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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Wed Sep 26, 2007, 09:03pm
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Join Date: Sep 2007
Posts: 56
Opposing calls

NF I was the R in a junior varsity contest a few days ago. During the second period there was a pass attempt of about 25 yards down the sideline (Linesman side).
Obviously, I did not see what happened between the reciever and defender.
The pass was incomplete, but the was a flag thrown by the linesman. We met about half-way and he reported OPI and it was accepted and enforced. No big deal, no complaints from offense.
Fast forward to yesterday. I ran into the BJ from the game and as we talked about the game, he said he saw the interference, but thought it was clearly DPI. He stated he did not throw his flag b/c he saw the L toss his.
Now my question: what if they had both flagged the play and had different calls? how should this be handled?

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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Wed Sep 26, 2007, 09:18pm
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Originally Posted by Mike51
NF I was the R in a junior varsity contest a few days ago. During the second period there was a pass attempt of about 25 yards down the sideline (Linesman side).
Obviously, I did not see what happened between the reciever and defender.
The pass was incomplete, but the was a flag thrown by the linesman. We met about half-way and he reported OPI and it was accepted and enforced. No big deal, no complaints from offense.
Fast forward to yesterday. I ran into the BJ from the game and as we talked about the game, he said he saw the interference, but thought it was clearly DPI. He stated he did not throw his flag b/c he saw the L toss his.
Now my question: what if they had both flagged the play and had different calls? how should this be handled?

You need to decide as the white hat. Maybe check to see if the umpire or the far side wing saw it and get their input.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Wed Sep 26, 2007, 09:22pm
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Lesson learned: if you see a foul, throw a flag.

Funny you bring up this situation. A fellow official from the same province as me phoned me to ask about this situation, not 3-4 days ago.

If I'm the R in this game, and I have two flags: DPI and OPI, I am going to speak with the 2 calling officials and be sure that the flags were for different contact.

If they were for the same contact, then it's worthy of talking about it for a quick conversation. If these 2 guys wish to talk about it before seeing me, that is fine too. I think that if there is DPI and OPI for the same contact, then someone has to re-evaluate what they saw. It's just too rare to have both on the same contact.

If the flags are for different contact, then I will accept both flags. Example: DB holds up the WR just as the ball is airborne: WR is pushed off rhythm. WR gets to target area, and pushes DB off to catch ball. It's possible to have two flags: DPI and OPI. They will wash and repeat the down.

Yes, the experience of each official will have an effect on my accepting their call. Example: say the BJ is experienced and the L is in his first year. Likely I will lean more towards the BJ than the L. Also will affect my thoughts is if one of the officials was out of position.
Pope Francis
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Wed Sep 26, 2007, 09:25pm
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Thumbs down

Originally Posted by RichMSN
or the far side wing saw it and get their input.
If the play is near the L's sideline, then the last thing I suggest is to ask the H. You don't expect the H to have an opinion do you? If so, why is the H ball hawking?
Pope Francis
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Wed Sep 26, 2007, 10:06pm
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Originally Posted by JugglingReferee
If the play is near the L's sideline, then the last thing I suggest is to ask the H. You don't expect the H to have an opinion do you? If so, why is the H ball hawking?
"Down the sideline" (in the original post) doesn't exactly tell me much. I'll know from the location of the flags who could be expected to give an opinion. On the sideline or very much near it, no, I don't expect the other wing to be any help.

Like you said, I'll want to talk to the two involved guys first. Since the U is involved in penalty enforcement anyway, he'll be sliding in and if I need his opinion, I'll get it. In a 5-man (or 4-man) crew, the U has to help on passes more than if we had 7 out there.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Wed Sep 26, 2007, 10:45pm
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Glad you brought that up, reminds me to go over opposing calls in this week's pregame.

Whenever there are two flags on the field and one is not mine as the R, I aks the two officials to get together and talk it out among themselves. I will take a leisurely pace to meet them in the hope they work it out before I get there.

If they are having trouble deciding then I listen to both and make the decision. My reason for not being in a hurry is not to give the impression a third official from afar made the decision.
Ed Hickland, MBA, CCP
[email protected]
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