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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Fri Jul 01, 2005, 04:28pm
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Join Date: Mar 2005
Posts: 279
I think i blew this one, but anyways....

Green team has only 9 players for the game. They are on defense when a gapper is hit to right field. F8 and F9 collide and F9 is bleeding from the nose pretty badly. The catch was made by F8 prior to the collision for the third out.

Now here's where it gets tricky:

F9 is the next player due up. He's still trying to get his nose to stop bleeding when the defense is all ready to play. This is an in-house pony league playoff game (OBR rules) and nobody wanted the game to be forfeited since the player could obviously play after he gets the bleeding to stop, but this would also delay the game. I'm about ready to say "we're done" and they ask me "is there anything we can do to not forfeit the game?" I think for a second and decide to apply 6.02 (c). I just told the coach to have F9 refuse to enter the batters box and we'll order the pitcher to pitch and call each pitch a strike. So the D throws 3 pitches in there to call the F9 out and the next batter comes up and they continue the inning and F9 goes back into the field the next half inning (all blood was clean from him and his uniform).

So, did i misapply 6.02 (c)? Is this the proper context the rule can be used? Should have this been a forfeit?
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Fri Jul 01, 2005, 08:12pm
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In my area, both teams must start with 9 players. Actually, the offensive team can start with 8, as long as player #9 shows up by the time he must bat or go in on defense. Anyway, if there is an injury, or any reason why a player must leave the game (8th grade graduation dance), then a team may continue with 8 players. Each time #9 is supposed to bat, an out is declared (since he can't bat). Less than 8 players would result in a forfeit.

Under no circumstance do we umpire a game with 8 or fewer players. Don't let anyone talk you into this (you are already here anyway, you are getting paid, etc.). Umpiring such a game (forfeit) is a formula for disaster. Remember, "no good deed goes left unpunished."
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Fri Jul 01, 2005, 08:34pm
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Originally posted by largeone59
... nobody wanted the game to be forfeited since the player could obviously play after he gets the bleeding to stop, but this would also delay the game.
Why not have the next batter bat out of order?
Defense catches the mistake and F9 is out.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Fri Jul 01, 2005, 09:20pm
DG DG is offline
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Originally posted by mick
Originally posted by largeone59
... nobody wanted the game to be forfeited since the player could obviously play after he gets the bleeding to stop, but this would also delay the game.
Why not have the next batter bat out of order?
Defense catches the mistake and F9 is out.
Good one. Creative. And if they don't catch it the game moves on.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Fri Jul 01, 2005, 10:09pm
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"This is an in-house pony league playoff game (OBR rules) and nobody wanted the game to be forfeited since the player could obviously play after he gets the bleeding to stop"

Move on to the next batter and forget about it or just declare the batter out.

It's a in-house game for god sakes, not the World Series.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Fri Jul 01, 2005, 10:21pm
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BZ Blue!

I'm sure others may have a different take, but as for me:
Gents, I take my hat off to you. It sounded like both teams wanted to play baseball to determine this playoff. (Geez, who wants to win by forfeit?). And you gave them a way... plus some other ideas that would have worked too. I think your application of the rules is as about as antiOOO as it gets. No ones $4M contract was endangered right!? Let's play ball. I love it. (Just one more reason to wear blue and not black.)
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