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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Sat Jul 09, 2005, 04:10pm
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Join Date: Aug 2000
Location: Spokane, WA
Posts: 4,222
Not everything at should be seen as "varnished" by the same broadbrush. Despite nearl every other article being written by Rollie, one needs to fight the tempation of looking at the site as WiederaendersWorld. (Although in another thread the editor claims Weedy writes twice a week, in the week between June 21 and June 28, four of the five articles posted were by Rollie.)

Interspersed amongst the maze of misinformation there are some good articles.

Tee's articles continue to entertain and inform. Actually, "article" is not the proper word for Tee's pieces. Of the writers there, he is most like a true columnist. He writes anecdotally, but not simplistically so. Actually it would be better described as he "reports" what happened. Consequently, he gets his point across without preaching or getting syrupy.

Peter's recent diptych has him getting back closer to old form. He had wandered recently, but is back to good ol' Peter, entertaining some, informing others, and pi$$ing of most. What he writes rings true once you get used to his using his goggles, and that's what probably pi$$es off most people.

Even Carl is back up to snuff in a short series on appeals. Carl, probably due in part to the quantity of writing he imposes on himself, had been hit and miss over the past few months. His latest is much closer to "hit".

I'm still hoping for an explanation of why an article on FED Basketball changes was posted on the baseball site. (And still remains there) But, that doesn't distract from the better works, or add to the worst ones.

[Edited by GarthB on Jul 9th, 2005 at 07:02 PM]
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Sat Jul 09, 2005, 09:20pm
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Send a message via ICQ to Carl Childress
Originally posted by GarthB
Not everything at should be seen as "varnished" by the same broadbrush. Despite nearl every other article being written by Rollie, one needs to fight the tempation of looking at the site as WiederaendersWorld. (Although in another thread the editor claims Weedy writes twice a week, in the week between June 21 and June 28, four of the five articles posted were by Rollie.)

Interspersed amongst the maze of misinformation there are some good articles.

Tee's articles continue to entertain and inform. Actually, "article" is not the proper word for Tee's pieces. Of the writers there, he is most like a true columnist. He writes anecdotally, but not simplistically so. Actually it would be better described as he "reports" what happened. Consequently, he gets his point across without preaching or getting syrupy.

Peter's recent diptych has him getting back closer to old form. He had wandered recently, but is back to good ol' Peter, entertaining some, informing others, and pi$$ing of most. What he writes rings true once you get used to his using his goggles, and that's what probably pi$$es off most people.

Even Carl is back up to snuff in a short series on appeals. Carl, probably due in part to the quantity of writing he imposes on himself, had been hit and miss over the past few months. His latest is much closer to "hit".

I'm still hoping for an explanation of why an article on FED Basketball changes was posted on the baseball site. (And still remains there) But, that doesn't distract from the better works, or add to the worst ones.

[Edited by GarthB on Jul 9th, 2005 at 07:02 PM] appreciates the comments.

But we count our weeks differently from you.

Our week runs from Monday through Friday. In the seven days you spoke of, that's part of two weeks:
20 to 24: 3 Roland pieces
27 to 1: 2 Roland pieces

Go to On Deck (a free section). Take a gander at the "Roland" dates for July and August, and you'll see he's averaging fewer than two pieces a week.
Papa C
My website
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Sat Jul 09, 2005, 10:23pm
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Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 1,643
I am on the baseball portion. Each page contains 5 articles.

The first page of articles contains 3 RW's
pg 2 - 2 RW's
pg 3 - 3 RW's, and a basketball article.

So out of the 14 newest baseball articles, Wiederalnders has written 7 of them.

pg 4 - 2
pg 5 - 2
pg 6 - 2
pg 7 - 2
pg 8 - 3

Remember there are only 5 articles per page. Wiederalnders has written 18 of the past 39 baseball articles (The basketball article on the baseball site is why the total number of articles is not a mutiple of 5.) Looks to me Garth is right on saying every other article is by Wiederlanders.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Sat Jul 09, 2005, 11:33pm
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Join Date: Aug 2000
Location: Edinburg, TX
Posts: 1,212
Send a message via ICQ to Carl Childress
Originally posted by LDUB
I am on the baseball portion. Each page contains 5 articles.

The first page of articles contains 3 RW's
pg 2 - 2 RW's
pg 3 - 3 RW's, and a basketball article.

So out of the 14 newest baseball articles, Wiederalnders has written 7 of them.

pg 4 - 2
pg 5 - 2
pg 6 - 2
pg 7 - 2
pg 8 - 3

Remember there are only 5 articles per page. Wiederalnders has written 18 of the past 39 baseball articles (The basketball article on the baseball site is why the total number of articles is not a mutiple of 5.) Looks to me Garth is right on saying every other article is by Wiederlanders.
Well, maybe they don't teach us to count in Texas. I care not how many articles are displayed on each page. That changes, you see, with the length of the grabber. Right?

What happens is we publish 10 articles a week, two every day. Only on the rarest of occasions (it's been more than a year since it happened) do we publish two articles in the same sport on the same day. When that happens, we publish three that day.

Mr. Wiederaenders' pieces are as follows since he began in February:

February: 6
March: 8
April: 7
May: 6
June: 11
July: 8 (published and scheduled)

That's 46 articles in 26 weeks, which is slightly fewer than two articles a week.

Now, take your pick: If you were a subscriber (and I believe you announced you were not and would not become one: Am I right?), which would you prefer? No baseball articles that day? Or: An article you knew would be literate and well-written, one maybe that would even get your blood up?

And since you're not interested in helping to fill the yawning maw (Jabba the Hutt, if you will) that is daily (rather than monthly) publication....
Papa C
My website
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Sun Jul 10, 2005, 12:47am
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 1,643
Originally posted by Carl Childress
Well, maybe they don't teach us to count in Texas. I care not how many articles are displayed on each page. That changes, you see, with the length of the grabber. Right?
No, there are 5 on each page.

Originally posted by Carl Childress
Mr. Wiederaenders' pieces are as follows since he began in February:

February: 6
March: 8
April: 7
May: 6
June: 11
July: 8 (published and scheduled)

That's 46 articles in 26 weeks, which is slightly fewer than two articles a week.
I see that he is not doing an article a day. But he has written 18 of the last 39 baseball articles. That is about half. When every other article is his, it seems like an article a day.

Originally posted by Carl Childress
Now, take your pick: If you were a subscriber (and I believe you announced you were not and would not become one: Am I right?)
No, I am a suscriber. 3appleshigh said that he was no longer planning on suscribing. All I said is that maybe there are other customers you are also losing.

Originally posted by Carl Childress
which would you prefer? No baseball articles that day? Or: An article you knew would be literate and well-written, one maybe that would even get your blood up?
I would much rather see a literate and well-written, one maybe that would even get my blood up. But which one of your writers not named Tee is going to write this?

If you want to improve, all you need to do is three things.

1. You need more than 2 writers. You, Rich, Peter, and JM seldomly put out articles. That leaves everything else to Tee and Wiederalanders.

2. You need to need a recent news writer. You always say is better than Referee because you don't have to wait a month for the next issue to come out. But you pretty much never use this capability.

3. Interviews are interesting. Interview MLB umpires. Interview some assignors. Anyone. How did the new NF balk rules go over? You could interview people from different areas of the country, and report back with the results.
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