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Help. Need rulings based on NFHS.
1 - Team A making a throw-in resulting from an alternating possession throw-in. A1 throws the ball in where it is immediately kicked by B1. A1 makes throw-in after kicking violation. What happens to the arrow? Set toward Team B or remain toward Team A? 2 - Team A making a throw-in resulting from an alternating possession throw-in. A1 throws the ball in where it is immediately kicked by B1. With A1 holding the ball out of bounds for the throw-in, A2 fouls B2. B2 makes a throw-in after the foul. What happens to the arrow? Set toward Team B or remain toward Team A? |
I believe that the AP throw-in in each case ends witht he kick violation, so the arrow is set to B both times. The throw-in after the kick is a spot throw in after a violation.
That's my guess, anyways.
"Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible." – Dalai Lama The center of attention as the lead & trail. – me Games officiated: 525 Basketball · 76 Softball · 16 Baseball |
I'm trying to find a cite to say that these three are wrong, but I guess it's me that's wrong. It doesn't make sense, though. If B violates, A loses the arrow? How is that a punishment for B? Why are we punishing A?
I had thought the same thing when I originally posted, and then I changed my answer. When the throwing in team violates during the throw-in, they lose the arrow. I used the logic that if the defensive team violates during the throw-in (the kicked ball), the throw in team therefore does not lose the arrow. I have found nothing that explicitly says that, but logic sort of prevails for me.
Sure the throwin has ened by the kick. However, the rules are written as if uncomplicated by other issues. In this case, two things occur simultaneously. In cases of simultaneous events, one is often assumed to have occurred first. For example:
So, which happens first in this case? I'd say, based on the two examples I listed, that a violation is assumed to occur first when it is simultaneous with another event that is not an infraction. The arrow should remain unchanged in both cases. The throwin for the kick supercedes the prior reason for a throwin and what happens during it no longer have any bearing on the arrow.
Owner/Developer of RefTown.com Commissioner, Portland Basketball Officials Association |
A had their chance . . .
Sarchasm: the gulf between the author of sarcastic wit and the recipient. |
Whoa. I like what you have to say . . .
I can't find an answer in the Casebook . . .
Sarchasm: the gulf between the author of sarcastic wit and the recipient. |
Is this another reasonable possibility, Mr. Rust
6.4.3 Situation B speaks of 'Simultaneous Violations'. In this case it's a matter of B1 violating the lane restriction during a free throw and the shooter then missing everything, violating a different component of the free throw requirements. These are said to constitute a simultaneous violation and, unless another free throw follows, play resumes with an alternating-possession throw-in.
And, you gotta admit, in the temporal domain, these two violations are a LOT less simultaneous than is the kick of an A-P throw-in both ending the throw-in and being a violation in and of itself. In the free throw situation, true, the two violations are violations of separate provisions of the _same_ rule, while in the A-P throw-in & kicked ball situation, that is not the case . . . perhaps that's the key to a pattern?
Sarchasm: the gulf between the author of sarcastic wit and the recipient. |
Rules rulez! ![]() |
The cases covering the throwin after the made basket consider the kick to have occured during the throwin in order to allow A to retain the run of the endline. Given that the kick in these cases is considered to occur before the throwin ends, why does it matter if that throwin is, instead, an AP throwin?
Owner/Developer of RefTown.com Commissioner, Portland Basketball Officials Association |
That language was put in so that the throwing team on a non-spot throw-in doesn't lose a natural advantage because of a defensive violation. On a spot AP throw-in like this one, however, there is NO advantage lost by the throwing team. No matter what, the arrow was gonna be switched to B- either right then if there was no violation or on the repeat throw-in if you make that one an AP throw-in--- and team B was also penalized for the kick, no matter what. If you do let A keep the arrow, they're gaining an unfair advantage. They get a repeat throw-in and an extra AP out of it. The bottom line though is that it still remains that there is presently no rules language extant that would let you repeat the throw-in and let team A retain the AP also. Right? |
For the reasons already stated, switch the arrow towards B's basket immediately. Give ball to A for a non-AP throw-in. Quote:
Any NCAA rules and interpretations in this post are relevant for men's games only! |
Jurassic, I gotta agree withyou, except that . . .
I gotta say I was too easily persuaded by Cameron - but his point - that there could be some generality that would make deducing the correct interpretation for these kinds of situations - deserves to be fully thought out.
Sarchasm: the gulf between the author of sarcastic wit and the recipient. |
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