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  #31 (permalink)  
Old Thu May 11, 2006, 01:53pm
Do not give a damn!!
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Originally Posted by icallfouls
The game and actions of the official in question happened during the "off-season" when not all officials feel the same way. If the guy is just a warm body, then the assignor got what was needed out of him. If that is the case then why assign this official. It would be the assignors fault for not putting a more professional/responsible person on the floor. Officials are an extension of the assignor and if if the assignor chooses to put this type of official on the floor, the assignor should know who he employs.
Where I live, a lot of "off-season" games are assigned by people who are not assignors during the regular season. So it is not unusual for a "warm body" to be at these games. Sometimes the off-season are assigned by coaches, officials (who are not necessarily well respected), ADs or some AAU coach that hires who he knows. When you take these games, you cannot expect everyone is going to come to the game with the same level of professionalism or attitude about the game. Also these games are a cash cow for many officials and they are not concerned about all the things people here seemed to be worried about. This is why I personally would not say a word or let it upset me. I have been in enough situations during the off-season where you cannot be so uptight about what your partner does. Half the time I just want a warm body to work with so at the very least I do not have to run as much. My expectations at this time of year are just not that high.

Let us get into "Good Trouble."
Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)
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  #32 (permalink)  
Old Thu May 11, 2006, 02:09pm
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This is why I personally would not say a word or let it upset me. I have been in enough situations during the off-season where you cannot be so uptight about what your partner does. Half the time I just want a warm body to work with so at the very least I do not have to run as much. My expectations at this time of year are just not that high.
I guess you are correct, But it's tough. When I put on the stripes, My focus is in calling a good game no great game with the utmost respect of all parties involved, wheather regular season, off season anytime. I respect that position. Ultimalty it's for the the players, and I'm being paid to do a great job. It they wanted someone to call a lousy game they wouldn't hire expereinced officials. they would take on the fanboys from the stands..
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  #33 (permalink)  
Old Thu May 11, 2006, 02:14pm
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Knowing icallfouls personally (soory Jim, I know you wanted to keep that a secret so it didn't ruin your rep.!!) I can guarantee you that he would NOT act like this person in the OP, and that he takes officiating VERY seriously.

I still think that confronting the guy in the OP just isn't going to accomplish anything, and the comment that the OP'er made when the partner asked for the ball to shoot around just didn't serve any constructive purpose...wait until later and then let the guy know what he did that was unprofessional and how much it hurt the crew...

As far as the advocate business goes - I had a situation with a newer ref years ago who wanted to do a middle school double header wearing his baseball hat backwards, clowning around with the kids, etc...the guy was just out of college, was reffing for spending money, and didn't know any better. We had a chat after the games - took him out for a pop and we discussed professionalism and why it is so important in our hobby. 12 years later that guy was the President of our Association, a State rated official, etc...when some dumb-a$$ parents came to the board complaing that i was biased against their son's HS team, that guy was MY advocate and defended me don't assume that because he's screwing around now means he won't go anywhere in the future - be an idiot to him now and when the time comes, he won't have your back.
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  #34 (permalink)  
Old Thu May 11, 2006, 02:18pm
Do not give a damn!!
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Location: On the border
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Originally Posted by Ref_ Fred
I guess you are correct, But it's tough. When I put on the stripes, My focus is in calling a good game no great game with the utmost respect of all parties involved, wheather regular season, off season anytime. I respect that position. Ultimalty it's for the the players, and I'm being paid to do a great job. It they wanted someone to call a lousy game they wouldn't hire expereinced officials. they would take on the fanboys from the stands..
Even for the players it is the "off season." You do not any championships that hang on any banner for a win or a loss that takes place in the off-season. I never said to not give it your all or to put your best foot forward. It is just a laid back environment and I am not going to expect at every timeout my partner and I to stand on the opposite blocks. I have even worked "off-season" games with officials that I do not respect, but I still have to get through the game. The foul reporting is laid back, the coaching box rules are non-existed and definitely uniform rules are extremely laid back. I am not going get upset if my partner is not perfect for a couple of hours. It might be annoying, but there are worse things that can happen.

Let us get into "Good Trouble."
Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)
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  #35 (permalink)  
Old Thu May 11, 2006, 02:45pm
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Posts: 231
Originally Posted by Back In The Saddle
Reacts to criticism from the crowd by talking back, several times. He offers people the opportunity to come do it better and even threatens to call the game.
After all this, during one timeout I'm holding the ball and he asks me for it so he can shoot around. I ask him quietly, "What, you don't think we've got enough problems already tonight?" He looks at me like he has no idea what I'm talking about. So I toss him the ball and walk away.

Today I'm wondering, as a matter of professionalism or just general principle, if I should have (a) kept the ball and walked away, and/or (b) gotten in this guy's grill about his behavior.

What would you have done? What if it were a regular season game, rather than a summer tourney?
BITS, am I right to assume that this is a new(er) official since you didn't know his name? How long do you think he's reffed for?

Just as another person said, this individual might not have been exposed to professionalism before and not know what's expected.

If one of my partners asked for the ball in that situation I'd simply say quietly to him, "I don't think it's the right time to shoot the ball around."

After your original statement since he looked baffled I wouldn't resign, but I'd clarify it for him and say, "It's probably not professional to do that right now."

I always try to say it politely and without bite in my tone so my partner doesn't get defensive. Teaching opportunities aren't only for players and coaches, but for your partner(s) as well.
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  #36 (permalink)  
Old Thu May 11, 2006, 05:46pm
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I work alot of offseason basketball and I think every assignor would want to know if someone was totally actin a fool. The person running that tournament is probably doing so to make money and the coaches/players/parents are his customers. If they are not happy, they won't be back for the next one. If the tournament director gets to many complaints about the officials, he'll look for someone else to assign his next tournament. IMO, those customers are looking for a competitive, well organized, well officiated tournament. We're an important part of that 3 legged stool.

Possibly, a well worded question during timeouts would keep him there talking officiating philosophies rather that shooting baskets or arguing with fanboy. Could also lead into converstions about areas of concern with him like what his thoughts are on coverage areas, rebounding action, etc.

I'm probably not rippin someone a new one in front of everyone unless I'm truly hoping to finish by myself.
Do you ever feel like your stuff strutted off without you?
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  #37 (permalink)  
Old Thu May 11, 2006, 08:08pm
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Not to pile on a ref. I just wanted to emphisize what Chris just pointed out. Even in the summer time; players, referees, parents, coaches, etc... all want games to be called by good officials. I'm sure I'm preaching to the choir here with this audience, but it might effect how you guys work with partners in these summer games.

For example, my daughter played two weeks ago in an AAU regional tournament. There were fantastic refs for this tournament. Did they get every last call right? I doubt it (but I couldn't really point to a kicked call all weekend)...but they hustled, they had good mechanics, they paid attention, etc.... You don't always see this in summer ball or in youth basketball. I made sure to find the tournament director on Sunday and compliment the officials.

Last weekend we played in a tournament. On Sunday we played in a game that was horribly refed. Nothing against you guys, but these refs (one of the two in particular) were pathetic. There were awful calls (both ways) the whole game. At the end of the game, Team A up 2 with 10 seconds left. Team B has the ball, B1 has the ball on the wing standing still, not guarded close, not driving or dribbling, throws a pass back to the top of the key. The one ref calls a traveling call, that I swear no one in the building saw that way except him. She didn't switch pivot feet or take a dribble, I don't know for sure what he thinks he saw, and neither did anyone else. Her pivot foot didn't even come off the floor, I guess he thought she scooted her pivot foot, but I didn't see it, and I had a good angle.

I guess even if there was a scoot of a half inch that no one else saw, was there really an advantage gained? I guess I'll leave that question to you guys.

After the game Coach A said "I was trying to get them to call traveling the whole game, on some obvious ones, and then that guy whistles some phantom call at the end".

Before the game, the one ref was on the floor and we were waiting a few minutes for this other ref to show up. The ref who was already there was standing by the table, when he sees the other ref show up he says "I'd rather ref this game by myself then work with this clown." I know that goes against everything you guys believe with not selling out your partner and such...but might give you a clue as to this guy's competency level.

The kicker is, our club hosted this tournament. In essence we hired this guy (through an assigner). In the end in doesn't matter, it's just a game and in the long run it means squat. But I wish the assigner could have found more quality refs for the tourney, rather than some "warm bodies" as you guys put it.

I've been around here for a few months, and I hope you guys don't think I'm just ragging on some refs, because really that is not my style. I think anyone who does what you guys do and the level that most of you do it, is very special and really cares about kids. I keep my mouth shut "almost" all the time about the refs, but I feel comfortable venting in this environment.

I just have to keep in mind that even in the summer, everyone is trying to get better. I guess including the refs.

And before you ask, our team lost and my daughter was the one who traveled. We beat the team on Saturday by 19 and lost on Sunday by what ended up being 4 points in OT. But no matter what the refs did or didn't call, if our Center hits a three foot shot at the end of regulation we win the game. No sour grapes here. Just wishing more of you quality guys would work the summer games, rather than leaving it to the "warm bodies". Maybe there isn't enough quality refs to completely cover middle school age girls ball in the summer, given that there is plenty of competition for your services.
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  #38 (permalink)  
Old Fri May 12, 2006, 07:04am
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Maybe there isn't enough quality refs to completely cover middle school age girls ball in the summer, given that there is plenty of competition for your services.
spring and summer basketball competes with many sports. Soccer, Baseball, and most of the time the same official that does basketball also does the other sports.

As for the comment that the other offical made,

The ref who was already there was standing by the table, when he sees the other ref show up he says "I'd rather ref this game by myself then work with this clown."
There is an official code of ethics. if he said that loud enough for you to hear, he isn't foolwing the code. If he had any comment about his partner he should have kep it to himself.
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  #39 (permalink)  
Old Fri May 12, 2006, 07:18am
Courageous When Prudent
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Originally Posted by rockyroad
when some dumb-a$$ parents came to the board complaing that i was biased against their son's HS team, that guy was MY advocate and defended me don't assume that because he's screwing around now means he won't go anywhere in the future - be an idiot to him now and when the time comes, he won't have your back.
Rocky, while I completely understand and agree with your points that you should not be an idiot to others and that people change for the better, I would hope and think his decision to defend you "fiercely" was based upon your abilities and integrity as a ref today, and not whether or not you were an a-hole to him 12 years ago.

Originally Posted by grizwald
Maybe there isn't enough quality refs to completely cover middle school age girls ball in the summer, given that there is plenty of competition for your services.
Griz, it also has a lot to do with supply & demand, vacations, personal schedules, family, full-time jobs, etc, etc. Speaking for myself, from mid-November thru February basketball is a high priority and I adjust a lot my life around my game schedule. But March through mid-November I put things back in the proper perspective and I take my games based almost solely on my personal desire to work certain games and/or tournaments. Of course, I have off-season assignors who have earned more of my loyalty than others, so I will always help them out as much as possible. But there are times when an assignor will call and ask me to work a certain level of ball I will say 'no' just because I'd rather be doing something else that weekend.

Secondly, remember, in the off-season officials are looking to do things to advance their careers. And the higher an official gets on his/her personal ladder of success the least likely he/she will be available or willing to do certain levels of games.

Lastly, remember young and/or inexperienced officials need to get their feet wet and earn their wings (am I mixing metaphors) somewhere, and a lot times it's in those elementary and middle school-aged games where that occurs. You can't just throw brand new officials on a JV or Varsity court, their has to be a "minor league system" for them to learn and grow and make their mistake as referees.
A-hole formerly known as BNR

Last edited by Raymond; Fri May 12, 2006 at 07:53am.
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  #40 (permalink)  
Old Fri May 12, 2006, 09:40am
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Originally Posted by BadNewsRef
Rocky, while I completely understand and agree with your points that you should not be an idiot to others and that people change for the better, I would hope and think his decision to defend you "fiercely" was based upon your abilities and integrity as a ref today, and not whether or not you were an a-hole to him 12 years ago.


Of course it was...But...had I been an a-hole to him years ago, would he have been willing to defend me? The old saying "what goes around, comes around" pops into my head here.
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  #41 (permalink)  
Old Fri May 12, 2006, 11:43am
Courageous When Prudent
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Location: Hampton Roads, VA
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I know we're going off topic but...

Originally Posted by rockyroad
Of course it was...But...had I been an a-hole to him years ago, would he have been willing to defend me?
I would hope so. The President of an association should be doing what is best for the association, not tending to a personal agenda. That's a problem I feel my association has, letting personality conflicts interfere with association business.

But I digress.
A-hole formerly known as BNR
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  #42 (permalink)  
Old Fri May 12, 2006, 11:55am
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That's a problem I feel my association has, letting personality conflicts interfere with association business.
you with Southeastern? IMO most assosication operate that way. The 3 or 4 that are in my area work same way, good ole buy system..
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  #43 (permalink)  
Old Sat May 13, 2006, 05:58am
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As everyone has, I've had partners in rec leagues (i.e., any league or game that is not a school game...I've never worked AAU games) who were incompentent, unprofessional, or just simply a$$holes who I hated working with. My approach has always been to give it my best effort despite a lousy partner, get through the game, and get out. I make little-to-no-effort to talk with such a partner about anything and usually avoid them during any breaks. Like Rut said, it's a rec league and there are things about my game I can always work on regardless of my partner.

If I know and trust my assignor (and I have all but two), I'll ask them not to assign me with the guy in the future if at all possible. I've made such a request on a few occasions. But otherwise, I avoid getting into the assignor's business. When it comes down to it, I'm just an independent contractor working with an association of fellow officials to facilitate scheduling and opportunities to officiate and advance. In rec leagues, as in school games, I always give my best effort, work to improve some aspect of my game, and hopefully have some fun in the process. However, in rec games I'm not responsible for my partner (another independent contractor) and his peformance, unless he's creating an unsafe situation for the players...then I would take actions to protect the players and protect my own butt as well (fortunately that situation has never happened to me). Now in my 6th year of officiating, I look at rec leagues in large part as the price you have to pay to demonstrate loyalty to an assignor and get a good school schedule.

So, if my rec partner wants to be a d***, let him be a d***...I don't care.

Last edited by Corndog89; Sat May 13, 2006 at 06:01am.
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