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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Mon May 07, 2007, 11:16pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 1
Wild throw question

This question concerns Little League girls fastpitch softball, Majors (11-12yo) division. I hope I get the terminology correct. Here's the situation:

My team on offense. Runners at first and second. On a passed ball I send both runners. Catcher scrambles for the ball and makes a throw to third to try to get the lead runner on the steal. The throw is not in time, both runners safe, now at second and third. In anger the third baseman fires the ball back to the pitcher who misses the throw. The ball rolls into the dugout. Umpire calls DB and awards one base to each runner scoring R3 and moving R2 to third. I call time and remind the ump that each runner gets TWO bases on a thrown ball going into a dugout. I show it to her in the rule book. She decides to let her decision stand as she called it but said she would review it with the head (of the ballpark) umpire. Two days later I see the ump who tells me that, according to the head umpire, she made the right call.

The way I interpret the rule, each runner should have been awarded two bases. And since the wild throw was NOT the first play by an infielder (the catcher's throw to third was the first play) the two base award should have been from where the runners were at the time of the wild throw, second and third base.

Am I right or just showing the naivete of a first year coach?
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Mon May 07, 2007, 11:38pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Phoenix
Posts: 145
From the L.L. rule book.

RULE 7.05
Each runner including the batter-runner may, without liability to be put out, advance -
(g) two bases when, with no spectators on the playing field, a thrown ball goes into the stands, or into a bench (whether or not the ball rebounds into the field), or over or under or through a field fence, or on a slanting part of the screen above the backstop, or remains in the meshes of the wire screen protecting spectators. The ball is dead. When such a wild throw is the first play by an infielder, the umpire, in awarding such bases, shall be governed by the position of the runners at the time the ball was pitched; in all other cases the umpire shall be governed by the position of the runners at the time the wild throw was made;

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Thomas Pynchon
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