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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Mon Feb 09, 2004, 07:05pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: May 2003
Location: Oregon
Posts: 90

Hey Fella's...

Sorry for the long post, but Oregon is going to experiment with a new rule change. The rule change will allow Team B to score during a PAT. Here is the information we have received so far. Any other states out there using this?

The following proposed rule change corrects this current inequity within the rules by allowing B the same opportunity to score during a try.

I have included only the simplified version and a couple of case plays. However, some interesting discussions are already arising.

Have fun with this.



If during an unsuccessful conversion or a successful conversion by A or B:

A foul by either team occurs the offended team has three options:
Accept the penalty and replay the down following enforcement from the previous spot.
Accept the result of the play with enforcement of the penalty from the succeeding spot.
Decline the penalty and accept the result of the play.

If a double foul occurs, the down is replayed.

A loss of down foul occurs by A, B has three options:
Accept the penalty and replay the down following enforcement from the previous spot.
Note: B automatically waives the loss of down aspect of the penalty in this situation.
Accept the result of the play with enforcement of the penalty from the succeeding spot.
Decline the penalty and accept the result of the play.

Inadvertent Whistle

If an inadvertent whistle occurs while the ball is in player or team possession of A,
rule 4-2-3 (Inadvertent Whistle) applies.
If an inadvertent whistle occurs while the ball is in player or team possession of B,
B may elect to replay the try (by A) or accept the result of the play.
Under no circumstances is B allowed to put the ball in play when a try is repeated.

Double Fouls
It is a double foul if both teams commit fouls, other than Unsportsmanlike or nonplayer, during the same live-ball period in which:
There is no change of team possession.
There is a change of team possession, and the team in possession at the end of the down fouls prior to the final change of possession.
There is a change of possession and the team in final possession accepts the penalty for its opponent’s foul.

If a double foul occurs, the try is repeated.
Under no circumstances is B allowed to put the ball in play when a try is repeated.


A is attempting a PAT from the B-3 yard line. A7 is guilty of illegal motion at the snap. A1 throws a forward pass which is intercepted by B1 and returned into A’s end zone.
RULING: The defensive conversion is successful, Award B 2 points. On the succeeding spot enforce the A 5- yard penalty. The normal net result will be A will kick off from the A35 yard line.

A is attempting a PAT from the B-3 yard line. A7 is guilty of illegal motion at the snap. A1 throws a forward pass which is intercepted by B1and returned 109 yards into A’s end zone. On the A-15 yard line B1 is flagged for an Unsportsmanlike act.
RULING: The defensive conversion is successful, Award B 2 points. On the succeeding spot enforce the A 5- yard penalty and the B 15-yard penalty. The normal net result being A will kickoff from the 50-yard line. Note: If the opponent of the team scoring the 6-point touchdown elects to kick off (as allowed in rule 8-3-9) the net result will be Team B shall kick off from the B30 yard line

K is attempting a PAT from the B-3 yard line. The kick is blocked behind the neutral zone by R7. R8 picks up the loose ball on the B10 and returns it 90 yards into A’s end zone
RULING: Award R with a 2-point defensive conversion.

K is attempting a PAT from the B-3 yard line. The kick is partially blocked by R7 and is caught by R8 on the B1 yard line. R8 returns the ball 99 yards into A’s end zone
RULING: Award R with a 2-point defensive conversion.

K is attempting a PAT from the B-3 yard line. The kick is partially blocked by R7 and is caught by R8 B’s end zone. R8 returns the ball 105 yards into A’s end zone.
RULING: The result of the play is a touchback and therefore the try is unsuccessful.

K is attempting a PAT from the B-3 yard line. The kick is blocked in the neutral zone, and then continues into B’s end zone. The ball is downed in the B end zone by: a) A1 or b) B1
RULING: a) Touchdown, award K 2-points, in b) the result of the play is a touchback and therefore the try is unsuccessful.

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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Mon Feb 09, 2004, 09:49pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: Fort Myers FL
Posts: 600

I'm assuming this is a Federation experiment ??
If so, I ask why ?? This is one they should not
change to emulate college ball.
Keep everything in front of you
and have fun out there !!
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Tue Feb 10, 2004, 10:31am
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Join Date: Jun 2001
Location: Clinton Township, NJ
Posts: 2,065
REPLY: If the Fed ever does implement this, I'll take a dollar for every inadvertent whistle on a try...and retire! I know in my first college game, a point was blocked and it took a lot of effort not to blow the whistle.
Bob M.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Tue Feb 10, 2004, 12:32pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: May 2000
Posts: 1,464
Agree Bob. As much as I do like to see NCAA rules filter down, this is one that I can live without. Really wonder what was the inspiration for this experiment.

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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Tue Feb 10, 2004, 01:46pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: May 2003
Location: Oregon
Posts: 90

Not really sure why the experiment, but a couple of thoughts already. Personally, at first glance, I like the rule, but the IW does come into play.

On this caseplay....
K is attempting a PAT from the B-3 yard line. The kick is blocked in the neutral zone, and then continues into B’s end zone. The ball is downed in the B end zone by: a) A1 or b) B1
RULING: a) Touchdown, award K 2-points, in b) the result of the play is a touchback and therefore the try is unsuccessful.

How can this be a touchdown? The ball became dead when it broke the plane?? Plus, wouldn't this be first touching if A recovered it? Also, how can they justify enforcing both fouls at the succeeding spot? Just random thoughts...
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Tue Feb 10, 2004, 02:15pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Jun 2001
Location: Clinton Township, NJ
Posts: 2,065
REPLY: Agree, Uncle E. Situation (a) can't possibly be a TD. Can't even be any kind of successful try IMHO.
Bob M.
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