gallery
  233. How about a partner who DIDN'T blow it !
  234. NFHS hit by pitch rule
  235. AMLU rejects proposal
  236. It's the SCABS fault, It's the SCABS fault
  237. Japanese Umpire Down
  238. weird play
  239. Some rules questions
  240. Hints on plate stance
  241. Why The Big Lock-out ?
  242. Tricks of the Trade
  243. For your amusement
  244. Escobar vs Pierzynski
  245. Minor League umpires to end season-long strike
  246. My amazing partner
  247. Phoenix Az high school tournament games??
  248. Taking Mask Off For All Ejections?
  249. runner interference??
  250. OBR - illegal substitute

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