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Old Fri May 12, 2006, 07:18am
Raymond Raymond is offline
Courageous When Prudent
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Hampton Roads, VA
Posts: 14,923
Originally Posted by rockyroad
when some dumb-a$$ parents came to the board complaing that i was biased against their son's HS team, that guy was MY advocate and defended me don't assume that because he's screwing around now means he won't go anywhere in the future - be an idiot to him now and when the time comes, he won't have your back.
Rocky, while I completely understand and agree with your points that you should not be an idiot to others and that people change for the better, I would hope and think his decision to defend you "fiercely" was based upon your abilities and integrity as a ref today, and not whether or not you were an a-hole to him 12 years ago.

Originally Posted by grizwald
Maybe there isn't enough quality refs to completely cover middle school age girls ball in the summer, given that there is plenty of competition for your services.
Griz, it also has a lot to do with supply & demand, vacations, personal schedules, family, full-time jobs, etc, etc. Speaking for myself, from mid-November thru February basketball is a high priority and I adjust a lot my life around my game schedule. But March through mid-November I put things back in the proper perspective and I take my games based almost solely on my personal desire to work certain games and/or tournaments. Of course, I have off-season assignors who have earned more of my loyalty than others, so I will always help them out as much as possible. But there are times when an assignor will call and ask me to work a certain level of ball I will say 'no' just because I'd rather be doing something else that weekend.

Secondly, remember, in the off-season officials are looking to do things to advance their careers. And the higher an official gets on his/her personal ladder of success the least likely he/she will be available or willing to do certain levels of games.

Lastly, remember young and/or inexperienced officials need to get their feet wet and earn their wings (am I mixing metaphors) somewhere, and a lot times it's in those elementary and middle school-aged games where that occurs. You can't just throw brand new officials on a JV or Varsity court, their has to be a "minor league system" for them to learn and grow and make their mistake as referees.
A-hole formerly known as BNR

Last edited by Raymond; Fri May 12, 2006 at 07:53am.
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