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  1. weird.
  2. umpire camp
  3. Hopefully a New Umpire here.
  4. Most embarrassing Moment
  5. MLB Umpires working 2006 Japan All-Star Series
  6. Umpire admitting to bad hockey call
  7. Gerry Davis Plate Coats
  8. Question on 2006 Umpire Exam
  9. GD System - Foul Balls to Undesired Spots...
  10. GD Stance
  11. Illegally batted ball... am I the only one...
  12. touching a catcher's back
  13. Evans School - Best Airport
  14. Aluminum vs. Wood
  15. And the best place to buy equipment is...
  16. West Vest
  17. thoughts on these types of umpires.
  18. Arguing balls and strikes
  19. check swing??
  20. Talking with Manager
  21. Roger's finger 'stuff'
  22. Ball Four
  23. Baseball fans
  24. anyone got...
  25. mask strap
  26. The Rat Factor
  27. throat guard discussion
  28. The Official Tim McCarver Intelligence Thread
  29. game 7...
  30. Arrogance on this board
  31. Umpiring in MLB
  32. Mets Wagner bender for a BALL in 9th
  33. Wilson CPU
  34. What injuries will we be healing from this winter?
  35. What would you do in this situation?
  36. Fpsr
  37. Full Disclosure
  38. Scabs vs. Unions
  39. Obstruction or not?
  40. Three Man Crew Positioning
  41. Mets/Cards - Spiezio Triple
  42. Tradition and Usage
  43. safe and out mechanics
  44. They nailed him
  45. Foul Ball Called in Error
  46. DH rule NCAA
  47. gloves
  48. Det/Oak Gm 2
  49. Should we be...
  50. Angle/Distance
  51. Stealing on a foul tip
  52. Dropped Third Strike
  53. ever have one of these days..
  54. Is the Mod a Yankee fan??
  55. Do you guys?...jackets
  56. LCS Umpires Announced
  57. Quick Pitch?
  58. Greg Gibson(Cards/Padres finale)
  59. DO you follow the ball to the base???
  60. your thoughts...
  61. World Series Umpiring Crew
  62. Balk Questions
  63. mask
  64. When was this OBR rule changed?
  65. That's a balk!
  66. Tee or Garth
  67. Mets/Dodgers
  68. Gerry Davis in Cards game
  69. One from the mound?
  70. compression pant
  71. New Umpire Crews for next year
  72. out of base line
  73. Authentic MLB Umpire Pants
  74. ball in dirt
  75. Playoff Umpiring Crews
  76. WV Masks
  77. More confrentation issues...
  78. Quickest ejection ever?
  79. advice for the 90'
  80. Honigs k70 plate shoes
  81. Obstruction at 1B?
  82. Tanel plate shoes
  83. A Little Levity
  84. Time to change - Closing of Threads
  85. Foul ball - runner has to re-touch
  86. 1B pivot p.s.
  87. Cece Carlucci
  88. Replay for boundaries?
  89. pivot at first base
  90. When is it considered a Legal Catch??
  91. NFHS Web-Site
  92. Balk Enforcement
  93. More check swing questions....
  94. Special Occasion Post
  95. Whoa was I out of position...
  96. Most amateur fields do not support the GD Stance.
  97. Pitch I hate calling the most.
  98. Annoying Rat
  99. Are we having fun yet....
  100. Interference?
  101. 2 Questions on a Runner
  102. Mask
  103. Shin Guards needed
  104. Chest protector question
  105. Y'all Disappoint me!
  106. Balk
  107. Administer This Play
  108. what should i have called
  109. Rundown Mechanic
  110. Scissors
  111. Damon ejection with audio
  112. i cant wait
  113. Fall Ball Sportsmanship
  114. What are my options
  115. balk
  116. NFHS Officiating Baseball Methods
  117. LL Bat Question
  118. pitch in the dirt
  119. Umpiring is not that difficult
  120. Tense set of games this coming Sunday
  121. what is the call
  122. A Season on the Brink... Fall Ball
  123. does the run count?
  124. "real umpires"
  125. Never thought of this one . . .
  126. Funny Response from an Umpire
  127. Has anyone used InHouse Sports?
  128. Posting on Other Websites
  129. Travel Time?
  130. Mark Carlson
  131. Omaha
  132. What do YOU think?
  133. Alfanso Marquez
  134. Interference in the Yankees-Royals game?
  135. Crew Switching
  136. Coverage of Steal of third
  137. steal - foul ball
  138. Diamond throat guard
  139. Public Apology
  140. A mechanics question
  141. Plate Umpire gets clocked
  142. ump interference
  143. Visual Obstruction
  144. tag up after foul ball
  145. hit by pitch
  146. Wake up you guys!
  147. Davis system
  148. test question
  149. Cano-to-Wilson play at 1B
  150. strike-out without a pitch thrown
  151. It is now Time for instant replay
  152. MLB foul ball overturned.....
  153. Again the media sets it straight!
  154. ump clinics
  155. Ever call this?
  156. When to signal, or not to...
  157. Boston-Seattle play
  158. Gerry Davis working in Cleveland on Sunday
  159. Only a Few Spots Left for Mid-American Umpire Clinic
  160. Old Stance may be back?
  161. LL guys only-illeagal pitch-ball?
  162. Mask Poll- What do you use?
  163. Masks
  164. Regarding the Catcher...
  165. I thought I would share....
  166. Tag up on foul ball not caught
  167. Working with a bad partner.
  168. Teaching the strike zone
  169. DH Situation
  170. LLUmps: Special Pinch Runner
  171. Coach slaps Player...
  172. obstruction/interference
  173. LL run down
  174. Joe Brinkman
  175. Foul Ball (not tips) Concussions
  176. Fielder in baseline
  177. Double Play question
  178. Un-oh-fish-ull LL Regional/WS Umps' Man-you-ell
  179. Dropped third strike
  180. How would you do on TV
  181. Funny clip at YOU TUBE
  182. First Game Experience
  183. Jerry Layne
  184. double header
  185. "Official" unofficial LL World Series Thread
  186. ncaa dh question
  187. Pitch count strategy in Little League
  188. funny question
  189. "Balk" or "Ball"
  190. Correctable Error?
  191. ncaa test
  192. Clearing equipment at the plate..
  193. Is there a call to be made here?
  194. New Communication Signal
  195. Bruce to call #5,000
  196. 2nd trip by coach
  197. Little league question
  198. Two Runners at First
  199. Confused on PU Signals
  200. Mike Reilly
  201. Little League umpire in the regionals
  202. Ah, the press!
  203. LL Mandatory Play
  204. Missing Little League thread
  205. NFL Officials' New Uniforms
  206. OBR Ambidexterous pitcher
  207. Retired batter Interference
  208. Questions from another forum.
  209. Obstruction Ruling?
  210. Three/four man mechanics
  211. Fair? or foul
  212. What is a LL Umpire
  213. Watching runners away from the ball.
  214. CR/SFG Catcher or Batter Interference?
  215. Pitched ball that bounces
  216. A Smile From the Baseball Gods...
  217. Did you see
  218. Contact Rule...
  219. Coach's Interference?
  220. Quick one for you guys...
  221. Run Score? #2
  222. Calling strikes from a knee
  223. Umpire Statistics
  224. Ruling on Gloves
  225. Tie goes to runner?
  226. Run Score?
  227. Can checked swing be a 'fourth out' appeal?
  228. Light Masks
  229. + POS---Does anyone have a contact there?
  230. Wilson Gold Protector Extensions
  231. Juntos debemos unir on this topic!
  232. need help looking for gear
  233. Bad game last tuesday
  234. Batter out of box
  235. Coach's Visit
  236. Double Header Insomnia
  237. Infield Line Drive Not Caught
  238. Never reward a bad Defensive Play !
  239. Swing-on-a-bunt mechanic--no poll
  240. When do we "jump in"
  241. Enforce Balk or not
  242. "A tough calling" (article)
  243. Cubs/Cardinals
  244. Joe Morgan the ex-umpire
  245. Plate Umpire ejects himself in 3rd inning
  246. Help! Rules 5.09(f), 7.08(f), and 7.09(m)
  247. Need help with strike zone-Part Two
  248. dropped 3rd strike
  249. what is the call?
  250. Strike 3 Mechanic

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