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  1. Missing DVDx
  2. South Texas Umpire Clinic
  3. 2015 NFHS powerpoint
  4. Clips from MLB Network's "The Third Team"
  5. 2015 Baseball Rules Differences (BRD)
  6. Why I wear a cup!
  7. Exact timing on force play
  8. Groundball to field ON the bag
  9. Jim Joyce
  10. You make the call NLCS Game 1 - Balk? (Video)
  11. Umpires Selections for ALCS and NLCS (Article and Opinion)
  12. Last night's (Sunday) Tigers-Orioles game.
  13. Signal or Not
  14. Royals-Angels game
  15. Obstruction Q - holding a runner on 3rd base
  16. Report: 7th ump added to crews
  17. Force Play Tag
  18. Is ruling different for NFHS and NCAA-OBR?
  19. Wierd appeal play ... Tigers vs Royals (Video)
  20. Does the Run Score or Not?
  21. Appeal play..Brewers vs Marlins (Video)
  22. Pick off play at 1B
  23. Earthquake
  24. Minor league manager Joe Mikulik is at it again.
  25. Out of the lane? (Video)
  26. LL ball lodged in defensive equipment
  27. Interesting play in SD-STL
  28. Two Runners On Base
  29. Shirts for Sale
  30. Buck Showalter tossed for demanding to put on headset and speak to New York
  31. Award of "home run"
  32. batted ball
  33. Mid-American Umpire Clinic Registration
  34. Cal Ripken Rules
  35. Since When did OBR....?
  36. Double set position for the pitcher?
  37. Interference?
  38. Lacegate
  39. How much 'splaining should we do?
  40. Explanation
  41. CR in MLB?
  42. Umpire Interference Question
  43. Obstruction or nothing
  44. Suicide sqeeze gone bad
  45. Runner hit by deflected batted ball
  46. 2105 Rule Changes
  47. swinging third strike
  48. Visits to pitcher, playing pro rules
  49. runner hit by pitch
  50. Interesting review situation
  51. Balk?
  52. substitution
  53. Crazy rundown
  54. Looking For A Reference
  55. 10 "Bizarre" MLB Rules
  56. UVA Vandy collision (Video)
  57. Someone Finally Did It
  58. Deer In The Headlights Look
  59. Where is it?
  60. Tex/Ana Obstruction Replay
  61. CWS Vandy/Texas
  62. oh my---having to eat a call is below average
  63. Reds/Pirates Catcher Obstruction (7.13)
  64. Do You Agree With This Balk Call? Reds/Pirates
  65. Is having a wristband on your glove legal when pitching? Pic included
  66. CWS plate umpire saying pitch location?
  67. Batter's Box question
  68. Tulane Cheats at the College World Series - Or Not? (Video)
  69. Blue! Where is the ball?? (Video)
  70. A Little OT: NBA Finals Officials
  71. Dropped 3rd Strike/Interferrence
  72. Ole Miss Steal Play
  73. Pants
  74. Inadvertent "You're Out!"
  75. Help the basketball ref with the balk rule
  76. Two, Two, Two Replays in One!
  77. Can A Player Be Restricted ?
  78. TCU-Sam Houston St bottom of 21st inning
  79. Obstruction/runner hit by ball
  80. Pinch Runer
  81. MLB Bat
  82. Illegal Ball Discovered
  83. Coaches are so adorable.
  84. Runner handles live ball
  85. runner hit by batted ball
  86. Looking for some 3-man guidance.
  87. Infield Fly Rule
  88. This is why we cannot have nice things.
  89. Haunted Baseball !!
  90. Deception play
  91. Balk Question and Base Abandonment Question
  92. Foul Tip/Foul Ball
  93. First year ump, confused by the number of interpretations of a balk
  94. bunting
  95. Pitcher tossing ball
  96. Player safety?
  97. batter interference
  98. This has always bugged me
  99. Umpire Not Coach I Know But..
  100. Another retired MLB'er giving back to youth baseball.
  101. 2 rules i ran into this weekend
  102. Never Heard This One Before
  103. removing helmet after home run
  104. Batter's position in box
  105. Leaving the Base path
  106. Infield Fly Rule Question
  107. Foul Tip
  108. Announcers, Part 2,359,586
  109. Pitch hits R3, stealing home [FED]
  110. Chisox vs Tigers 3rd base umpire (Video)
  111. Balk or not? FED
  112. Handling Live Ball... Kind of
  113. rule reference
  114. Illegal pitch? Ball awarded?
  115. Houston Street--Stop? Balk?
  116. Mechanics question
  117. Trick Play Penalties?
  118. 9 + DH- high school rules
  119. Dropped 3rd Strike
  120. batter interfering with pickoff attempt
  121. Obstruction by F6
  122. Coach runs onto field during live ball
  123. Batter runner ?
  124. Illegal bat use
  125. Batting out of Turn
  126. NFHS: On-Deck Circle
  127. More Courtesy Runner Issues
  128. Inteference By Batter On SAC Bunt (Video)
  129. NFHS Past and Present Rules Interps (Rules Changes through 2024)
  130. Snow!!!
  131. Umpire Obstruction
  132. MLB Replay Problems
  133. Force out
  134. Mechanics: initial positioning
  135. NFHS courtsey runner intepretation
  136. Benches Clear in Oregon
  137. Can the starting pitcher also be the DH in FED?
  138. bunt and infield fly
  139. Question for NY high school umpires.
  140. The new face of 'voluntary release'?
  141. What's the ruling?
  142. Article - Umps are Human Too......
  143. Article -- Four Strikes and You're Out
  144. Then there's THIS guy...
  145. So What Happened
  146. Abandonment (BRD example play)
  147. Batting Out of Order-Multiple Outs
  148. MLB Replay on Opening Day
  149. Steal of home (Video)
  150. Orange-sleeves in baseball
  151. Great Story on Obstruction call in 2013 WS
  152. Coaches behavior
  153. Your call??
  154. Must be a new season
  155. Catcher's interference?
  156. Bush League but it almost happened last night
  157. At least my team is good for a giggle and some case studies..
  158. Shoes & Achilles Tendon Issues
  159. Sometimes it just doesn't pay to go to work.
  160. Infield Fly
  161. Verbal Obstruction?
  162. MLB Umpire Chad Fairchild
  163. DH Question....
  164. Batter doesn't reach first
  165. This Just Seemed Odd...from rule aficionado/lurker
  166. The Worst Baseball and Sports Program
  167. Balk - Babe Ruth League - Has ANYBODY ever seen this happen before?
  168. Balk calls from "B" position
  169. Michael Taylor
  170. Its cold outside!
  171. MLB adopts plate collision rule
  172. National Anthem Standoff
  173. I Missed This Question ....
  174. Restricted To The Dugout??
  175. Mask Recommendations
  176. 2104 FED Inters 11 - 20
  177. 2014 Fed Interps 1-10
  178. Courtesy runner implementation
  179. Does officiating make you watch less sports?
  180. NFHS Rules: Deliberately throw a bat or remove a helmet.
  181. Umpire Ethics
  182. Running out of the baseline
  183. Expanded Instant Replay Official
  184. I didn't see this one coming.
  185. Federation point of emphasis - Malicious contact
  186. 2014 NFHS PPT available
  187. BOT question
  188. Holiday Greetings
  189. MLB Pitchers to Wear Protective Headgear in 2014
  190. MLB votes to eliminate home-plate collisions
  191. Shin Guards by +POS.
  192. NCAA and NFHS question
  193. New Instant Replay debut
  194. WS Obstruction, Part II
  195. The14 BRD: Baseball Rule Differences
  196. Winning Run?
  197. Bunt and the Running Lane
  198. WS obstruction
  199. 2013 World Series Thread
  200. Run scores?
  201. Ball Bags.
  202. "Ban on plate collisions seen as likely"
  203. Obstruction anyone?
  204. SS barely in the same zip code as 2B in Tigers-Red Sox game.
  205. RIP Wally Bell
  206. Tigers-Red Sox: Fan Interference?
  207. MLB use of 6 man crews for the playoffs
  208. Tigers - A's
  209. Is this a correct ruling?
  210. What's the call?
  211. Purpose of extra umpires? (5&6)
  212. Is an on-deck batter required?
  213. This was a mess
  214. When is a Runner "Between" Bases?
  215. interesting run down situation
  216. 2-strike strikeout
  217. Joe West
  218. Umpire Gone Way Wrong
  219. Did they get it right?
  220. Game Fee High School Level
  221. HP Umpire Cam
  222. RIP Frank Pulli
  223. Electronic Zone Evaluation data.
  224. LLWS - Championship
  225. LLWS - Washington / Connecticut
  226. Batter interference?
  227. World's Worst Haircut?
  228. MiLB, 3-2 count mechanic
  229. A-Rod and Dempster
  230. Far East-DODS
  231. MLB to Exapnd Instant Replay in 2014 - UPDATE
  232. Balking Bob
  233. Whiffle Ump
  234. Fan INT called late
  235. Keep your eye on the ball! Rays Vs Dodgers
  236. MLB Rules: Is This a Trip?
  237. Little League World Series Umps
  238. Batter Out of Box in MLB
  239. Here we go again....
  240. Mariners Manager Confusion, Helps Cost Team Game...
  241. One-Pitch Strikeout
  242. Pirates vs Cards - 2 missed calls on same play
  243. Rays vs Redsox Play at the Plate (Video)
  244. Killing the play
  245. Rules Question
  246. Miggy Goes Bye-Bye
  247. Big Papi Goes Bye-Bye
  248. What's an Ump Make at each level?
  249. Bucs vs Nats...attempted advance toward 2nd?
  250. IFR fake?

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