Hey all! With a runner advancing from third, and the throw coming from left or left center where do you feel is the best place to position yourself as the PU? Is it best to be third basline extended slightly to the left, or the right of F2? Do you feel the play explodes on you if you move up the first baseline into fair territory? If you do like to move into fair territory up the first baseline, at what point do you give up on the ball to focus on the play at the dish? Thanks, Tim. |
3B Extended is a very good starting position. As you watch the play develop you can pivot around home plate (if you have to) to get your best angle.
When I started out, I used 1B extended. It felt uncomfortable because I almost always had a player between me and the ball. A vetran suggested using 3B extended and to adjust for the tag. Now I (usually) see the catcher, runner, tag and plate. I'm very comfortable and confident in my calls at the plate using 3B Extended. |
When you extend third base line you will not "give up on the ball" You will see it all, it is the best view of the play at home, the problem you might have is the on-deck batter coming into the same position you are so that he may caoch the player to slide. If he does, then you must get him out of the play Just tell him to get back and he will. If he blocks you then one of the following just happened:
A) You are out of position (if this happens ask you partner how you could have done a better job between innings or after the game so you can make an adjustment) B) On deck interferred, then you call the R3 out. |
point of the plate
Ball bounces right into the F2 you can move left to see the tag, ball up the line you can move right to see the swipe tag and then as the play last night on ESPN, Runner makes a great slide, you can move right (as the umpire did) and see the missed tag and the touch of the plate. I think by going to only 3B extended you will find yourself not always in the best position on every throw. IOW, I would not say that is what I'm going to do on every play - let the play dictate where you move. And I would never recommend 3B extended for a young (beginning umpire) this is for veterans only. Thanks DAvid |
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