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Old Wed Dec 29, 2004, 02:21pm
MJT MJT is offline
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: Alton, Iowa
Posts: 1,796

We did this for a pregame, and it was pretty good. We verbalized them to each other to make sure we knew what everyone else does, and had all our bases covered. It was good in asking some questions about how we would handle this or that. Answer the following for your position, then read mine and all others posted. Hopefully we will learn some things we may want to consider and confirm others that we are doing. I plan on comparing your responses to what my crew said they do, and making sure we are doing all we should.

What you do is make brief statements about what YOU think, for your position, presnap and during the play for the following situations. You can look at mine for a running play, then do yours for running plays, pass plays, punts, free kicks, FG's and trys before reading everyone elses.

I will be out of town until Sunday, so if I cannot get to a computer, or wireless site, I'll read responses then. I think I am going to have to go to the library at least once or I'll go nuts to not see any posts. Have a great New Years guys!!

Running plays: As the referee
1. look for chin straps of defensive players
2. declare ball RFP
3. jog back to 12-15 yards while looking for chin straps of offensive players
4. once a series, check for 5 lineman numbered 50-79
5. offense player count with Marly
6. watch backs for FS
7. after snap – watch ball, runner, blocks around him until he reaches NZ
8. run parallel to LOS if sweep or option
9. continue to watch QB after handoff for illegal contact, then watch blocks around runner – I can help on key blocks on sweeps in front of runner or behind – whichever look like possible problems.

Pass plays:
1. def/off chin straps, RFP, lineman #’s, player count with Marly, watch backs for false start
2. watch for holding especially of tackles or anyone close to QB
3. stay behind QB and roll with him
4. yell “balls away” and stay with QB until no longer any jeopardy
5. watch Marly throw flag 30 yards when Mark and Todd are within 5 yards of push off (this was a wisecrack of a OPI we had this year.

1. def/off chin straps, RFP, lineman #’s, player count with Marly, watch backs for false start
2. set up 2 yards in front of punter and very wide
3. see punter gets snap and does not have knee touch ground
4. watch for holding especially on rush ends and yell “balls away”
5. see that punter does not get “run into” or “roughed”
6. see that ball is going downfield and if going OOB’s, watch and line up wings with OOB’s spot
7. move chains after making sure no flags are down

Free kicks:
1. count R and K players
2. watch “Haas” for onside kick signal
3. signal RFP
4. wind clock on touching by R
5. if deep kick, watch ball till release to U and L
6. watch for BBW, BIB, clips, and holds by R

Field goals and trys:
1. def/off chin straps, RFP, lineman #’s, player count with Marly, watch backs for false start
2. set up on hash and on 14 yard line
3. watch for holding especially on anyone threatening blocking the kick, yell “balls away”
4. see that holder or kicker does not get “run into” or “roughed”
5. don’t blow whistle if FG gets blocked and try to stay ahead of runner on block return
6. turn and give good signal of “good” or “no good” to press box
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