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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Tue May 01, 2007, 09:08am
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Attitude and courtesy.

Guys and gals, we are a proud bunch here. There are several top notch umpires here, and then several who want to be top notch. (And then of course, there is me.) Anyway, over the past couple of weeks I have noticed a different temperment on this board, one that resembles in many ways the problems that we all dealt with at McGriff's, or even what the small board still deals with over here. There seems to be less tolerance of "stupid" questions, as many of us fear a troll in our midst. We used to answer courteously all questions here, regardless of the level that umpire may have achieved. What has happened that we still don't do that??? There was a first year umpire here who may have been asking what he felt was a legitimate question, and some of our old timers lambasted him for asking it. Why not just simply answer the question, or else lead him down the road of learning by asking him relavent questions to get the thinking process going? Don't make him feel less than just because he didn't understand a rule that you may feel is basic. We all had to learn once.

And I know that there is at least one troll in our midst. Let's not let one poster take away from us an enjoyable and valuable resource. Let's go back to being the congenial folks we have always been; welcoming all questions, treating everyone fairly until they show that they deserve to be treated otherwise. We owe it to them, but more importantly, we owe it to ourselves.

It's a small world, but I wouldn't want to have to paint it.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Tue May 01, 2007, 09:23am
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I certainly can remember my first year of putting on the uniform, and I'll be honest: I sucked. If I hadn't have found a mentor, I would have quit 15 years ago. I'm still not perfect, and we all have kinks to work out. Let's make this a great forum and welcome even the "dumb" questions. Lord knows, I probably have many.

Very well said, Scott. Very well said.

I haven't decided if I should call it from the dugout or the outfield. Apparently, both have really great views!

Screw green, it ain't easy being blue!

I won't be coming here that much anymore. I might check in now and again.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Tue May 01, 2007, 09:30am
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My experience

I use these boards alot. I started in BB and ended up here in SB. The BB/SB/VB people on these boards have been the single most important tool I have used in improving as an official. They make me keep my eye on the ball-which is doing IT the right way.

Having said that over in the VB arena I had a poster-coach- get a bug about me and my questions and I basically lost interest in this guy chasing me around the VB forum and telling me what a crappy official I am. . So I went silent.

I played BB in high school so I wasn't totally clueless.
I played small ball in school so again not totally clueless.

I played VB at church-so I was TOTALLY CLUELESS. I am getting better but still at times clueless at what is going on.

I still read the VB forum but don't participate that much. I generally use the PM SYSTEM over there.

Be patient with people who are clueless. They know it , it could be why they showed up here.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Tue May 01, 2007, 10:20am
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Thank you Scott, for the courage to post what I hope many of us have noticed. I hope that we will see this as the wake-up call and return to our more congenial ways. One time in the past I posted a "dumb" question and received several good answers that were both friendly and helpful. I am unsure if I posted that same question now the response would be the same. Yes I know that many of the questions asked have been asked before, I would bet they will be asked again. I think we owe it to ourselves to keep this forum friendly and helpful. I know that I for one stopped reading at McGriff's a long time before it died it's long painful death because of trolls. No more Trolls -- and no more shoe advertisers either.

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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Tue May 01, 2007, 05:28pm
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I stopped posting/reading this site for several months after I tired of some of the aforementioned 'attitudes' that I encountered here. This is by far the best site for discussion among umpires, and I have spread the word about it to fellow umps and state officials. But I had to take a long break from here when it became almost as bad (read: not as enjoyable) as dealing with the ignorant, argumentative players from some of the rec (beer) leagues I'd work for. That seems to have curtailed some, since I've been back to this site. This is the best online resource any umpire or sports official could use, and I hope that is never compromised.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Tue May 01, 2007, 10:24pm
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Smile I agree but

I truly love this officiating board...came here from the basketball board because I started the task of learning softball and want to get things right...what i learned from the basketball board is that our mentors want us to spend time in the rules book followed up with case book situations...someone said it takes more than calling strikes and balls ,that the responsibility still lies with us to study...some questions seem stupid to us only because our experience has taught us differently...should they make this hard for us...maybe...should we come on this board and ask questions that might seem like no thought or study gone into way...Ive ask some stupid questions and recieved some good advice... book study has at times overwelmed me because it shows no matter what you think you know you dont know...but to show respect to our mentors we should try to cite situations with some rules and book knowledge....thank you all for contributing to this most excellent discussion board.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Tue May 01, 2007, 11:12pm
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You make some valid points there S..

I think a minimum level of "parent out of the stands" knowledge is required before you step foot behind the plate.. just out of a level of pride in a job you are doing...

However, your point is well taken.

Oh, and btw.. I dont recall this particular "golden era" where everyone was roses on this board.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old Wed May 02, 2007, 07:29am
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I also have noticed some of the harsh comments and the one case you mentioned in particular. I thought at that time that we were becoming the baseball board. I read over there - very, very rarely post - and it doesn't take long to recognize the intollerance that they have for those that aren't as knowledgeable as they would like. One of the things I enjoy about softball is the comaradarie. It's different than in other sports . . . Let's not lose that here.
Larry Ledbetter

The best part about beating your head against the wall is it feels so good when you stop.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old Wed May 02, 2007, 07:34am
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Originally Posted by Skahtboi
Guys and gals, we are a proud bunch here. There are several top notch umpires here, and then several who want to be top notch. (And then of course, there is me.) Anyway, over the past couple of weeks I have noticed a different temperment on this board, one that resembles in many ways the problems that we all dealt with at McGriff's, or even what the small board still deals with over here. There seems to be less tolerance of "stupid" questions, as many of us fear a troll in our midst. We used to answer courteously all questions here, regardless of the level that umpire may have achieved. What has happened that we still don't do that??? There was a first year umpire here who may have been asking what he felt was a legitimate question, and some of our old timers lambasted him for asking it. Why not just simply answer the question, or else lead him down the road of learning by asking him relavent questions to get the thinking process going? Don't make him feel less than just because he didn't understand a rule that you may feel is basic. We all had to learn once.

And I know that there is at least one troll in our midst. Let's not let one poster take away from us an enjoyable and valuable resource. Let's go back to being the congenial folks we have always been; welcoming all questions, treating everyone fairly until they show that they deserve to be treated otherwise. We owe it to them, but more importantly, we owe it to ourselves.
I thought it was just me that was feeling this way.
Officiating takes more than OJT.
It's not our jobs to invent rulings to fit our personal idea of what should and should not be.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old Wed May 02, 2007, 07:39am
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Thanks you Scott for this post. I am in my second year of umpiring and I have been watching this board for the past 3 years. Not many of us started out our first year and went to an official ASA umpiring school. Most of us umpired when our leagues needed help, then went to a clinic maybe not put on by a sanctioning body, and eventually some regualrly attend the offical umpriuing clinics put on by the various sanctioning bodies.

AT times I feel like some responses are rather belittling and does not encourage a newer umpire to come back here and ask a question. I have undoubtadly learned more form this message board than from any clinic I have attended. So, we should all encourage other umpires to post their questions and review these messgae boards.

For those of you who still feel you shouldn't answer the stupid questions because that idiot new umpiure hasn't looked it up yet, at elast try just giving the rule number you are stating which allows us new comers to look it up and find out for ourselves.
Thanks again for bringint his up.
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  #11 (permalink)  
Old Wed May 02, 2007, 08:02am
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Originally Posted by clevbrown
Thanks you Scott for this post. I am in my second year of umpiring and I have been watching this board for the past 3 years. Not many of us started out our first year and went to an official ASA umpiring school. Most of us umpired when our leagues needed help, then went to a clinic maybe not put on by a sanctioning body, and eventually some regualrly attend the offical umpriuing clinics put on by the various sanctioning bodies.

3 years interested in umpiring and 2 friggin years on the field and you've never had a tag up on a caught fly ball? Never seen it on TV even Baseball or when you played little league?

Out of curiosity - what age/league ball do you umpire? If its 8U coaches pitch, it may be routine in your league to send the player back, so there could be some kind of reason you did what you did.. and a reason the coaches didnt go ballistic.

I'm being nice now! This is just unbelievable and I am curious.
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old Wed May 02, 2007, 08:26am
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Originally Posted by clevbrown
For those of you who still feel you shouldn't answer the stupid questions because that idiot new umpiure hasn't looked it up yet, at elast try just giving the rule number you are stating which allows us new comers to look it up and find out for ourselves.
Thanks again for bringint his up.
I'm probably one of the offenders Scott mentioned, and on real questions I'll try to let softball be the kinder, gentler board (I post on the other one ... and the attitude there has possibly rubbed off on me).

So ... I'll try to be nicer when that "idiot new umpire" asks a question they could have looked up.

That said... I suspect I'll still have trouble believing that someone who claims to have never seen a runner tag up on a fly ball (or leave early on a fly ball) before, is actually an umpire. I'm pretty sure I will continue to think that such a person is not an umpire, and is instead either a 12-year old pretending to be an umpire to resolve a question from their recent backyard Calvinball game, or just a troll, trying to stir things up and make the site worse. Like I said yesterday ... my girl playing 8U understands that you have to tag on a fly ball, and that if you left early and it's caught, you have to go back or you could be out. That question was BARELY more credible than, "Is a foul ball a strike?", and LESS credible than "Are the hands part of the bat?"

If that makes me bitter or mean ... I'm not sure I can fix that.
"Many baseball fans look upon an umpire as a sort of necessary evil to the luxury of baseball, like the odor that follows an automobile." - Hall of Fame Pitcher Christy Mathewson
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old Wed May 02, 2007, 08:38am
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Originally Posted by mcrowder
I'm probably one of the offenders Scott mentioned, and on real questions I'll try to let softball be the kinder, gentler board (I post on the other one ... and the attitude there has possibly rubbed off on me).

So ... I'll try to be nicer when that "idiot new umpire" asks a question they could have looked up.

That said... I suspect I'll still have trouble believing that someone who claims to have never seen a runner tag up on a fly ball (or leave early on a fly ball) before, is actually an umpire. I'm pretty sure I will continue to think that such a person is not an umpire, and is instead either a 12-year old pretending to be an umpire to resolve a question from their recent backyard Calvinball game, or just a troll, trying to stir things up and make the site worse. Like I said yesterday ... my girl playing 8U understands that you have to tag on a fly ball, and that if you left early and it's caught, you have to go back or you could be out. That question was BARELY more credible than, "Is a foul ball a strike?", and LESS credible than "Are the hands part of the bat?"

If that makes me bitter or mean ... I'm not sure I can fix that.
Okay, then, you can be the official Texas curmudgeon!!!

It's a small world, but I wouldn't want to have to paint it.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old Wed May 02, 2007, 08:41am
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3 years interested in umpiring and 2 friggin years on the field and you've never had a tag up on a caught fly ball? Never seen it on TV even Baseball or when you played little league?

Out of curiosity - what age/league ball do you umpire? If its 8U coaches pitch, it may be routine in your league to send the player back, so there could be some kind of reason you did what you did.. and a reason the coaches didnt go ballistic.

I'm being nice now! This is just unbelievable and I am curious.

First off, I never mentioned nor is there any mention in this thread of a question regarding a tag up on a fly ball. I am not sure where that is coming from, but can we stay on subject in a single thread?

Secondly, I am sorry but you are being rude and this kind of response is exactly what Scott is talking about. If there is a requirement that you must have 10 years experience umpiring before viewing this board, then state it. Other wise, take your premadona attitude to another board and let those of use interested in learning stay on this one.

Thirdly, I have umpired 8U, 10U, 12U and 14U. I have made bad calls and I have made very good calls. I spend time on this forum trying to reduce the number of bad calls, why do you spend time on it?

Lastly, I have seen seasoned umpires blow calls in large sanctioned tournaments by calling the Infield Fly Rule with no one on 1st. So, I know everyone regardless of experience make mistakes, but some of us want to help the rest of use improve, even if we are teaching a 10 year old who happens to leave a message on this board.

If you don't want to be a teacher and don't want to be a student, then I suggest you find another board.

To use your words, "This is just unbelievable"
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old Wed May 02, 2007, 10:02am
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Heck, I've seen an ump in his second year call a fair ball that definitely wasn't so. The ball was hit in the air to the outfield and landed in foul territory, but he called it fair because "it had passed third base in fair territory, and THEN went foul."

No matter how boneheaded the question or ruling, I really don't care if the poster is who they say they are. If they're some kid wanting a ruling, well, what's wrong with giving him the answer? His coach probably doesn't even know, and maybe it gives him a better appreciation for who we are (unless, of course, we run him off by calling him an idiot for posting such a stupid question).

I do IT support for my full-time job, and I've firmly believed that one should never make anyone feel bad for asking questions, no matter how braindead it may seem to me.

I haven't decided if I should call it from the dugout or the outfield. Apparently, both have really great views!

Screw green, it ain't easy being blue!

I won't be coming here that much anymore. I might check in now and again.
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