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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Fri Oct 29, 2004, 02:38pm
Join Date: May 2004
Posts: 554
Just a the VP for AOA Baseball,
are you not concerned that a Board member is so flagrantly breaching our code of ethics?

I know that you are ashamed of some of the language that has passed from these fingetips, but you have to acknowldege that during that last exchange, the name calling and buffonery was all one sided. I tried to state the facts and argue them on merit. You have been around a long time and know the difference between assisting other officials and enabling them. I have refrained from using any names or referencing a specific topic here, because you know what we are talking about. Your thoughts...

[Edited by WindyCityBlue on Oct 29th, 2004 at 04:13 PM]
  #2 (permalink)  
Old Sat Oct 30, 2004, 02:14am
Do not give a damn!!
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I am a VP in that organization too. Not only am I a VP, but I am a VP in the sport in question.

Bob is no more on the hierarchy than me. And he has little say what our board does in basketball, because he is not on that board. Just like I cannot tell you what you do in your organization.

Your comment just goes to show how much out of the loop you really are. Actually it is kind of sad. You actually think you are respected in these parts.

Let us get into "Good Trouble."
Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)
  #3 (permalink)  
Old Sat Oct 30, 2004, 07:41am
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... So, the Bears have a little quarterback problem.
  #4 (permalink)  
Old Sat Oct 30, 2004, 10:18am
Do not give a damn!!
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Location: On the border
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I hope you realize that I hate the Bears with a passion.

Let us get into "Good Trouble."
Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)
  #5 (permalink)  
Old Sat Oct 30, 2004, 10:50am
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In the Big House.

Originally posted by JRutledge
I hope you realize that I hate the Bears with a passion.

Yeah, I figgered.
How 'bout:
Go Spartans!

  #6 (permalink)  
Old Sat Oct 30, 2004, 10:51am
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Originally posted by WindyCityBlue
Just a the VP for AOA Baseball,
are you not concerned that a Board member is so flagrantly breaching our code of ethics?

1) I don't know that your assumption is true.

2) I think that there are more efficient / useful ways of discussing the test at association meetings.

3) In other associations, we've not discussed the test -- the members strongly indicated they wanted that topic back.

4) Feel free to contact me off-line to discuss this more.
  #7 (permalink)  
Old Sat Oct 30, 2004, 11:13am
Join Date: May 2004
Posts: 554
If I was going to call, it would certainly be about something more important than "He who we don't dare speak his name".

Besides, you read the interaction. You saw where the vitriol was directed and by whom. I have a serious issue with those that enable others to cheat. I don't like players, coaches and officials that cheat or turn their heads when others do. Maybe some organizations condone this, but I know a few of the guys in AOA and know that they don't act this way. Also, I thinks it became painfully obvious who has the emotional control issue here.

I asked why you didn't send a personal email tyo him because I thought you could keep him from heaping more ridicule onto your group. Bob, Dave, Tim and yourself don't help others cheat, why would you stand back and watch him do it?
  #8 (permalink)  
Old Sat Oct 30, 2004, 07:09pm
Do not give a damn!!
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Location: On the border
Posts: 30,539
Originally posted by WindyCityBlue
Besides, you read the interaction. You saw where the vitriol was directed and by whom.
Because you are a fool and yes I have no problem calling you that. You cannot throw a stone and put your name on it. I can do so and tell you where I am when I was throwing one.

Originally posted by WindyCityBlue
Maybe some organizations condone this, but I know a few of the guys in AOA and know that they don't act this way. Also, I thinks it became painfully obvious who has the emotional control issue here.
The organization went over the exam in 3 sports with their members. Not sure what you are talking about. But the usual talking out of your a@@ and hoping that someone will believe you. Not one person has ever stood up and said they thought it was cheating or wrong. The tests that we take in this state are all open book tests. So if you have a problem with that, take your issue up with the IHSA. But also understand that everyone I have sent my emails to me is not from Illinois. As a matter of fact they go out of their way to explain what state they are from and why they want the answers or to check their answers.

Originally posted by WindyCityBlue
I asked why you didn't send a personal email tyo him because I thought you could keep him from heaping more ridicule onto your group. Bob, Dave, Tim and yourself don't help others cheat, why would you stand back and watch him do it?
Dave has us go over the test in baseball. They were doing it before he was president. They have done it since he took over the position as President. Tim was not only in the room when we went over the test this year, but was in the board meeting when we discussed going over the test in Basketball. He also was there when we discussed our Baseball Agenda for this past season (Bob was not btw) and took part in review of the test in our baseball meetings. And not only does this take place in this organization, it takes place in both football organizations I belong to and all the basketball organizations I belong to. And I do not sit in any board position in most of them to set the agenda or to decide what should be discussed or not discussed.

I would also say this, what the hell is Bob going to do to me? With all due respect, Bob might disagree with a position I take, but there is not a hell of a lot he can do about it. That goes both ways. If Bob wants to do something or takes a position, if the people that he serves disagree with his position, they can run and vote him out. Bob is not my boss, nor is he able to tell me what to do. I like Bob a lot, but you must be stupid if you feel any single official has that much power over anything I do or anyone else in our organization does. I am currently the VP of this organization because I was nominated and voted in by the membership.

I think you need to check your facts and know what you are talking about before you come here to tell everyone what I have done and what you think you know of others.

Let us get into "Good Trouble."
Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)
  #9 (permalink)  
Old Sat Oct 30, 2004, 10:29pm
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Location: Houghton, U.P., Michigan
Posts: 9,953

Your exchanges are becoming an unwanted distraction.
They are not in the best interests of this forum.

I understand the need to defend yourselves, but this is not a good, or accepted place to accomplish that end.

Please stop and enjoy the forum in other ways.
  #10 (permalink)  
Old Sun Oct 31, 2004, 12:10am
Do not give a damn!!
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Location: On the border
Posts: 30,539
Angry Sorry, I cannot do that.


Then why do you allow this clown to keep posting? With all due respect, this individual is not an official in the sport of the forums he participates a great deal of the time. He starts talking about people, issues and things he knows nothing about. He constantly gets personal and makes every post with a brick in his hand. I do not make posts to disprove this clown when it has nothing to do with my sport or issue. If he does not like what I have done, he has the opportunity to take it up with the governing body that we deal with. I have yet to hear anything from the IHSA or anyone associated with the IHSA. As a matter of fact, I was called to work a football playoff by the very person he claimed he was going to report me to. I have no problem taking responsibility for my actions, but I did not create a post to go after someone's organization and to try to use the relationship with another individual that happens to be a member. I will always defend that no matter where that is. If you do not want me to respond, delete posts like this. I would feel the same way if I came here to only rip people in someone's organization and started name dropping to try to make a point or threaten that individual. You guys have let this action continue over the months and I am not going to set back and say nothing. You hit me with your fist. I will come back with gun. I do not play that mess. But I do not come here to cheap shot people or try to threaten people with names to try to make them fall in line with my philosophy.

I stand by my actions and words. If this clown does not like it, he can contact me thru email or he can face me in person. I am not a scared little boy worried about some man behind the curtain. So if you do not like my actions mick, get rid of posts like this. You have the power to do so. I am not taking a hit sitting on my hands.

Let us get into "Good Trouble."
Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)
  #11 (permalink)  
Old Sun Oct 31, 2004, 08:15am
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Originally posted by mick
Go Spartans!
They almost did. Helluva game- I watched the 2nd half and the OT's. College football at it's best!
  #12 (permalink)  
Old Sun Oct 31, 2004, 08:44am
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Location: Houghton, U.P., Michigan
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Originally posted by Jurassic Referee
Originally posted by mick
Go Spartans!
They almost did. Helluva game- I watched the 2nd half and the OT's. College football at it's best! [/B]
YU.P. Real fine football!
Michigan true freshman TB [Hart] 3rd 200+ rushing game in a row.
WR Braylon Edwards ... amazingly strong hands.
The Big House doesn't have a bad seat.
[Local undefeated DII Michigan Tech will play there next weekend.]
  #13 (permalink)  
Old Mon Nov 01, 2004, 10:34am
Join Date: May 2004
Posts: 554
Mick, I respectfully disagreee.

Effective communication of your opinion is an important tool in officiating. We are sometimes involved in heated arguments and require the ability to maintain control while handling sticky situations. I've been involved in many discussions that have led to name calling and finger pointing. I'm still able to sleep at night and know that the barbs they toss mean very little in the scheme of things.

I hope you've been around long enough to have seen some of the better officials handle these fracases. Some are able to do it with a look, others with a few zingers of their own. Some of us can accomplish the job without acting like toddlers. A wise old umpire once told me, “You may never covince them that your right, but never let them prove you wrong.” That is all that is transpiring here. The members can see who is winning the battle. I have not one all of them, but, I’ve learned from all of them. I’m fairly certain that some of our members are learning what not to say to someonone who can argue well.

Lastly, you and Bob can edit or delete any post that crosses the line. You have exercised this ability to some success. I encourage you to act like a judge - sit back , listen (smile occassionally when a well chosen turn of words comes your way) and control the situation. The jury recognizes the merit of the arguments. Our members are particularly vocal when one of us missteps. That is the beauty of officiating. We have to be on our toes all of the time. The ones that survive and thrive have learned that not all battles are worth blood.

BTW - I won $100 on the Maize and Blue, so I'm starting the week in a good mood.
  #14 (permalink)  
Old Mon Nov 01, 2004, 10:39am
Do not give a damn!!
Join Date: Jun 2000
Location: On the border
Posts: 30,539
Re: In the Big House.

All I know is that we won again.

Go Blue!



Let us get into "Good Trouble."
Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)
  #15 (permalink)  
Old Mon Nov 01, 2004, 11:42am
Join Date: May 2004
Posts: 554
Go in WindyCityBlue?

Thank you, Jeff!
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