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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Thu Sep 07, 2006, 11:38pm
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Location: Indianola, Ia
Posts: 319
Coaches Comment you will chuckle...

Tonight freshman game. 2nd half close game home team just scores. Opposing coach after the kickoff is chirping in our HL ear. after the return he is just going on and on. i am the white hat blow it ready and all of sudden it is like a parachute coming from the sky. HL had enough and skyed an USC on the coach.

we march 15 yards and 1st and 25.

i asked hl couple plays later what was said/happened. he said he was just complaining about lack of holding calls, not consistent, missed a pass interference and on and on. HL warned him and finally had enough.

HL waited for the whistle to be a little more penal which i honestly agreed with.


His team punts and we are on the near hash to his sideline. He is still chirping and i overhear him saying he wants to talk to the white hat (me). hl says you can call a timeout but not to argue judgement only a ruling interpretation. he is mad and says to his assistant "make sure we call the high school union tomorrow i want this reported to them immediately."

i am laughing to myself now.

i ask the coach discretely over my shoulder, coach what is you concern or problem.

He says "I thought the only way i could get an unsporstmanslike conduct penalty was if i cursed/swore at an official. I dont think it is right i got one for not swearing"

Trying to stay focused on the upcoming play i replied "Coach there a plethora of things you can get a USC flag for but have time to explain all of them now"

Where do these guys come up with these things????
"Call what you see and see what you call!"
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Thu Sep 07, 2006, 11:47pm
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Posts: 170
"Coach, take your pick:"

9-8-1-a: "Using profanity, insulting or vulgar language or gestures."

9-8-1-b: "Attempting to influence a decision by an official."

9-8-1-c: "Disrespectfully addressing an official."

9-8-1-d: "Indicating objections to an official's decision."
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Fri Sep 08, 2006, 06:40am
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Location: SE Wisconsin
Posts: 266
Originally Posted by BoBo
Tonight freshman game. 2nd half close game home team just scores. Opposing coach after the kickoff is chirping in our HL ear. after the return he is just going on and on. i am the white hat blow it ready and all of sudden it is like a parachute coming from the sky. HL had enough and skyed an USC on the coach.

we march 15 yards and 1st and 25.

i asked hl couple plays later what was said/happened. he said he was just complaining about lack of holding calls, not consistent, missed a pass interference and on and on. HL warned him and finally had enough.

HL waited for the whistle to be a little more penal which i honestly agreed with.


His team punts and we are on the near hash to his sideline. He is still chirping and i overhear him saying he wants to talk to the white hat (me). hl says you can call a timeout but not to argue judgement only a ruling interpretation. he is mad and says to his assistant "make sure we call the high school union tomorrow i want this reported to them immediately."

i am laughing to myself now.

i ask the coach discretely over my shoulder, coach what is you concern or problem.

He says "I thought the only way i could get an unsporstmanslike conduct penalty was if i cursed/swore at an official. I dont think it is right i got one for not swearing"

Trying to stay focused on the upcoming play i replied "Coach there a plethora of things you can get a USC flag for but have time to explain all of them now"

Where do these guys come up with these things????

In our JV game last night my coach wanted a flag on a head tackle, did not grab the mask or a helmet opening and then he wanted me to call back a fumble on the other team because it was forward and the offense recoved it and advanced it. I try to explain it to him but he wasn't going to listen. So I told him that I had enough and that he was 0 for 2 on rules questions and we are only 6 minutes into the game.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Fri Sep 08, 2006, 07:02am
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Originally Posted by DJ_NV
"Coach, take your pick:"

9-8-1-b: "Attempting to influence a decision by an official."

9-8-1-d: "Indicating objections to an official's decision."
Need to be real careful about flagging these. Heck, that's part of the game at least in my mind.

I mean, hey, if the coach says "Mr. Official his knee was down." are you really going to throw a 15-yarder against the guy whose only trying to tell you what he saw? It's "how" he objects is what would and wouldn't warrant the hankie.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Fri Sep 08, 2006, 11:23am
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I am not flagging a coach for these actions. Chirping about this and that does not concern me. I would turn around and ask him if he has a question for me. If he does fine we will go from there. He can cuss and I will not pull trigger that fast. Waiting until RFP was blown in my opinion is cheap and not the best thing you can do here. Sorry IMHO you could have caused more issues than its worth for a 9th grade game.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Fri Sep 08, 2006, 12:38pm
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Originally Posted by rickref872
I am not flagging a coach for these actions. Chirping about this and that does not concern me. I would turn around and ask him if he has a question for me. If he does fine we will go from there. He can cuss and I will not pull trigger that fast. Waiting until RFP was blown in my opinion is cheap and not the best thing you can do here. Sorry IMHO you could have caused more issues than its worth for a 9th grade game.
I disagree. The coach wasn't asking questions, he was complaining. He was warned and kept going. If you warn a coach and don't follow through, that is when you end up with problems. Besides that, it's a 9th grade game, he should be coaching his players, not the officials.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Fri Sep 08, 2006, 12:59pm
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I agree completely, unless it gets out of hand. My point is that 1) unlike the inital post where the coach only thought he could get rung up for profanity, there's a couple more rules that can draw a flag, and 2) more importantly, it's just entertaining to read those rules. Few lines in the rulebook are a better example of the age-old discussion about the difference between "letter" and "spirit" of the rules. I guess I didn't note my sarcasm in text form.
One of the guidelines that we use in our association is when the coach starts using the word "you".
"That's a BS call!!" is different from "You are a terrible official." I'll let a coach have his brief two cents, however he loses a lot of latitude when he starts getting personal. Now it's certainly not because I have a thin skin..I've certainly been called worse. However, I do believe in upholding sportsmanship especially at the HS and NCAA level and I think that players need to see consequences when certain lines are crossed--and that's one of them.

Speaking of educating coachs, I was LJ on a Varsity game last Friday and I've got 1/10 at the B-26 going in. My sideline is on offense and during the play, the BJ and I have DPI down around the B-5, incomplete pass. So my sideline is happy with the call but then one of the assistant coaches yells to me, "Hey, you only marched off 13 yards! I thought it was a 15 yard penalty." He gave me a vacant look when I said we can only go 1/2 the distance. It was still deer in the headlights so I said that any 15 yard penalty inside the 30 (going in) will always be a 1/2 distance and not the full 15. Still nothing, so I gave up.

Last edited by DJ_NV; Fri Sep 08, 2006 at 01:04pm.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old Fri Sep 08, 2006, 01:23pm
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Location: Amarillo, Texas
Posts: 18
Originally Posted by Junker
I disagree. The coach wasn't asking questions, he was complaining. He was warned and kept going. If you warn a coach and don't follow through, that is when you end up with problems. Besides that, it's a 9th grade game, he should be coaching his players, not the officials.
So he was complaining. Why flag him for complaining? Coaches do this it is part of the game. As long as he is not busting out the personal insults etc why flag him. Yes if you are going to warn him you better trigger it. But I would not even have warned him that I would flag him. I would simply tell him that he has said his peace and we have heard him. 9 out 10 times this works. Waiting for RFP just to tack on 10 more yards is not professional. Tag him once and if he pipes up again tag him again if you are going that route.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old Fri Sep 08, 2006, 01:50pm
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Location: SE Wisconsin
Posts: 266
Speaking of educating coachs, I was LJ on a Varsity game last Friday and I've got 1/10 at the B-26 going in. My sideline is on offense and during the play, the BJ and I have DPI down around the B-5, incomplete pass. So my sideline is happy with the call but then one of the assistant coaches yells to me, "Hey, you only marched off 13 yards! I thought it was a 15 yard penalty." He gave me a vacant look when I said we can only go 1/2 the distance. It was still deer in the headlights so I said that any 15 yard penalty inside the 30 (going in) will always be a 1/2 distance and not the full 15. Still nothing, so I gave up.[/QUOTE]

Why do we think that coaches even know any of the rules..they are clueless, it is our job to know and enforce the rules!

Last edited by RonRef; Fri Sep 08, 2006 at 01:54pm.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old Sat Sep 09, 2006, 05:29pm
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JV game this morning, in our pregame with the visitors coach I asked him if all his players were legal. I had already noticed 3 clear mouthpieces. He said they were all legal, then we called out the 3 players we had seen. The coach had never heard of that rule. I told him it has been in since 2005 at least and I think 2004 letting coaches know it would be on the books in 2006. He said it was a dumb rule and whoever came up with it was an idiot. I told him all rules were made up by the coaches rule commitee. By the way, the other 40 players had yellow mouthpieces.

It was a good game, visitors kicked a 30 yard field goal as 4th period ended to tie the game. Head coaches were called to go over OT procedure. The visitors coach thought we would do a 5:00 minute overtime. I told him we started on the 20 yard line ( Ohio OT ) he looked suprised. Said if thats how we would do it that was ok with him. I told him it was the only way we would do it.
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  #11 (permalink)  
Old Sat Sep 09, 2006, 06:19pm
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Posts: 62
Just to throw it out there. . . .

Last nights varsity game, fairly good game for our area, was clean all game, 7 penalties between both teams. 2nd quarter the home QB is scrambling back behind the play, the DE goes to tackle him, grabs and then lets go almost immeadiatly of the QB's facemask. QB goes OOB for a slight loss. End result is a 5 yard Facemask and redo second down, like 2nd and 9 after the penalty is enforced from the end of the run.

We are on the hash near the visitor's sideline just before I blew it RFP and the coach addresses me by my first name and says "come on Dale. . . .that wasn't much of a facemask". I usually never address comments like that but it had me almost laughing, I turned and said "I know, that's why it was 5 and not 15". Maybe its me but I found it hillarious that he was make a comment like that in a serious matter.
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old Sun Sep 10, 2006, 06:13am
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As ump in baseball I get an ear full. I like being ump in football. Sure I get run over by the big guys, but the coaches are out of mind.

Last Friday I called a hold on visitor's #67 in the mid-second quarter. The wing relayed at halftime that after telling the visiting coach which of his players committed the foul, the coach said, "Well it's about time. He's been holding all game."
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