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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Sun Dec 05, 2010, 09:52am
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Best cold weather gear???

Need some help, guys! What is the best cold weather gear for extremely cold weather? I'm talking about weather in the single digits. I saw some underarmour stuff from Honigs. Are these good enough?


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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Sun Dec 05, 2010, 12:21pm
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Ive got a pair of those new style leggings, they're great. But when it gets extremely cold, I also wear a pair of the old style 50/50 cotton/poly thermal long-johns on top of them. My philosophy, rather be too warm than too cold.

Top half, as I can't get on with wearing a rain jacket (can't get to my flags, bags, game cards, etc) I've got one of the Honig windstopper long sleeve shirts - Honig's Whistle Stop - GF12 - WEATHER DEFENDER LINED LONG SLEEVE STRIPED SHIRT I only got it recently and wore it for the 1st time last weekend, it's great!
Under it I wear a T-shirt and a black long sleeve 100% fine wool turtleneck I found in a regular menswear store years ago. Toasty warm. Also use an ear warmer, they are pretty good too - Honig's Whistle Stop - FEP - EAR PROTECTOR got black and also a white one as I sometimes work White Hat.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Sun Dec 05, 2010, 04:08pm
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I wear a Nike pro mock that keeps me warm, but I haven't worn it in "single" digits. I think its actually best to start with the basics: if you can keep your hands and feet warm (and dry), you are well on your way.

We don't get much cold weather, so I am far from the expert, but from my experience skiing and other cold weather ventures, layering is what you want to do. Start with the mock similar to the one I referenced (or the UA), then in cold but not real cold weather you can wear a standard long sleeve -- I've got a light weight one I bought this year (Smitty) that is great for just this. The mock does all the work, if you will. And if it warms up a bit or doesn't get as cold as you thought, no problem. These things are designed to keep you warm but not overheat.

If its a bit colder, and especially windy, go with the mock and a "weatherbeater" type shirt. Both Honigs and Smitty make those. I'll get one next year -- haven't worn one but hear good things about it. The old standard doubleknit poly shirts might work, but those things have pretty much gone the way of the dino for most everything.

Then, if its really really cold, I'd recommend the mock topped with a fleece pulloever -- either half zip or crew -- topped by the weatherbeater. I can't imagine this not keeping you warm in the coldest of weather. Probably a little bulkier than you'd like but it isn't that bad and still looks a lot better than a jacket.

Bottom line: one mock, one fleece, and 2 long sleeve shirts SHOULD cover most games south of the north pole.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Mon Dec 06, 2010, 09:21am
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Wool rocks because it will keep you warm, even if it gets wet (as opposed to cotton, which will get clammy when wet). And smartwool stuff doesn't itch like your grandpa's old sweaters used to.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Mon Dec 06, 2010, 12:14pm
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The best I've found is UnderArmour Base Layer 3.0 for extreme cold. You can find this in local ski shops. Skiers and hunters use it. 3.0 is the highest level. 2.0 and 1.0 are available. Remember that having a good hat is what's really important. Your body will send all it's heat to your heart and brain since they are the most vital organs. When it does this, your extremities get no heat. Get a good hat. I layer an underarmour skull cap underneath to provide an extra barrier.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Mon Dec 06, 2010, 12:48pm
Chain of Fools
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Rocky has a heavy duty poly fleece underwear that can be obtained from your local Wal-mart hunting section. Prior to the black pants, I couldn't wear the bottoms due to the Rocky's are not cuffed. With the black pants and the extra room in the straddle that comes with them, I layered over running tights and and a mock t-neck and stayed comfortable.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Tue Dec 07, 2010, 11:10pm
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Keep it simple

I use just UA cold weather top and bottoms with the windstopper shirt and black pants. If it's really cold wear the open face mask to keep your head, ears and neck warm and nice pair of gloves that you can write, handle your beanbags, flags and throw and catch the ball. I use the NFL gloves from Honig's. Stay active and keep moving and you'll be just fine. Spend the money and buy the nice stuff and again keep it simple, the fewer layers you wear the better you can preform. This is coming from an official that referees in wind, snow and temps in the teens or colder a few weeks every year.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old Wed Dec 08, 2010, 10:18am
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Originally Posted by wyo-referee View Post
I use just UA cold weather top and bottoms with the windstopper shirt and black pants. If it's really cold wear the open face mask to keep your head, ears and neck warm and nice pair of gloves that you can write, handle your beanbags, flags and throw and catch the ball. I use the NFL gloves from Honig's. Stay active and keep moving and you'll be just fine. Spend the money and buy the nice stuff and again keep it simple, the fewer layers you wear the better you can preform. This is coming from an official that referees in wind, snow and temps in the teens or colder a few weeks every year.
what are you doing in this forum the indoor sport is in full swing LOL
The officials lament, or the coaches excuses as it were: "I didn't say it was your fault, I said I was going to blame you"
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old Wed Dec 08, 2010, 10:46am
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I replaced some of my UA original base layer stuff with the I swear by the UA Cold Gear lines. I wear it during any outdoor activities in winter and during gun deer hunting season here in WI.

I know an official that just bought some new "Ice Armor" base layer wear that is actually geared towards ice fishing. It has Merino wool blended with poly (like 80/20), and it is supposed to be incredibly warm...probably too warm for anyone that hustles, unless it's crazy cold out.
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