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  1. Teaching HS umpiring class, need tips
  2. Yet another balk question
  3. 3,000,000 +
  4. A Doozy of a Rule Question
  5. LLWS CA vs FL
  6. KY vs LA
  7. 3rd. baseline extended?
  8. Dana DeMuth Ought To Be Suspended
  9. Question
  10. New Stuff
  11. NFHS collision
  12. Select baseball
  13. retouch/appeals
  14. www.thearbiter.net
  16. Home plate collision-with PU
  17. Whats the call?
  18. Umpire incompetence - mine
  19. Jim Evans or Harry Wendelstedt?
  20. Ohh my
  21. LL Minn vs Iows
  22. shin guards
  23. "Willfull Indifference?"
  24. Fielder loses possession; Ball out of play
  25. plate pants
  26. Strange occurrence
  27. Interference?
  28. End of the Summer Season
  29. Base Running Error?
  30. Clarification on Uniform
  31. Whats the call, if any..
  32. Force or Time Play??
  33. Balk Called, is it accurate?
  34. GD, up close and personal
  35. Phantom Double Play
  36. The LL Umpires on TV are
  37. Dropped third strike play
  38. using chewing tobacco on the field
  39. First 2 EJ's of my career
  40. Catcher's Interference or Nothing?
  41. Does Officiating.com actually have an editor?
  42. MLB Umpire Marty Foster
  43. Coach yells "TIME!"
  44. Marlins v Cardinals 8/3/05
  45. Starting a Sports Officiating class in a H.S.- need assistance
  46. Dropped Third Strike Question
  47. Chuck Meriwether
  48. Serious Question
  49. "Unnecessary Roughness"
  50. Question
  51. Three Man Mechanics:
  52. MLB Umpire Crews
  53. Cardinals - Marlins game, batter interference.
  54. Ripped from the news wire..
  55. Southern umpires camp
  56. Larry Poncino
  57. Little League "Chatter"
  58. Pitching Questions
  59. umpire threatened during adult league game
  60. HELP! legal ref. for attack against an umpire
  61. Test Yourself from Referee
  62. Do you get help?
  63. FED reentry rules
  64. Same play, different rulings--MLB
  65. FED DH Ruling
  66. Inside the fence
  67. another obr question
  68. Column on youth ball
  69. Whatever happened to "Whatever happened to class"?
  70. Int? DDB? Who's Out?
  71. A Modest Proposal
  72. Another Shining Example of Umpire Restraint in LL
  74. Bruises?
  75. The blind leading....
  76. Say what?
  77. Help on MLB rules, please
  78. Should the run count?
  79. Balk or not?
  80. Optional Mechanic - BU Takes 2nd Play of R1 at 3B
  81. Would you toss em??
  82. OBS
  83. Interference
  84. You can't talk to the batter!
  85. Interesting Link
  86. Overrruning first on a base on balls
  87. Interference?
  88. NFHS Obstruction Mechanics
  89. Runner hit with a fly ball.
  90. Should I Overrule the BU?
  91. Field Decorum
  92. Voice of the Customer for officiating.com
  93. Little league batters box protocol
  94. Collisions at home plate
  95. Ejections
  96. LL Rules - appealing an out at home plate
  97. Oak/Tex PU positioning
  98. 3rd to home move
  99. 13-15 yr Old Summer Fun
  100. HEY!!! You're not a coach...
  101. Wear a cup from now on!
  102. "What's your strike zone?"
  103. Sunflower seeds on the field
  104. infield fly/runners interference
  105. Don't you love when coaches say "learn the rules blue" and they are 100% wrong?
  106. here's one for fun.??
  107. MLB Ask the UMP ????
  108. Quick Coach Ejections
  109. Am I Out of Position
  110. Balk in Padres game 7-20
  111. legal or illegal
  112. Little League 9-10 yr old - Base runner hit by batted ball... Do runners advance?
  113. Hunter Wendelstedt
  114. IHSA Official's Convention. Who is attending?
  115. Sox/Devil Rays on 7/18
  116. Getting "Black Listed"
  117. Third to first pickoff
  118. Farewell for now
  119. can you be called out on a walk
  120. running out of baseline?
  121. NFHS 2005 rule changes
  122. Got a Chuckle From This....
  123. Jeff Kellogg
  124. T-Ball Coach Pays Player to Incapacitate Handicapped Kid
  125. Need A Run?
  126. Infield Fly situation
  127. I had trouble last night...'get some help'
  128. Get paid at the Plate Conference
  129. need help (Carl)
  130. New Fed rules
  131. How wide is the rubber??
  132. misc questions
  133. Pick Off Move to First
  134. What's the call on this play?
  135. That one team..
  136. rate of pay for umpires
  137. Official and Coach Charged
  138. situation question
  139. Inmates are running this asylum!
  140. Bunted ball contacts bat twice
  141. Stretch
  142. Long night
  143. And While We're On The Topic...
  144. Depressed
  145. Threads about articles on the paid site
  146. Favorite Coach rule misapplication
  147. Out in the wilderness
  148. It finally happened
  149. Jumping over tag
  150. Peter, Peter, Peter
  151. Rich Ives article
  152. It CAN happen anywhere
  153. Strikes & Outs
  154. Fashion Consultants Needed
  155. Helmet v Mask
  156. Ruling
  157. Illegal Bat Penalty Enforcement
  158. Interference?
  159. OBS question
  160. 1st/3rd base coach sitches
  161. Runner
  162. Please, make the MLB/NCAA call
  163. July 4th BAL/NYY
  164. OBR 6.08b
  165. NCAA DH ruling
  166. Any more PRO Head SHOTS out there?
  167. Balk question (cards vs rockys on july 2nd)
  168. Catcher hits bat with throwback
  169. Slug Bunt
  170. Being assaulted by a coach
  171. Don't think i handled this correctly but....
  172. Was It Intentional?
  173. Pretty sure I blew this
  174. My quote came true
  175. FED (ll:ru): Illegal substitution mechanic
  176. Here's a Good One!
  177. Sandbagging in USSSA and other sanctioning bodies
  178. OBR Batting out turn???
  179. Did he go?
  180. OBR Balk Rule history/rationale question
  181. Catcher calling a time out...
  182. Correct Call?
  183. Ejection Question?
  184. Pervets, new laws and effects
  185. Carl, I have to ask...
  186. Who has used this word
  187. OBR question
  188. Balk call in O's/Yankees game
  189. 2 things
  190. Throw to First
  191. Braves/Marlins Play
  192. Infield fly on a bunted ball??
  193. Outfield
  194. Couple of play situations
  195. R2 to the mound
  196. Lineup Card - Unlisted Players
  197. I'm a newbie
  198. hit or fielders choice
  199. 1st / 3rd basemen straddling the bag in foul territory
  200. Dropped 3 Strike on pitch in dirt
  201. what would you have done??
  202. Minimum Play rule
  203. Im Stumped
  204. Pitcher stumbles on pick-off attempt
  205. Good or Bad does it make a difference
  206. Steal of Home
  207. "Say it ain't so, Joe"
  208. Batter avoid bad pitch.
  209. Stepping Off
  210. A play in CWS
  211. Let it go or balk?
  212. OBR Ruling
  213. Is ejected pitcher still the winner?
  214. Never used OBR, have questions
  215. CWS!
  216. Look at the backspin on that ball!
  217. Batter Interference - Runner steal third?
  218. Awarding time
  219. Angel Hernandez and Brian Runge
  220. Uncomfortable Situation
  221. 2005 MLB All Star Umpiring Crew
  222. While we're at it...
  223. FED quick shoulder turn
  224. I would like your interpretation of this rule
  225. Happy Father's Day
  226. Positioning in C
  227. Pitching
  228. 1st Base turn question
  229. rundown situation
  230. Old Copy of BRD
  231. STORIES - I need your stories !!!!
  232. Fake Tag
  233. 1 foot in foul territory
  234. Little League Question
  235. Runner hit by batted ball
  236. Any blues with vision correction contacts out there?
  237. You make the call
  238. Set With Nobody On
  240. PU Mechanic - F7, R3
  241. Stretch to set
  242. Rules on the pitcher
  243. More on this balk thing
  244. What calls can you pass on?
  245. coach's interference
  246. Removing the pitcher
  247. Who Hits Beginning the Next Inning
  248. drilled in the neck
  249. What's the call?
  250. Balk ends NCAA game

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