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I know there will be some that disagree with this but it
happened and I did it. In tonights game I had to restrict the visiting coach for improper uniform. This guy was in some dirty looking Blue- Jeans This team was from out of our region, and informed me his blues did not care what he wore. I told him I realized that it did not change his coaching abilities one way or the other. However, the NFHS Rules are very plain even to the point of specifying No Jeans of any type. Should'nt we go this far?? Let coaches get away with dress code then sooner or later we will have problems with the young'ens. JMO glen
glen _______________________________ "Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." --Mark Twain. |
I think you did the right thing Glen. Wearing jeans is not pushing his uniform limits, it's saying I'm going to wear whatever I want regardless of the rules.
Around here, I have a coach who like to wear diferent sock than his players do - and my state sez that the sock are part of the uniform and must be the same. So when I have this guy's team, I'm going to have to restrict him for wearing the wrong socks. Not a ruling that I like at all, but one that I have to enusre is obeyed. Jeans - heck - I agree with that one.
Steve M |
There is nothing in the FED book that says a coach MUST wear the same uniform as the team. The coach may wear school uniform, or jersey/coaching shirt with coaching shorts/slacks or warm-up suits (including fleece warm-ups) in school colors or colors of khaki, black, white or gray. Cut-offs or any types of jeans are prohibited. No mention is made of coaches' socks. Restricting a coach for not wearing the same socks as the players is against FED rules, and is a c.s move.
Bob |
Chuck Lewis Ronan, MT Give a man a fish and you'll feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and he could be gone every weekend. |
Rule 3 Section 2 Art. 1 for coaches Rule 1 Section 1 Art. 5 g. for players glen
glen _______________________________ "Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." --Mark Twain. |
Well here in SW OK we are mainly rural communities and the coachs hire their own umpires. Dress code for coachs is not heavily enforced for regular season games but when play offs come they all seem to adhere to the dress code ie no blue jeans. As I started and came up thru the ranks be brought to games thru a partner I asked about the dress code of coaches an was told not to worry about it if I wanted to call games. Don't get me wrong there are not any cut offs or ragged jeans when jeans are worn they are normaly starched and pressed and look neat.
When the inside slot is taken away, I have to resort to the less desirable position of calling from above the catchers head. I don't move outside because the pitch is supposed to be inside. It makes seeing the low pitches difficult so I move in tighter to help with that. But its a compromise. Kent |
I agree, that's a really lousy decision to insist that a coach's socks match the team's sock. However, the state I am in has decided that it is required. So my agreement and liking or disliking the decision is irrelevant.
Steve M |
We had a similar coaches dress code instance brought up at our local chapter meeting the other night. We have JV Varsity Double Headers and many times the JV coach is a base coach for the varsity. Some schools have different uniforms for the JV than the Varsity. The question was raised if the JV coach (wearing a varsity uniform, different uniform than his JV players) could enter the playing field. We were told that this is fine because the spirit of the rule is being met. The Fed rule is though very specific as to the pants a coach may wear though. Team uniform or coaching shorts/slacks or warm-up suits in school colors or colors of khaki, black, white or gray. no jeans or cut-offs. Any JV squad I have ever seen has had at least the same colors as the vasrity thus the team colors criterea is met in our situaton.
Darin |
I like the way we handle this here in AZ. We have a preseason meeting for all of the local (Phoenix) area coaches. The coaches dress code rule is covered here. We enforce the restriction on these teams. If we have a team from outside of the metro area come in to play a local team, and one or more of the coaches does not met the dress code rule, we allow them to coach, advise them of the rule and file a report to the state association. All of the local coaches are told of this procedure at the pre-season coaches meeting, which is very well attended, by the way. It seems to work for us.
Andy |
Whoever makes the rules in your state are a bunch of nit-picking boobs. I'm not even sure that mandating types of socks would be legal in FED, since it supercedes their rules. Bob |
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