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Old Wed Jan 12, 2005, 05:54am
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Mar 2004
Location: Germany
Posts: 204
Hi all,

Going through an NCAA rules test, and I've come up with one or two questions where I'm not sure of the answers, looking for a little help.

1) 3rd and 20 from A's 25. Receiver A-85 lines up near the sideline and runs downfield with the snap. On A's 30 he steps on the sideline without noticing (without being forced out from a B player). QB A-10 throws a legal forward pass, which is tipped from a B player on the LOS. As A-85 tries to cath the pass on A's 33 he is blocked in the back by B-55. The pass falls incomplete.

I don't have DPI because of the tip, and A-85 is also eligible again. The rule says that B can block in the back if he is going for the ball, but I read it question as a foul (block in the back without playing the ball). So I have a block in the back B-55 on A's 33.
It is a 10 yard foul, but is it 3rd and 10, or 1st and 10?

2) 4th and 5 from B's 8. Back A-20 takes a handoff and runs towards the goalline. From a hard contact A-20 fumbles the ball on at B's 6. The ball comes to rest on B's 5 where it is batted backwards (towards his own endzone) from B-77. The ball rolls out of bounds at B's 2.

Force and 4th down fumble question. Since the ball came to rest, does B-77's batting make any difference? If the ball ended in the end zone I would say yes, but for this example, my GUESS is that it is still a fumble forwards OOB, and will be brought back to B's 6. Can anyone help me with that?

3) 4th and 2 on B's 32. QB A-10 takes the snap, goes back two steps and places the ball on the ground on B's 34. Guard A-79 turns quickly with the snap, picks up the ball and advances to B's 29 where he is stopped inbounds.
4th down fumble, but also a 'planned free ball'. Planned Loose Ball is defined in the rule book as
A Team A player may not advance a planned loose ball in the vicinity of the snapper. PENALTY Five yards from the previous spot and loss of down [S19 and S9].
What constitutes 'in the vicinity'?

With the 4th down, it doesn't really matter, because B would get the ball (maybe with a 5 yard foul) in any event, but on a test it is quite important.

Thanks for any input.

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