- Teaching HS umpiring class, need tips
- Yet another balk question
- 3,000,000 +
- A Doozy of a Rule Question
- KY vs LA
- 3rd. baseline extended?
- Dana DeMuth Ought To Be Suspended
- Question
- New Stuff
- NFHS collision
- Select baseball
- retouch/appeals
- www.thearbiter.net
- Home plate collision-with PU
- Whats the call?
- Umpire incompetence - mine
- Jim Evans or Harry Wendelstedt?
- Ohh my
- LL Minn vs Iows
- shin guards
- "Willfull Indifference?"
- Fielder loses possession; Ball out of play
- plate pants
- Strange occurrence
- Interference?
- End of the Summer Season
- Base Running Error?
- Clarification on Uniform
- Whats the call, if any..
- Force or Time Play??
- Balk Called, is it accurate?
- GD, up close and personal
- Phantom Double Play
- The LL Umpires on TV are
- Dropped third strike play
- using chewing tobacco on the field
- First 2 EJ's of my career
- Catcher's Interference or Nothing?
- Does Officiating.com actually have an editor?
- MLB Umpire Marty Foster
- Coach yells "TIME!"
- Marlins v Cardinals 8/3/05
- Starting a Sports Officiating class in a H.S.- need assistance
- Dropped Third Strike Question
- Chuck Meriwether
- Serious Question
- "Unnecessary Roughness"
- Question
- Three Man Mechanics:
- MLB Umpire Crews
- Cardinals - Marlins game, batter interference.
- Ripped from the news wire..
- Southern umpires camp
- Larry Poncino
- Little League "Chatter"
- Pitching Questions
- umpire threatened during adult league game
- HELP! legal ref. for attack against an umpire
- Test Yourself from Referee
- Do you get help?
- FED reentry rules
- Same play, different rulings--MLB
- FED DH Ruling
- Inside the fence
- another obr question
- Column on youth ball
- Whatever happened to "Whatever happened to class"?
- Int? DDB? Who's Out?
- A Modest Proposal
- Another Shining Example of Umpire Restraint in LL
- Bruises?
- The blind leading....
- Say what?
- Help on MLB rules, please
- Should the run count?
- Balk or not?
- Optional Mechanic - BU Takes 2nd Play of R1 at 3B
- Would you toss em??
- Interference
- You can't talk to the batter!
- Interesting Link
- Overrruning first on a base on balls
- Interference?
- NFHS Obstruction Mechanics
- Runner hit with a fly ball.
- Should I Overrule the BU?
- Field Decorum
- Voice of the Customer for officiating.com
- Little league batters box protocol
- Collisions at home plate
- Ejections
- LL Rules - appealing an out at home plate
- Oak/Tex PU positioning
- 3rd to home move
- 13-15 yr Old Summer Fun
- HEY!!! You're not a coach...
- Wear a cup from now on!
- "What's your strike zone?"
- Sunflower seeds on the field
- infield fly/runners interference
- Don't you love when coaches say "learn the rules blue" and they are 100% wrong?
- here's one for fun.??
- MLB Ask the UMP ????
- Quick Coach Ejections
- Am I Out of Position
- Balk in Padres game 7-20
- legal or illegal
- Little League 9-10 yr old - Base runner hit by batted ball... Do runners advance?
- Hunter Wendelstedt
- IHSA Official's Convention. Who is attending?
- Sox/Devil Rays on 7/18
- Getting "Black Listed"
- Third to first pickoff
- Farewell for now
- can you be called out on a walk
- running out of baseline?
- NFHS 2005 rule changes
- Got a Chuckle From This....
- Jeff Kellogg
- T-Ball Coach Pays Player to Incapacitate Handicapped Kid
- Need A Run?
- Infield Fly situation
- I had trouble last night...'get some help'
- Get paid at the Plate Conference
- need help (Carl)
- New Fed rules
- How wide is the rubber??
- misc questions
- Pick Off Move to First
- What's the call on this play?
- That one team..
- rate of pay for umpires
- Official and Coach Charged
- situation question
- Inmates are running this asylum!
- Bunted ball contacts bat twice
- Stretch
- Long night
- And While We're On The Topic...
- Depressed
- Threads about articles on the paid site
- Favorite Coach rule misapplication
- Out in the wilderness
- It finally happened
- Jumping over tag
- Peter, Peter, Peter
- Rich Ives article
- It CAN happen anywhere
- Strikes & Outs
- Fashion Consultants Needed
- Helmet v Mask
- Ruling
- Illegal Bat Penalty Enforcement
- Interference?
- OBS question
- 1st/3rd base coach sitches
- Runner
- Please, make the MLB/NCAA call
- July 4th BAL/NYY
- OBR 6.08b
- NCAA DH ruling
- Any more PRO Head SHOTS out there?
- Balk question (cards vs rockys on july 2nd)
- Catcher hits bat with throwback
- Slug Bunt
- Being assaulted by a coach
- Don't think i handled this correctly but....
- Was It Intentional?
- Pretty sure I blew this
- My quote came true
- FED (ll:ru): Illegal substitution mechanic
- Here's a Good One!
- Sandbagging in USSSA and other sanctioning bodies
- OBR Batting out turn???
- Did he go?
- OBR Balk Rule history/rationale question
- Catcher calling a time out...
- Correct Call?
- Ejection Question?
- Pervets, new laws and effects
- Carl, I have to ask...
- Who has used this word
- OBR question
- Balk call in O's/Yankees game
- 2 things
- Throw to First
- Braves/Marlins Play
- Infield fly on a bunted ball??
- Outfield
- Couple of play situations
- R2 to the mound
- Lineup Card - Unlisted Players
- I'm a newbie
- hit or fielders choice
- 1st / 3rd basemen straddling the bag in foul territory
- Dropped 3 Strike on pitch in dirt
- what would you have done??
- Minimum Play rule
- Im Stumped
- Pitcher stumbles on pick-off attempt
- Good or Bad does it make a difference
- Steal of Home
- "Say it ain't so, Joe"
- Batter avoid bad pitch.
- Stepping Off
- A play in CWS
- Let it go or balk?
- OBR Ruling
- Is ejected pitcher still the winner?
- Never used OBR, have questions
- CWS!
- Look at the backspin on that ball!
- Batter Interference - Runner steal third?
- Awarding time
- Angel Hernandez and Brian Runge
- Uncomfortable Situation
- 2005 MLB All Star Umpiring Crew
- While we're at it...
- FED quick shoulder turn
- I would like your interpretation of this rule
- Happy Father's Day
- Positioning in C
- Pitching
- 1st Base turn question
- rundown situation
- Old Copy of BRD
- STORIES - I need your stories !!!!
- Fake Tag
- 1 foot in foul territory
- Little League Question
- Runner hit by batted ball
- Any blues with vision correction contacts out there?
- You make the call
- Set With Nobody On
- PU Mechanic - F7, R3
- Stretch to set
- Rules on the pitcher
- More on this balk thing
- What calls can you pass on?
- coach's interference
- Removing the pitcher
- Who Hits Beginning the Next Inning
- drilled in the neck
- What's the call?
- Balk ends NCAA game