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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Fri Mar 12, 2004, 10:44pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Apr 2001
Location: Columbus, MS
Posts: 273
Tonight I was at my DD's HS game as a spectator and the PU forgot the count. One of our fans told him: "Come on Blue, Get your head in the game" The PU turned to him and told him to kiss his A$$. Everyone kept asking me what I thought and it was hard not to make a comment. A few of the parents said they were going to call the UIC, I just hope No one mentions I was there and heard it as I have to call 4 games with him Saturday week. Also back to the spectator question from the previous thread, If it is your DD's team and you see something like a girl miss a base or leave early or general stuff like that do you comment on those situations? I realize you never criticize another ump but what about general game type comments?
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Fri Mar 12, 2004, 11:32pm
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Originally posted by Dukat
If it is your DD's team and you see something like a girl miss a base or leave early or general stuff like that do you comment on those situations? I realize you never criticize another ump but what about general game type comments?
I've learned not to. It is easy to think of these as just general comments, but if the other parents know you are an umpire (as they no doubt do) you can't comment on anything that might be construed as a negative comment (and if you saw something that the game umpire didn't, that can't be anything but negative). If you do, it won't be long before some parent who is just a bit excitable will shout --- "She left early, Blue. He (pointing at you) saw it too, and he's an umpire!"

You'll be looking for a hole to drop into.

The voice of experience talking - take heed!
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Sat Mar 13, 2004, 06:26am
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Tom gave you great advice. I'll second it.
Steve M
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Sat Mar 13, 2004, 07:07pm
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"The PU turned to him and told him to kiss his A$$."

That's a totally unprofessional remark, especially in a game with youngsters. I would have reported this to the association BoD, and told the assignor that I will not work with this person again. And why. I hope the head coaches did the same.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Sat Mar 13, 2004, 07:55pm
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You know, if the PU really did have his head in the game, he wouldn't have been worried about what's going on outside the fence. He might have been embarassed about losing the count, but, then who hadn't done that before. 99.9% of the time, I'm having too much fun inside the fence, plus doing all my responsibilities, to worry about some fan whose cousin's sister's boyfriend's uncle's neighbor told him a rule 20 years ago. I don't know, but if you're so worried about what's being said outside the fence, can you really be having fun inside the fence? The only time I have ever been concerned about fans is when I believe it's affecting either of the teams' performance on the field. Then, I just take the coach to the fence and ask him to handle it, as he/she is responsible for their fans. Worked every time so far.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Sun Mar 14, 2004, 07:19am
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Join Date: Apr 2001
Location: Columbus, MS
Posts: 273
Originally posted by bluezebra
That's a totally unprofessional remark, especially in a game with youngsters. I would have reported this to the association BoD, and told the assignor that I will not work with this person again. And why. I hope the head coaches did the same.
The coaches did not hear it but I am sure they heard about it. And responding to TexBlue's comments, I totally agree. This particular Umpire is the oldest in our organization and I cant think of anyone that likes to call with him but when you are at that advanced age I think it would be hard to do anything about him as long as he keeps coming back year after year to call. I have always felt he was there only for the money as he NEVER looks like he is happy to be there and in the meetings his emphasis always seems to be on the money. With that said though since I was not directly involved in the incident and only standing behind the parent who the comments were directed to I do not feel it is my place to make any calls to the UIC as I would like to avoid any confrontations considering I do have to call with him in a couple of weeks.
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