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  1. Interesting Situation
  2. Balk?
  3. Pitcher drops the ball (FED)
  4. batter/runner unintentionally kicks blocked pitch
  5. New MLB Hires
  6. Laz Diaz in the News
  7. I'm Spoiled
  8. second base
  9. Gear bag...
  10. Long games thread, 2010 version
  11. Illegal slide--FED rules
  12. An easy question...
  13. Stealing home
  14. Diamond Ultra-Lite Mask
  15. Teach Bob Something #4
  16. Error Scoring Question
  17. Potd 3-30-10
  18. OBR 8.02 (licking fingers on mound)
  19. Let's take a trip..
  20. NFHS Only (please)
  21. Walk-off Walk Situation
  22. Is that fair?
  23. No hard feelings...
  24. 4 USSSA shirts anyone?
  25. Trapped 3rd Strike...
  26. Shirts
  27. FPSR Question
  28. Retired B/R continues to 2B
  29. OBR / NCAA catch and carry
  30. Shadow
  31. Two simple questions.
  32. Teach Tee Something, #3:
  33. Warming Up Between Innings
  34. Batting out of turn?
  35. confusing hand signals
  36. 1st question of the season
  37. NFHS RLV You Make the Call
  38. NFHS Rules Test
  39. NCAA Ruling on hand to mouth for Pitchers
  40. Box v. Davis
  41. Pre-Season Work
  42. Time for ya'll to teach me something Part 2:
  43. Time for Ya'll to teach me something:
  44. Strike/out signal
  45. Base on Balls
  46. 4th Out Appeal
  47. Side piping and new stripe patterns on ML uniforms
  48. Fed Case Book contradiction?
  49. Umps Care Charity Auction
  50. Fan interference and a speedy runner
  51. Around the Horn
  52. Catcher throws to first on a bases empty ball four.
  53. Called my first...
  54. Batting out of turn appeal
  55. Breaking into the college level
  56. HBP: Pitcher and Batter both ejected
  57. Pre-Game
  58. NCAA Test
  59. Interference Rule on Foul Fly Ball
  60. The worst thing in FED
  61. wilson titanium mask
  62. Batter-runner not proceding directly to first base.
  63. And the Oscar for best picture goes to.....
  64. New Ump - Wilson Gold FX Shock Helmet??
  65. Legal or not.....
  66. FED - Three-Foot Running Lane
  67. Wraparounds on Diamond mask
  68. Foot feint balk?
  69. Rule 7.08e reinstated force play
  70. With the season almost upon us...
  71. Video: Could anything else have been done?
  72. Minor League Umps affiliate with OPEIU
  73. NCAA Test Questions
  74. Major League speed up for 2010
  75. John Kibler 1928-2010
  76. (FED) THE Dumbest ...
  77. won't be the last
  78. "Doble" hit
  79. Pickoff to 1st - contact with rubber
  80. Fed Courtesy Runner
  81. Fed Sub Situation
  82. Bases Awarded Question
  83. Batter Hit By Throw while running out of three foot zone.
  84. Granting time to walk the ball to the pitcher
  85. Them Tricky FEDLANIA Guys
  86. Whn to call time on player injury
  87. Time to reposition Ump or get the ball to F1
  88. Balk Video
  89. Must the Runner Clearly beat the ball to the bag???
  90. Player Ejected - Stays in Dugout
  91. pitcher tosses glove with ball
  92. Where to find
  93. To uphold or deny?
  94. What constitutes a Tag?
  95. Rumor has it . . .
  96. Restricted to dugout?
  97. Platecoat
  98. Int and Intervening Play
  99. Balk
  100. Balk Called by Coach....
  101. Rat Season 2010
  102. I have a Silver Diamond mask what pads are the best to buy
  103. Another FED 2 Man Mechanics
  104. What happened?
  105. Baseball interpretation...
  106. both teams lose track of outs
  107. College games in Arizona
  108. 2 Man Mechanics FED...
  109. Rules Test
  110. Infield Fly Enforcement
  111. Question on dropped thrid strike
  112. Wilson mlb cp
  113. South Florida associations
  114. Modified NFHS Bat Rule for 2012
  115. Quick question -
  116. "Game Six" book recommendation
  117. Charcoal Grey Pants Recommendations
  118. High School Meetings
  119. Jose Offerman punches Ump
  120. Reebok Field Magistrate Plate shoes on eBay
  121. Need a little help...
  122. NCAA Collision Rule at home plate
  123. Mark McGwire admits to long-term steroid use!
  124. Balk Talk
  125. 2010 Fed Baseball
  126. Honigs Poly-Wools for sale
  127. The Darkest of the Darkside
  128. 2010 NCAA Clinics
  129. MLB Network - Umpires Show
  130. MLB Umps Reach New Deal
  131. Post Season Boo Boos
  132. Majordave
  133. Gerry Davis Chest Protector Testing
  134. Christmas Day
  135. On The Clock....Good or Bad in your Opinion?
  136. When will you "call it a day"
  137. Partner Not Willing To Take Care of Business
  138. Former MLB Umpire, Fred Brocklander, Passes Away
  139. independant contractor vs. employee
  140. Locker Room Sale.....
  141. Doug Harvey (finally) Elected to the HOF
  142. Umpire photo
  143. Cuba's Top Umpire Defects to the US
  144. Balk Interpretation
  145. R1, R3 double steal
  146. Appreciation for umpires from Raymond Chen, a Microsoft programmer
  147. Force play or time play?
  148. 6.03 OBR batters' box
  149. The Best Call I Ever Made
  150. Good price on Majestic Shirts ...
  151. Yes, it's basketball, but please read.
  152. Sporting News/OBR
  153. New Balance shoes for sale
  154. additional sites
  155. Honig's Zippered Navy Pullover - K18N
  156. FWBL Folds
  157. Learning the Rule Book
  158. Appeal play?
  159. New View vs Standard View in Masks
  160. "FED Legal" Baseballs
  161. Little League Balk
  162. Coach Dad
  163. Davishins
  164. Officiating. About the pay?
  165. Old baseball rules...
  166. Hey! A Baseball Question!
  167. Treatment of female umpire in Minor Leagues
  168. Continuous action?
  169. Pounder
  170. Quick pitch?
  171. Tim Mccarver song
  172. DST advice from Tim
  173. Replay in WS
  174. "While Supply Lasts"
  175. Advertising in Baseball
  176. Missed Base/Appeal
  177. Splain Int at 2B to me
  178. Montana? Really? MONTANA???
  179. DP World Series Game 1
  180. Gerry Davis Crew get its right!
  181. Cliff Keen shirts
  182. Baseball Mud
  183. Arbiter Assignining Program and Evaluations
  184. Umpire overrules judgment call
  185. Pinch Hitter/ Batting Out of Order
  186. McCarver just said---
  187. Comprehensive List of Umpire Schools, Camps, and Clinics
  188. Sorry, another boring equipment thread
  189. Bucknor, Cuzzi pay the price
  190. Interference on a pick off
  191. Relocating to Charlotte, NC
  192. Apple Itunes has Baseball Rules App
  193. tim mcclelland
  194. WTF Just Happened at 3rd NY vs LAA
  195. McCarrrrrverrrrrrrrrrrrr strikes again
  196. Jerry Layne
  197. Jim Evans Camp - Myrtle Beach SC
  198. Hallion
  199. McCarver
  200. Wilson Traditional Mask Pads
  201. Interesting Play, want opinions
  202. Thank you all
  203. Building a Better Umpire
  204. The death of the neighborhood play...
  205. Ball four, runners moving, pass ball, out of play...
  206. Rare intentionally dropped ball call
  207. Neck Surgery
  208. Runner Interference - Phils - Rockies ?
  209. This is why we don't throw things...
  210. Running lane violation?
  211. Covering base with dirt
  212. 29F tomorrow at game time
  213. Phil Cuzzi's Vision
  214. How about a little Quality control?
  215. COL-PHL Hand to mouth to ball
  216. Should I have intervened
  217. Batter Interference
  218. Tigers v Twins: Possible HBP
  219. 1978 Yankees Red Sox
  220. More Fertilizer
  221. Those big fakers!!!!!!!
  222. Glad I Was Not There
  223. Can forced runner retreat along baseline?
  224. Botched Double play: Mechanic Help
  225. Simple Balk Question
  226. Obstruction Call- LA Dodgers game
  227. Tim Tschida's Michael Jackson Tribute
  228. Intentional HBP
  229. How to contact?
  230. Coastal Umpire Camp
  231. Retouching after dead ball.
  232. Ignore or not
  233. Ejection Question.....your opinion...
  234. Ichiro's first ejection
  235. Ed Hickox Article
  236. Great audio from Greg Gibson (Warning: Ejection Video)
  237. Casual mechanic
  238. Runner tagging up?
  239. Officiating Literature
  240. Officials Choice Pants
  241. how is Mike Lowell still in this game?
  242. Officiating and the Crowd
  243. The Umpire Life Dream Camp 2010
  244. Leyland is going to get run today
  245. Umpires and the Media
  246. Balk then missed base
  247. Infield Fly
  248. Girardi/ARod double dip ejection
  249. Glasses
  250. Rain? What rain?

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