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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Thu Jul 20, 2006, 04:21pm
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Timing Changes - NCAA

I see numerous references to supposed timing changes in NCAA rules for this year. Since I've spent my recent time here on the baseball and softball sites and am just starting to get back into football (and since we have not had our first clinics yet for football), can someone eludicate me on what the changes may be or what is being discussed/edited right now?

"Many baseball fans look upon an umpire as a sort of necessary evil to the luxury of baseball, like the odor that follows an automobile." - Hall of Fame Pitcher Christy Mathewson
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Thu Jul 20, 2006, 04:51pm
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In a nut shell, Clock will start on ready after change of possession.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Fri Jul 21, 2006, 08:18am
Courageous When Prudent
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It's good to see they're speeding up the game. Way too many 4 to 4 1/2 hours games.
A-hole formerly known as BNR
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Fri Jul 21, 2006, 09:03am
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I'd rather the game be sped up by limiting the number of commercials. We all know that's not going to happen.

TV usually takes a commercial break after the first punt of each quarter. Will that now be eliminated with the whistle going on the ready after a punt?
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Fri Jul 21, 2006, 01:04pm
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I don't think so. You'll just come back from the break. Get the go ahead from the red hat and then wind it instead of the regular chop in.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Fri Jul 21, 2006, 01:35pm
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Originally Posted by NickelDeuce
In a nut shell, Clock will start on ready after change of possession.
according to Dr Adams, it is not on a COP but after the clock was stopped to award B a first down......just a very minor picky point LOL
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Fri Jul 21, 2006, 07:08pm
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Speeding up the game

If they wanted to speed up the game, just keep the clock rolling on first downs by A.

You wouldn't have to change any other rules or make any other exceptions and you'd shave far more real time off a game than will happen with this new convoluted rule.

I can't wait to hear Musberger and Danielson this year the first time were up against the end of the 2nd or 4th quarters and the clock runs after B takes over when the previous play was an incomplete pass by A or a run out of bounds by either team -

Musberger - "Why is the clock running???!!! None of the officials can see it!!! It was an incomplete pass on 4th down!!!! It should start on the snap!!! Ohio State was cheated out of 24 seconds!!!!!!"

Danielson - "That's really poor officiating! These guys have really messed up!!"
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old Fri Jul 21, 2006, 07:45pm
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Here's some examples of the new rule:
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old Fri Jul 21, 2006, 11:14pm
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Hopefully, Brent's a subscriber to Rom Gilbert this year.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old Sat Jul 22, 2006, 08:50am
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Originally Posted by ABoselli
Hopefully, Brent's a subscriber to Rom Gilbert this year.
Anybody want to take bets on the likelihood of that?
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  #11 (permalink)  
Old Wed Jul 26, 2006, 01:22am
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Does anyone think this will provide a disadvantage to team B? If for example they are trailing by 1 with 28 seconds on the clock 1 time out, A has 4th and 15 @ B's 40 - too far to kick a FG, Punt only nets 20 yards if TB - so A decides to run a play and gets 13 yards and leaves ball at the center of the field (leads to quicker ready due to not having to relay ball back to hash marks etc.). Will B be able to get offense set and make a go out of it with the area of 20 or less seconds and the clock starting on the ready? Will they have to use their time out before even starting their possession? I know 20 seconds isn't alot of time, but losing even 2-3 seconds getting set is a big deal at this point. Also will officials counter this by taking their time signaling the ready? Will this be the job of the chain gang to slow things up?

I don't referee football, but I'm a huge CFB fan, and I am concerned on the effect of things like this versus the advantage of speeding up games. I just think this is almost the equivalent of starting the clock the instant a FT in basketball is either good or no good (before touched or before B throws the ball in). Sure it speeds things up, but at what cost? Just my 2cents.
My job is a decision-making job, and as a result, I make a lot of decisions." --George W. Bush
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old Wed Jul 26, 2006, 04:37am
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IMO on a change of possession play the location of the ball at the end of the play has very little impact on the timing of the RFP. The RFP normally does not sound until:

- both teams have completed the offense/defense sub process,
- the ball is changed out (team B's ball in) and set,
- the chains are set,
- and the officiating crew has confirmed that they have completed all of their pre-snap duties and all are Ready For Play.

If teams are paying attention to the change and are up at the ball and ready to snap when the RFP sounds, then the new rule should have minimal impact on the game clock. The impact will be that teams will not now have the luxury of the 25 second play clock following the RFP before they have to snap the ball, unless they don't care that the game clock will be also be running.
"It's easy to get the players, Getting 'em to play together, that's the hard part." - Casey Stengel
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old Wed Jul 26, 2006, 08:14am
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Originally Posted by BoomerSooner
Does anyone think this will provide a disadvantage to team B? If for example they are trailing by 1 with 28 seconds on the clock 1 time out, A has 4th and 15 @ B's 40 - too far to kick a FG, Punt only nets 20 yards if TB - so A decides to run a play and gets 13 yards and leaves ball at the center of the field (leads to quicker ready due to not having to relay ball back to hash marks etc.). Will B be able to get offense set and make a go out of it with the area of 20 or less seconds and the clock starting on the ready? Will they have to use their time out before even starting their possession? I know 20 seconds isn't alot of time, but losing even 2-3 seconds getting set is a big deal at this point. Also will officials counter this by taking their time signaling the ready? Will this be the job of the chain gang to slow things up?

I don't referee football, but I'm a huge CFB fan, and I am concerned on the effect of things like this versus the advantage of speeding up games. I just think this is almost the equivalent of starting the clock the instant a FT in basketball is either good or no good (before touched or before B throws the ball in). Sure it speeds things up, but at what cost? Just my 2cents.
With any luck there will be several "key" games where this becomes an issue and the involved coaches will lean on their brethren on the rules committee to correct this stupid mistake THEY made.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old Wed Jul 26, 2006, 08:29am
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This will have a huge impact on the end of games.

Near the end the game, when the trailing team has to give the ball back to B, either by loss of downs, turnover, missed FG, what have you, B can run off an extra 25 seconds before A would have a chance to get it back.

i.e. Instead of the trailing team being able to take 3 timeouts after each of 1st, 2nd and 3rd downs, allowing the team that's ahead to have an entire possession only run 20-25 seconds off of the clock.... the clock will start on the ready before 1st down, meaning that no matter what, the leading team will get at least one play where they can run off the full play clock, and there's nothing that can be about it.

So aside from shortening the game in general, it also will shorten the end of games, and change the entire clock management strategy for coaches in tight ballgames. Considering that clock management is already the most overlooked part of coaching, it's only going to get worse.

Anyone else at the DIII level think we're going to see 2:15-2:30 games this year? These clock changes were designed for DI-A and their huge TV contracts.

How many changes of possession do we see in a typical game? 15-18, possibly more in some offensively challenged games. Now take about 20 seconds of playclock off for each of those. That's 5-6 minutes of GAME clock right there.
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old Wed Jul 26, 2006, 08:38am
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...and don't overlook #16 of Rom's Week 1 "Mini Missive"

RUN: Fourth and 3. A33 runs out of bounds for a gain of about three yards. Team B offside.

Even though A ran OOB, and B was offside, we're going to have to have a measurement to see when the clock will start.

Prior to '06, we'd just award the penalty, and go on the snap, since the play ended OOB.

Now, the play ends OOB, but if A was short of the line to gain, B would have been awarded a 1st down. So we'd go on the ready.

If A is short of the line to gain, they would accept B's penalty, and the clock goes on the ready.

If A made the first down, they would have the option of taking the penalty and going on the ready, or declining the foul and going on the snap, since the runner was OOB.

Boy are the coaches going to love that one late in the half/game, when they just quickly take the penalty since 5 is more than 3.
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