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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Thu May 10, 2007, 07:39pm
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Enforcement of Rule 10

Rule 10 - Umpires
Section 3.B:
Under no circumstances will any umpire seek to reverse a decision made by an associate, nor will any umpire criticize or interfere with the duties of their associate(s) unless asked to do so.

This appears to be the ultimate dispute.

How should this be handled on the field in real time?
a.) walk off the field
b.) call the UIC to hold court
c.) do nothing and allow the call to be overturned
d.) none of the above (explain)

"a.)" has been beaten to death
"b.)" kinda seems like the right answer, except that if you call the UIC on the field to resolve a dispute between umpires, we have a whole new can of worms
"c.)" can't be it, as the integrity of the game has just been raped
"d.)" seems to be the answer, but needs an explanation.

Last edited by tcannizzo; Thu May 10, 2007 at 07:41pm.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Fri May 11, 2007, 01:09pm
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After some of the responses on other boards to your question, I'd suggest boiling this down to the absolute minimum. 2 umpire crew. BU makes a judgment call. PU sees something different and thinks he needs to correct your call, so he does in a way that is visible to all that not only is he making a different call, but he is overruling yours. He is not providing new information (however unsolicited), but merely substituting his judgment for yours. This is a tournament where the UIC is available to settle protests on the field.

What now?
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Fri May 11, 2007, 01:51pm
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Even with the poll question about who makes the call.
It is clearly unsettled.
We will need to wait for an official interp from each of the governing bodies.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Sat May 12, 2007, 11:31pm
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Is there a ruling on how conflicting calls are settled? BU calls runner safe at 1B, PU calls, "No, she is out." How does this get settled? One hopes they each discuss what they saw and arrive at an agreement, but what if they each think they are right? Does the PU prevail because he is the PU or does the BU prevail because it was his call? Does it just depend on which one is weaker or more willing to back down?
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Sun May 13, 2007, 06:45am
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There should never be two calls

Originally Posted by IamMatt
Is there a ruling on how conflicting calls are settled? BU calls runner safe at 1B, PU calls, "No, she is out." How does this get settled? One hopes they each discuss what they saw and arrive at an agreement, but what if they each think they are right? Does the PU prevail because he is the PU or does the BU prevail because it was his call? Does it just depend on which one is weaker or more willing to back down?
There should never be two calls on a play. One umpire is responsible for the call. Now, I know this sometimes happens by mistake. It happened to me. I was PU and was moving up the line at 3rd to make a call that was obviously my partners (I believe it was trailing runner). We had two different calls. We quickly got together and I said it was his call and we will go with it. It may have been the wrong call but it was the right thing to do. The team could have asked for help and if my partner honored the request I would have told my partner what I saw.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Sun May 13, 2007, 12:00pm
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First of all, I'm open to discussion with my partner about any call on the field - it has to happen in some manner of privacy.

I have had this problem a few years ago - my first college game, no doubt. I felt humiliated and I vowed it would never happen again. Thankfully it hasn't. My game plan if it does is to hand my partner my plate brush and indicator and inform him that I'll be waiting for him in the car since he doesn't need me any longer. Hopefully when he tried to change my call and I informed him of my resulting actions he wouldn't go through with it.

I know I would do it because I have in basketball. Had a guy even call my lines! I walked over and told him if he took one more of my calls I would walk off the floor.

'A' is my answer, but I would have a conversation first.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Mon May 14, 2007, 03:17pm
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Posts: 336
I would NEVER walk off the field/court after an overrule by my partner. I probably wouldnt work with him/her again if I felt strongly on my call. Leaving the game before it ends sends a message, of the type of official you are, to all concerned, including assignors and fellow officials- kinda like an unhappy kid saying "its my ball" and walking away with it.
Finish the contest, explain clearly your position in post game, and inform the assignor. Let your partner look bad.
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