Forum: Basketball
Mon Feb 01, 2010, 11:59am
Replies: 7
Views: 1,415
Forum: Basketball
Mon Feb 01, 2010, 11:55am
Replies: 56
Views: 4,547
Forum: Basketball
Mon Jan 25, 2010, 10:01am
Replies: 14
Views: 1,607
A JV boys game. Early in the game team A was...
A JV boys game. Early in the game team A was given a delay of game warning for reaching over endline and contacting the ball in the throwers hand. Late in the game after a timeout team A was given...
Forum: Basketball
Mon Jan 11, 2010, 04:25pm
Replies: 27
Views: 3,172
Forum: Basketball
Fri Dec 14, 2007, 04:48pm
Replies: 47
Views: 4,701
Forum: Basketball
Wed Dec 05, 2007, 01:48pm
Replies: 12
Views: 1,631
Forum: Basketball
Tue Feb 20, 2007, 03:04pm
Replies: 45
Views: 4,422
Forum: Basketball
Tue Jan 23, 2007, 04:15pm
Replies: 5
Views: 1,193
Forum: Basketball
Tue Jan 23, 2007, 04:09pm
Replies: 5
Views: 1,193
Back Court Situation
A1 establishes frontcourt status and has the ball stolen by B1. B1 is now in his backcourt with control. As B1 is nearing the division line, A1 tips the ball from B1 and causes the ball to go into...
Forum: Basketball
Fri Jan 12, 2007, 03:29pm
Replies: 45
Views: 4,914
I agree with Snaq & Jurassic.
No basket...
I agree with Snaq & Jurassic.
No basket for Team B - A's shot was not a legitimate shot attempt.
Ball is dead immediately after the foul.
Team A will shoot 1/1 or 2 depending on the foul...
Forum: Basketball
Sat Jan 06, 2007, 04:55pm
Replies: 38
Views: 3,901
Forum: Basketball
Thu Jan 04, 2007, 04:32pm
Replies: 13
Views: 1,271
Welcome to the madness
The new officials in our association are urged to go with veteran officials where there is a JV/V double header and work the JV game with experienced, knowledgeable people. Usually, one veteran...
Forum: Basketball
Thu Jan 04, 2007, 03:48pm
Replies: 15
Views: 1,993
Forum: Basketball
Thu Jan 04, 2007, 03:33pm
Replies: 15
Views: 1,993
You are correct. Are you quoting the rule book...
You are correct. Are you quoting the rule book or did you know this rule by heart? (just curious):rolleyes: :rolleyes:
What if the A1 fumbles the SECOND tap from one hand to another prior to B1...
Forum: Basketball
Thu Jan 04, 2007, 11:41am
Replies: 15
Views: 1,993
Forum: Basketball
Thu Jan 04, 2007, 11:24am
Replies: 15
Views: 1,993
A good rules question.......
:rolleyes: A fellow official asked me this question. Just for fun, answer the question just as it would happen in the other words don’t check your rulebook first. Jump ball to start...
Forum: Basketball
Thu Jan 04, 2007, 10:10am
Replies: 40
Views: 3,324
I don't like having the would of, could of,...
I don't like having the would of, could of, should of, attitude after a game. If a player or coach crosses the line, take care of business. A "T" is just administering the rules. It's not...
Forum: Basketball
Tue Jan 02, 2007, 09:37am
Replies: 30
Views: 4,558
I agree 100%. This ball goes back to the...
I agree 100%. This ball goes back to the original throw-in spot with 1.1 back on the clock. Everything that happened after the horn sounded, unless flagrant, is meaningless.
Forum: Basketball
Sun Dec 31, 2006, 05:17pm
Replies: 20
Views: 2,717
Forum: Basketball
Fri Dec 29, 2006, 08:57pm
Replies: 41
Views: 5,245
You bring up a valid point. I have never...
You bring up a valid point. I have never considered the rule 3-4-15 from that perspective. I'll have to ponder this one for a moment. I thought the shirt-tuck rule was intended for all players...
Forum: Basketball
Fri Dec 29, 2006, 04:16pm
Replies: 111
Views: 7,982
Old School, you remind me of "Rocky" (the first...
Old School, you remind me of "Rocky" (the first movie) You appear to be strong in your beliefs, but in the end your getting the crap kicked out of yourself and your going to end up losing this fight.
Forum: Basketball
Fri Dec 29, 2006, 02:38pm
Replies: 41
Views: 5,245
Forum: Basketball
Fri Dec 29, 2006, 02:14pm
Replies: 111
Views: 7,982
Forum: Basketball
Fri Dec 29, 2006, 01:58pm
Replies: 41
Views: 5,245
Forum: Basketball
Fri Dec 29, 2006, 11:44am
Replies: 5
Views: 1,289