- Interesting Situation
- Balk?
- Pitcher drops the ball (FED)
- batter/runner unintentionally kicks blocked pitch
- New MLB Hires
- Laz Diaz in the News
- I'm Spoiled
- second base
- Gear bag...
- Long games thread, 2010 version
- Illegal slide--FED rules
- An easy question...
- Stealing home
- Diamond Ultra-Lite Mask
- Teach Bob Something #4
- Error Scoring Question
- Potd 3-30-10
- OBR 8.02 (licking fingers on mound)
- Let's take a trip..
- NFHS Only (please)
- Walk-off Walk Situation
- Is that fair?
- No hard feelings...
- 4 USSSA shirts anyone?
- Trapped 3rd Strike...
- Shirts
- FPSR Question
- Retired B/R continues to 2B
- OBR / NCAA catch and carry
- Shadow
- Two simple questions.
- Teach Tee Something, #3:
- Warming Up Between Innings
- Batting out of turn?
- confusing hand signals
- 1st question of the season
- NFHS RLV You Make the Call
- NFHS Rules Test
- NCAA Ruling on hand to mouth for Pitchers
- Box v. Davis
- Pre-Season Work
- Time for ya'll to teach me something Part 2:
- Time for Ya'll to teach me something:
- Strike/out signal
- Base on Balls
- 4th Out Appeal
- Side piping and new stripe patterns on ML uniforms
- Fed Case Book contradiction?
- Umps Care Charity Auction
- Fan interference and a speedy runner
- Around the Horn
- Catcher throws to first on a bases empty ball four.
- Called my first...
- Batting out of turn appeal
- Breaking into the college level
- HBP: Pitcher and Batter both ejected
- Pre-Game
- NCAA Test
- Interference Rule on Foul Fly Ball
- The worst thing in FED
- wilson titanium mask
- Batter-runner not proceding directly to first base.
- And the Oscar for best picture goes to.....
- New Ump - Wilson Gold FX Shock Helmet??
- Legal or not.....
- FED - Three-Foot Running Lane
- Wraparounds on Diamond mask
- Foot feint balk?
- Rule 7.08e reinstated force play
- With the season almost upon us...
- Video: Could anything else have been done?
- Minor League Umps affiliate with OPEIU
- NCAA Test Questions
- Major League speed up for 2010
- John Kibler 1928-2010
- (FED) THE Dumbest ...
- won't be the last
- "Doble" hit
- Pickoff to 1st - contact with rubber
- Fed Courtesy Runner
- Fed Sub Situation
- Bases Awarded Question
- Batter Hit By Throw while running out of three foot zone.
- Granting time to walk the ball to the pitcher
- Them Tricky FEDLANIA Guys
- Whn to call time on player injury
- Time to reposition Ump or get the ball to F1
- Balk Video
- Must the Runner Clearly beat the ball to the bag???
- Player Ejected - Stays in Dugout
- pitcher tosses glove with ball
- Where to find
- To uphold or deny?
- What constitutes a Tag?
- Rumor has it . . .
- Restricted to dugout?
- Platecoat
- Int and Intervening Play
- Balk
- Balk Called by Coach....
- Rat Season 2010
- I have a Silver Diamond mask what pads are the best to buy
- Another FED 2 Man Mechanics
- What happened?
- Baseball interpretation...
- both teams lose track of outs
- College games in Arizona
- 2 Man Mechanics FED...
- Rules Test
- Infield Fly Enforcement
- Question on dropped thrid strike
- Wilson mlb cp
- South Florida associations
- Modified NFHS Bat Rule for 2012
- Quick question -
- "Game Six" book recommendation
- Charcoal Grey Pants Recommendations
- High School Meetings
- Jose Offerman punches Ump
- Reebok Field Magistrate Plate shoes on eBay
- Need a little help...
- NCAA Collision Rule at home plate
- Mark McGwire admits to long-term steroid use!
- Balk Talk
- 2010 Fed Baseball
- Honigs Poly-Wools for sale
- The Darkest of the Darkside
- 2010 NCAA Clinics
- MLB Network - Umpires Show
- MLB Umps Reach New Deal
- Post Season Boo Boos
- Majordave
- Gerry Davis Chest Protector Testing
- Christmas Day
- On The Clock....Good or Bad in your Opinion?
- When will you "call it a day"
- Partner Not Willing To Take Care of Business
- Former MLB Umpire, Fred Brocklander, Passes Away
- independant contractor vs. employee
- Locker Room Sale.....
- Doug Harvey (finally) Elected to the HOF
- Umpire photo
- Cuba's Top Umpire Defects to the US
- Balk Interpretation
- R1, R3 double steal
- Appreciation for umpires from Raymond Chen, a Microsoft programmer
- Force play or time play?
- 6.03 OBR batters' box
- The Best Call I Ever Made
- Good price on Majestic Shirts ...
- Yes, it's basketball, but please read.
- Sporting News/OBR
- New Balance shoes for sale
- additional sites
- Honig's Zippered Navy Pullover - K18N
- FWBL Folds
- Learning the Rule Book
- Appeal play?
- New View vs Standard View in Masks
- "FED Legal" Baseballs
- Little League Balk
- Coach Dad
- Davishins
- Officiating. About the pay?
- Old baseball rules...
- Hey! A Baseball Question!
- Treatment of female umpire in Minor Leagues
- Continuous action?
- Pounder
- Quick pitch?
- Tim Mccarver song
- DST advice from Tim
- Replay in WS
- "While Supply Lasts"
- Advertising in Baseball
- Missed Base/Appeal
- Splain Int at 2B to me
- Montana? Really? MONTANA???
- DP World Series Game 1
- Gerry Davis Crew get its right!
- Cliff Keen shirts
- Baseball Mud
- Arbiter Assignining Program and Evaluations
- Umpire overrules judgment call
- Pinch Hitter/ Batting Out of Order
- McCarver just said---
- Comprehensive List of Umpire Schools, Camps, and Clinics
- Sorry, another boring equipment thread
- Bucknor, Cuzzi pay the price
- Interference on a pick off
- Relocating to Charlotte, NC
- Apple Itunes has Baseball Rules App
- tim mcclelland
- WTF Just Happened at 3rd NY vs LAA
- McCarrrrrverrrrrrrrrrrrr strikes again
- Jerry Layne
- Jim Evans Camp - Myrtle Beach SC
- Hallion
- McCarver
- Wilson Traditional Mask Pads
- Interesting Play, want opinions
- Thank you all
- Building a Better Umpire
- The death of the neighborhood play...
- Ball four, runners moving, pass ball, out of play...
- Rare intentionally dropped ball call
- Neck Surgery
- Runner Interference - Phils - Rockies ?
- This is why we don't throw things...
- Running lane violation?
- Covering base with dirt
- 29F tomorrow at game time
- Phil Cuzzi's Vision
- How about a little Quality control?
- COL-PHL Hand to mouth to ball
- Should I have intervened
- Batter Interference
- Tigers v Twins: Possible HBP
- 1978 Yankees Red Sox
- More Fertilizer
- Those big fakers!!!!!!!
- Glad I Was Not There
- Can forced runner retreat along baseline?
- Botched Double play: Mechanic Help
- Simple Balk Question
- Obstruction Call- LA Dodgers game
- Tim Tschida's Michael Jackson Tribute
- Intentional HBP
- How to contact?
- Coastal Umpire Camp
- Retouching after dead ball.
- Ignore or not
- Ejection Question.....your opinion...
- Ichiro's first ejection
- Ed Hickox Article
- Great audio from Greg Gibson (Warning: Ejection Video)
- Casual mechanic
- Runner tagging up?
- Officiating Literature
- Officials Choice Pants
- how is Mike Lowell still in this game?
- Officiating and the Crowd
- The Umpire Life Dream Camp 2010
- Leyland is going to get run today
- Umpires and the Media
- Balk then missed base
- Infield Fly
- Girardi/ARod double dip ejection
- Glasses
- Rain? What rain?