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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Wed Aug 31, 2005, 09:37am
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Couple Topics/Questions...

1. Is there anywhere in the NFHS materials that require the chains be run/set-up off of the sideline? I have not been able to find anywhere.

2. Are there any linesmen out there that set the clip on the goal line (in first and goal situations) as instructed in the Official's manual (page 13)? What is the reasoning for this?

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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Wed Aug 31, 2005, 09:47am
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1) we do move the chains 1 yard off of the sideline after the clip is set. it is in our ghsa manual for our state.

2)yes i do clip the goal line. just in case you have to come back to that spot. i know you say that the box man should be there, but near the goal line there are more opportunities for sweeps that can take him out. and near the goal line that is where "the game of inches" really counts.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Wed Aug 31, 2005, 09:51am
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Originally posted by jrfath
Couple Topics/Questions...

1. Is there anywhere in the NFHS materials that require the chains be run/set-up off of the sideline? I have not been able to find anywhere.
Rule 1-3-5b:

The measuring device and down marker shall be operated throughout the game outside and within 6 feet of the sideline on the side of the field opposite the press box, if there is one. If there is no press box, the location will be specified by game management at the request of the linesman. The measuring device shall be removed from the sideline when the line to gain is the goal line.

This is for everyone's safety!

We have the chain crew operate on the line for the player's box. Coaches can be in front of the chains but players cannot be. We go over this with the coaches in our pregame meeting.


2. Are there any linesmen out there that set the clip on the goal line (in first and goal situations) as instructed in the Official's manual (page 13)? What is the reasoning for this?
My crew does not do this.

[Edited by mikesears on Aug 31st, 2005 at 10:54 AM]
Mike Sears
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Wed Aug 31, 2005, 09:55am
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Our chain gangs always want to set up right on the sideline. When we are on the short side of the field and we get half of A setting up way to our side, I'll request they move back a few feet to give everyone room.

I clip the GL but the chain crew always tells me no one else does it. Maybe not, but I clip just out of habit. If you do get a sweep to your side and everyone bails out on you all you know is where the rods were. This would be a good reason for an auxilary set of markers on the opposite side. But of course, I've never seen an auxilary set of markers at any HS game around here.

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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Wed Aug 31, 2005, 09:12pm
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Despite the "we've be doing this for 30 years on the sidelines" pleas in high school games, I work them as far off as I can get them which usually winds up being 4 or 5 feet. NCAA games 6 feet all the time from end to end.

Never cliped at the GL prior to removing the chains. I (we) saw no benefit in doing so. Besides, had the ball been between the 10 and the 5, I would have cliped at the 5 anyhow. It might save you on one play only. Remote I'd say.

You see, when the line to gain is the goal line. I now have four people, the Box-man, both Rod-men and possibly a clip-man plus myself (so make that 5 people) who know where the ball position is at the start of every snap. It's no different then when the box-man has to bail out back at midfield. Your as the HL and he as the Box-man have to remember the previous spot until it's no longer the previous spot.

It should be no problem returning the ball to the previous spot within inches should the need arise. In NCAA games, I have a chart-man recording every ball position. I tell him what to write, so it is very easy in those games.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Wed Aug 31, 2005, 09:16pm
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As the name would indicate Im usually not on the chain side. However at a sub-varsity game this week I did get on the other side of the field as the white hat normally does this with our crew early in the year just to brush up on mechanics. It took all of about 3 plays before the chain crew was instructed to get back at the back side of the box going downfield, almost got tripped up in the chain onfirst down.

I like it on my side.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Wed Aug 31, 2005, 11:43pm
MJT MJT is offline
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We put the chains 2 yards off the sidelines last week and it worked great. If they give you any crap, just remind them that a chain gang guy from SD was killed last year, and an official almost killed. It is a safety issue, which all benefit from doing.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old Wed Aug 31, 2005, 11:51pm
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I do a lot of work on chain-crews, and we usually line up right on the line, or at most a yard off it.

Also, when I'm doing the box, I always clip the goaline. I dunno why, I just do it because the guy who taught me did it, and he does the chains for the pro team in town so he must know what he's doing.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old Thu Sep 01, 2005, 06:29am
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If I have room I have the chains at least a couple feet off the sideline. I never clip the goalline instead I have a member of the chain crew stand with a foot as a mark about 5 feet behind the box so if the box is taken out I have him to use.

Also, when I'm doing the box, I always clip the goaline. I dunno why, I just do it because the guy who taught me did it, and he does the chains for the pro team in town so he must know what he's doing.
It is in case the box gets moved/taken out, you have your previous spot. If you do clip the goal line then you have to reclip it after every down except an incomplete pass. Kind of a pain.

Need an out, get an out. Need a run, balk it in.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old Thu Sep 01, 2005, 08:32am
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What do you think about giving the box man a blue bean bag and anytime he needs to bail out, he drops it on the spot? I had someone suggest that to me and I am considering trying it out.
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  #11 (permalink)  
Old Thu Sep 01, 2005, 08:42am
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Despite my handle (a baseball holdover), I'm usually HL. My instructions are to get the clip set, and then back up, back up, and back up some more. I'd probably set them 5 yards off if I had the space. Since I only get 2 yards for most of the field, that's where they go - I want that 2 yards for me.
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old Thu Sep 01, 2005, 09:09am
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Originally posted by Biscuit
What do you think about giving the box man a blue bean bag and anytime he needs to bail out, he drops it on the spot? I had someone suggest that to me and I am considering trying it out.
Golf tees work really well. Give the clip man a couple of golf tees and have him put them in the ground. Works really well unless you are on artificial turf.

Mike Sears
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