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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Mon Jul 25, 2005, 09:45am
Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: Texas
Posts: 5,030
Sorry for the late post, been busy but thought I was share.

Last Wendesday I made about a 35 minute trip to help out an offical who had someone bail out on him at the last minute. Anyways, this was a 2 game set with teams from within the city playing each other.

I worked the dish the first game (boy was it hot!) and of course I was in the field in second. First game went fine, no real problems. But (that famous last middle word), the second game was a little different.

It was the top of the 4th, bases packed, 1 out. I signal to my partner infield fly and he reflects so we know we are on the same page.

Pop fly to the right side, it was somewhat close to the line therefore I just pointed and let my partner verbalize the call. So he did and I did as well. The second baseman took the fly and he did not make the catch. Now, the batter-runner is out and all hell breaks loose. The coach is yelling to throw to first (the runners took off about half way). So the second baseman throws to first -- I've got nothing -- and now the coach tells the players to throw home where the runner on third is trying to score. The throw comes home and he touches the plate -- my partner has nothing. The coach starts yelling in joy "that's a triple play." Ohhh boy, my first thought was (to myself) was WOW!. Anyways, the coach comes out and start complaining that we didn't call infield fly and the changes his arguement to that we didn't say it loud enough. With the not calling it arguement, he says I didn't see you do this (putting both his hands in the air with the plam open -- "dead ball". I tell him that an infield fly has never been a dead ball. The inning continues and they get out of it. As I'm going back to position A to start the bottom of the inning one of the assistant coaches (who is coaching first) starts talking to me.

He asks if I asks if that type of situation would occur again if I would say "infield fly" louder. I tell him that I don't have any problem saying it louder but that the players also need to be aware of what infield fly is and that's not my job. He tells me that some of these players only play during the summer and that "they don't get much practice time." I tell him that if the players were taught what the steal and bunt sign were that it takes about the same amount of time to teach infield fly. At this point, it is obvious to me that all these coaches care about is winning. All of a sudden, one of those wonder fans who thinks he is above the rules of the game starts yelling at me: "Why are you still talking?" I ignore the first time and I continue my situation of explaining things to the first base coach. As I'm finishing up, he says it again: "Why are you still talking?" I reply by saying, this conversation doesn't include you so please stay out of it. He was dumb enough to speak out again and make another statement: "Hey blue, you are still talking and I don't know why?" At this point (this fan had already got a warning from my partner whenever my partner was explaining the infield fly situation to the coach). So the time had come: "Time!" Sir, your time has expired here, you must leave. "Why?? Why?? I only said one thing, I'm not leaving." As I'm walking to my partner I hear (from his wife I assumed), "you don't have the power to do that." I tell my partner that we aren't continuing the game until he leaves. He finally left and the game went on, with no other problems.

Gotta love summer league games!

PS: If you made it through the entire thread.. congrats! Sorry for the long post.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Mon Jul 25, 2005, 10:34am
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So, lets get this straight. You let a spectator get to you and now your bragging about it.

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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Mon Jul 25, 2005, 10:49am
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Originally posted by jicecone
So, lets get this straight. You let a spectator get to you and now your bragging about it.

No, never said that. Just telling my story and stating that with summer leagues also comes many rats. That's it.

[Edited by tjones1 on Jul 25th, 2005 at 12:00 PM]
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Mon Jul 25, 2005, 11:11am
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Originally posted by jicecone
So, lets get this straight. You let a spectator get to you and now your bragging about it.
Sounds like the game was better without the spectator... I think that's a good reason for removal.
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It is at the same time rewarding and maddening-it is without
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Mon Jul 25, 2005, 11:18am
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I had a similar situation last year with about the same results, but it was a playoff game ending situation. Caoches and fans screaming.
I explained as best I could, the rule and the signal and the results would stand. I must tell you, I would not have let the fan get to me. They are ignorant of the rules and so feel they can scream what they want when they want. I wouldn't have gotten into any discussion with him - particularly if the coach with whom you were speaking was being polite. I wasn't there, so I don't know how much you had already taken. I just know, I do my best to let the fans have their game outside the fences and I take care of mine inside the fences.
This is just my $ .02 and does not imply that what you did was wrong.
Just my opinion.
Tony Smerk
OHSAA Certified
Class 1 Official
Sheffield Lake, Ohio
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Mon Jul 25, 2005, 11:37am
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I was BU in one game and after a certain call the fans started yelling stuff at one of the coaches to the point were it got so out of hand the PU cleared the stands and told everyone they could watch the game from the parking lot.
May the force be with you
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Mon Jul 25, 2005, 11:40am
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Originally posted by officialtony
I had a similar situation last year with about the same results, but it was a playoff game ending situation. Caoches and fans screaming.
I explained as best I could, the rule and the signal and the results would stand. I must tell you, I would not have let the fan get to me. They are ignorant of the rules and so feel they can scream what they want when they want. I wouldn't have gotten into any discussion with him - particularly if the coach with whom you were speaking was being polite. I wasn't there, so I don't know how much you had already taken. I just know, I do my best to let the fans have their game outside the fences and I take care of mine inside the fences.
This is just my $ .02 and does not imply that what you did was wrong.
Just my opinion.
Exactly my point. Thank you.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old Mon Jul 25, 2005, 11:50am
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Originally posted by whistleone
Originally posted by jicecone
So, lets get this straight. You let a spectator get to you and now your bragging about it.
Sounds like the game was better without the spectator... I think that's a good reason for removal.
After the game I was told by my partner (the assignor of the league) that this isn't the first problem they've had with this fan. I guess usually they get first year college kids to work these game and I was told he usually tries to take advantage of them. Of course, since the kids are trying to make a little extra money they've never done anything about it since they think they won't be invited back.


The coach really wasn't being polite, more of a smartass. After that inning, I did not see him for the rest of the game. I would say that I really don't think I let the fan get to me, I could really careless what they think about my calls or me. However, I felt like it wasn't going to get any better allowing this type of behavior to occur. He had already been warned by my partner for his earlier actions that took place. I guess I just felt like another warning wouldn't have did any good considering the first one really didn't. I could be wrong, wouldn't be the first time. Thanks for your input Tony.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old Mon Jul 25, 2005, 12:47pm
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Originally posted by jicecone
Originally posted by officialtony
I had a similar situation last year with about the same results, but it was a playoff game ending situation. Caoches and fans screaming.
I explained as best I could, the rule and the signal and the results would stand. I must tell you, I would not have let the fan get to me. They are ignorant of the rules and so feel they can scream what they want when they want. I wouldn't have gotten into any discussion with him - particularly if the coach with whom you were speaking was being polite. I wasn't there, so I don't know how much you had already taken. I just know, I do my best to let the fans have their game outside the fences and I take care of mine inside the fences.
This is just my $ .02 and does not imply that what you did was wrong.
Just my opinion.
Exactly my point. Thank you.
You certainly are entitled to that opinion, we'll just agree to disagree.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old Mon Jul 25, 2005, 12:59pm
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"Why are you still talking?"... Why would you throw a fan out for saying this? I think I would have looked over at him, made eye contact with him, smiled nice, and waved to him. Really gets them when I do that. If I'm at Yankee Stadium and I start yelling at the umpires, I don't think they will stop the game and have me removed.
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  #11 (permalink)  
Old Mon Jul 25, 2005, 01:30pm
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Location: Sheffield Lake, Ohio
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Re: agree to disagree

Works for me . . . . .
Tony Smerk
OHSAA Certified
Class 1 Official
Sheffield Lake, Ohio
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old Mon Jul 25, 2005, 01:58pm
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I don't think you can compare Yankee stadium to a summer league game. Actually, you can't compare them at all. Parents/fans should be ignored at the high school/college level and up, but summer ball is totally different. Out of control parents/fans should be dealt with in these games...period. They should not be paid attention to as much as coaches or players, but if they are persistent with their remarks, they should be taken care of. Considering the situation and that he was already warned, the right thing was done. I don't take it as bragging tj like jiiecone. Some of the hot dogs on here think that they have to be a smart-alec about every thread and reply posted. My words to you are "good work"
"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old Mon Jul 25, 2005, 02:20pm
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Originally posted by dudeinblue
I don't think you can compare Yankee stadium to a summer league game. Actually, you can't compare them at all. Parents/fans should be ignored at the high school/college level and up, but summer ball is totally different. Out of control parents/fans should be dealt with in these games...period. They should not be paid attention to as much as coaches or players, but if they are persistent with their remarks, they should be taken care of. Considering the situation and that he was already warned, the right thing was done. I don't take it as bragging tj like jiiecone. Some of the hot dogs on here think that they have to be a smart-alec about every thread and reply posted. My words to you are "good work"
Right On Dude

Some of us HOT DOGS, have just developed a thickerer skin over the years. But if it works for you Dude, GO FOR IT.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old Mon Jul 25, 2005, 02:28pm
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You can talk about thicker skin all you want jice. I'd just like to see you in action if a parent or fan during a summer ball game was saying something after every single play or pitch being a smart-a$$. I wonder if you hot-dogs could ignore that when you can't even ignore one opportunity to be a smart-a$$ to another umpire on an online forum. Sounds like you're REALLY thick-skinned to me buddy!!!
"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old Mon Jul 25, 2005, 03:25pm
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Thumbs down Oh Boy

Originally posted by dudeinblue
I don't think you can compare Yankee stadium to a summer league game. Actually, you can't compare them at all. Parents/fans should be ignored at the high school/college level and up, but summer ball is totally different. Out of control parents/fans should be dealt with in these games...period. They should not be paid attention to as much as coaches or players, but if they are persistent with their remarks, they should be taken care of. Considering the situation and that he was already warned, the right thing was done. I don't take it as bragging tj like jiiecone. Some of the hot dogs on here think that they have to be a smart-alec about every thread and reply posted. My words to you are "good work"
Let's say we agree that "out of control parents/fans shoud be dealt with...period." It really is not our job to do this...period. If this guy was known to be a problem, why didn't the league administrator's do something about it?

This isn't about being thick skinned either. This is about doing the job we are paid for and not other's jobs. We are paid to take care of things that happen "inside the fence." If the league does not want to remove the fan from the stands for showing his tail and you would like the league to do such; you have two choices 1) ask them to take care of it away from the game or 2) don't work those games.

tjones, you really were wrong to do this. While we might all agree he deserved to go, you were not within your rights to do so...period.
Tony Carilli
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